Issue 43: Casual Friday - I Want My Mmm TV

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Hitchhiker"The developer illuminati exchange ideas, hold discussion panel meetings and continue to explore methods of engaging the player through traditional narratives, new control interfaces and the number of polygons whizzing around the screen." But Hitchhiker just wants some truly interactive porn.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Patrick

Interesting article, I'm interested in integrating sex into a wider frame of a social simulation, not so much about bringing in new forms of porn. I suspect what the two have in common is an uncanny effect: constructs (such as NPCs) that behave socially will induce a social response, even if their insides are vastly simpler. So if we can have basic dynamics of relationships as essential to the play, then we can get off in a high-brow sense of manipulating a story or testing a political ideology against the simulation, or we can get off on the ephemerality of a virtual hook-up.