Original Comment by: Troy Gilbert
In an otherwise informative, great (as usual) article, Allen, I was a bit thrown by the one paragraph jab thrown at EA/Origin. I would completely agree with the sentiment, but to label it as a contrast to Retro is being a bit disingenous. Nintendo cancelled four titles at Retro and laid off quite a few people. There were heavy management changes, from the original owners through a successful designer to the final insider that runs it today. Arguably, the only difference is that Metroid Prime survived it all and was successful, but under the tutelage of Miyamoto, and with an IP as critical to Nintendo as Metroid, it's hard to believe that anything else would be tolerated. While EA/Origin is hardly a shining example of a successful publisher/developer relationship, I wouldn't exactly hold out Retro as your counter-example.
At the end of the day, the scenarios were significantly different that the minor sidestep to attempt and make a comparison simply reeked (to me) of easy EA bashing.