Original Comment by: NIcholas_Tran
The infromation and views were a joy to read. But I find that, the change they forsee in MMORPG will not come tell a new technology to deliver the game is developed. The reason so many Models work the way they do is becuase of ease of interface and the better the interface the more that play it. In exsample i currently dislike any of the game's that NC soft brings from korea, both L2 and the new RF have horrible interfaces. Unlike CoH/CoV or WoW, were they adopted the FPS key sets. but all the aside, Games will be hindered by how you are able to experince them. All games no matter how Inventive you become with so called "models" or new game play, will always boil down to you button mashing to get to your end goal in the game.
Now diversiving your game types bring more types of game models to the forfront is a good thing and has potentental, but the problem how it is in all games that havent changed much over the past 15 years excpet for the GTA series but its now a clone model. Is that developers FEAR to do something out side a sellable, benchmarked Model that can show number and how much you are going to make off it. Every game for the past few years are all traped in the same thinking model, with jsut a few extra bells and flashy graphics to make them better then that last incarnation. Only way we will ever grow out of cookie cutting games, it to put out new ones and to not abandon them when they fail. exampe WW2 online, great attempt at a MMOFPS with cool though behnd the game. but went numbers fell, the service droped and cuase more to leave, know its just a shell of what could have been great if was supported well. And agian this is all pipe dreams cuase ultimatly what drives the game industry is sales, and Numbers. If your game or game idea doesnt projec to sell enough to pay back your publishers no one is going to front the money to the developers to start a project.
In all, Unless the view of marketing changes for the better or a lot more Self financed Game developers emerge willing to take Million doller hits if there games dont do well. we will be stuck with cookie cutter molds of games tell one does well then we will just have one new mold to the list. aka GTA game series.