Thought I should mention that the article has been editied to fix a little ambiguity in reference to the Warcraft 1 & 2 / Diablo timeline. Nothing big, but for the curious, near the bottom of page six, we changed the word "sequel" to "expansion."
Also, for all you StarCraft fans, the article does not specifically mention StarCraft because the game is not relevant to the "creation" of Blizzard as a publishing powerhouse, nor of as precursor to Blizzard's online mega-hit, World of Warcraft. The game and its development also fall outside of the timeline of much of the story I?ve attempted to tell.
StarCraft did sell many copies and help solidify Blizzard?s position as market-leading innovator of creative, online games, but it was not (in the opinion of this writer) the proverbial goose that laid the golden egg, so to speak. You may, as always, feel free to disagree. That is what the internet is here for, after all.
If it makes you feel any better, however, I'll go on record here as saying that StarCraft is a fabulous game, and that I want to bear its children.