Movie Bob is just being a preachy idiot as all critics are when they start analyzing and passing down their high and mighty judgements. "Thou shalt not mess with my childhood nerddoms" - GET OVER IT. God forbid the person who CREATED the thing that you like does what he wants with it. He did it the way he wanted to. Yes, blah blah sentimental value of old movies from the 70's and 80's - nothing will match their legend - I don't buy it. But series as a general can easily run afoul, I would have pointed to Star Trek as a series that managed to make many movies and continue to be entertaining (alternating pattern of high/low with the even number rule - yes I buy into that lol, always been right for me) - but the travesty that was "Star Trek '11'" was so bad, the trailers pained me so that I didn't dare watch that travesty of a film. In that regard, Movie Bob was quite accurate and refreshingly so - I mean they called it "This generations Star Wars" WTF!?
People can say whatever they like, I think most people LIKED the prequels and a very vocal minority likes to run their mouth about how "blah blah - it's not PERFECT in my opinion - rant rant George Lucas should have made my fan story into a movie". So what, you're telling me that RotJ having the Empire fall as the grand finale would have been better if he made a trilogy of sequels? Any potential sequels to RotJ would be SO hard to make and make well, and you want to talk with screwing with the Star Wars universe that would do it way more. Leave the books to let your mind explore the period after RotJ. Given the way ANH starts, it lends itself to having prequels to explain how things came to be. If you were so satisfied with not having the backstory - don't watch the freakin' prequels! Just ignore them and stop blubbering on about how they're so bad (because they're not, just because you wish they didn't use CG and that they used your fan story doesn't make them bad to everyone else who appreciates them).
I was a kid right around the time Episode I was premiering, so to me this was amazing. I had watched and thought the other Star Wars movies were cool, but Episode I was to me what probably ANH was to many people who were around when it premiered. I'm not going to deny having any favouritism due to being a kid and excited about a new movie, but I wouldn't be the Star Wars fan I am today without the prequels to have really got me into the series. Maybe it's because when I watch movies I don't sit there thinking of ways to pick at it and find flaws in it. I don't know what kind of great life a movie critic must have (self-proclaimed ones too) but they must be miserable a lot trying to find things to pick at to make a fine movie horrible.
The way some of you talk, it's like the prequels were some super low budget crap movies. Good lord I've watched some low budget movies, and not the "nostalgic" kind - the plain out bad kind, like "Wow, this movie is so poorly made it's unbearable to watch". Theoretically speaking in some aspects people might consider the classic The Day The Earth Stood Still to be cheesy and antiquated, but like ANH it's timeless. Now compare to some of those cheesy alien movies from the 60's, none of the famous ones just completely random ones that no one remembers. EXACTLY, NO ONE remembers and no one wants to. They're just not enjoyable. I think every Star Wars movie will always be enjoyable to any generation, as soon as the people who were kids when ANH die of old age everyone will still enjoy and like the Star Wars franchise - perhaps with less fervency than the original fans if there aren't any new movies out when they're around or if someone other than Mr. Lucas makes the films which will almost guaranteed not be anywhere close to any of the current films. Seriously die hard old school fans, if you hate the prequels so much - just think about a "Star Trek '11'" in the Star Wars universe, a Star Wars that completely FUBARs the series universe by doing stupid things just to make it popular with more people. Think about the fact THERE WERE CARS IN STAR TREK (When in the future did we decide to use outdated vehicles when there are flying shuttles?), just think if they put real Earth style cars in Star Wars. How f$@&ed up would that be? See Darth Vader driving around in a damn Grand National or something...that kind of scale of screwed up, where he has a cell phone and all that - just look at Transformers to see how they can mess with stuff you think you know.
Again, I'm no movie critic - but then again I enjoy watching movies where I suppose some people enjoy just hating what they see. I only watch genres I like and premises that interest me - so I know I am bored of a sports movie, romance story, etc before I even start watching it so I bypass it completely. No one can just enjoy the damned movies without nitpicking. But like Movie Bob said of the Back to the Future series - no more. It's complete. The way those are setup further movies would be obvious cash cows. Consider the original Star Wars trilogy, while it was GREAT and people loved it - did the prequels totally destroy the Star Wars universe and just make the whole thing bad? Maybe some of you still foolishly think so, but I think more people like than dislike the prequels and thanks to this Star Wars on the whole.
Prequel haters get out of your movie critic chair and get back in the enjoyment chair, you're missing out on a lot...George Lucas didn't rape your childhood or whatever - if you think so then you are convincing yourself of it, probably because you don't get enough attention. Stop being so melodramatic.