Issue 50 - Women at the Pinnacle

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Justin McElroyIn an industry largely dominated by men, one company managed to establish itself as the number 1 employer of female game designers before anyone had even recognized the need. Justin McElroy's Women at the Pinnacle takes a look at Sierra's unique chemistry during the early days of video gaming.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Franklin Webber
Sierra games were the absolute pinnacle in gaming experience for me. There was this most amazing sense of craftsmenship, care, and thought put into every experience. I spent so many years desiring to be a hero, buffing floors, investing voodoo murders, finding my way back to my lost love, and wondering what the purpose of a hole in the soap on the rope.

I long for the days of their return, but until then I'll Keapon Laffin.