Original Comment by: Hiran
But since WoW is generating so much revenue, surely Bliz can sink some money into developing new content? Either Bliz has the staff right now to spread them over multiple projects, including a non-Warcraft/Diablo/Starcraft project, or they have the money to hire more staff. At least, they should have the money based on the revenue from WoW. Otherwise, they face the problem where they'll burn out as a company in a few years (10 or less probably) on the pure fact that people will eventually get sick of the Warcraft/Diablo/Starcraft franchises. Mind you, I'm not an intense gamer, so I can't speak for the truly devoted, but if Bliz is just sticking only to the tried and tested, eventually another company will come out with some new idea that will make it big as a franchise and possibly replace the current Bliz franchises, and yes, that includes WoW.
If you need convincing, just look at musicians - the same thing applies to them. They either expand their sound and audience if they want to keep going or they die out.