Jack Thompson Declines PAX Debate Offer

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Jack Thompson Declines PAX Debate Offer

Despite everyone's best efforts, Penny Arcade Expo [http://www.jackthompson.org/index.htm].

The International Game Developers Association [http://www.penny-arcade.com] Executive Director Jason Della Rocca. Behind-the-scenes negotiations had been ongoing, but the parties were unable to come to an agreement over how to promote the event. Penny Arcade wanted to leave the debate as a surprise, in large part to avoid the massive overcrowding that would inevitably accompany such an event; Thompson, on the other hand, insisted on putting out a press release to publicize his appearance, and refused to appear otherwise.

Thompson eventually issued a press release describing his refusal to participate without a press release, in which he questioned Penny Arcade's motives and accused them of hypocrisy. "For Penny-Arcade to take the position that there must be a news blackout on this strikes me and others as hypocritical to the max," it said in part. "You guys are the ones who think that even adult entertainment materials should be marketed and sold to children because of 'freedom of expression,' and yet I am not allowed to tell media and others of this debate? Come on, how transparently double-standard-bound in your machinations can you all be?"

While it remains possible that Thompson could participate in a debate at PAX 2007 despite these events, it seems extremely unlikely given the inherent difficulties in dealing with the man.

The Penny Arcade Expo 2007 will he held in Seattle, Washington, from August 24-26, and will feature games, concerts, a contest for a trip for two to the official PAX 2007 site [http://tgs.cesa.or.jp/english/].


Bongo Bill

New member
Jul 13, 2006
Smart move on his part. You don't want to have a debate in front of an audience that already vocally and irreversibly hates your guts. It'd turn into a spectacle. To the max.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
I'd say it's more typical than smart. The smart move would've been to make exactly the point you did the moment the offer came up, followed by an immediate and flat refusal. This behind-the-scenes nonsense and his "I'd do it IF..." routine is just more of Thompson's self-promoting bullshit.

Quintin Stone

New member
Aug 11, 2006
That's a real shame. I'm going to be at PAX and I'd sure love the opportunity to punch this jerk in the face. I bet he realizes a lot of gamers feel that way and that's why he won't attend.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
I think that's also a very valid reason for the PA guys to keep this quiet until go-time. Knowing in advance that the man would be attending gives everyone lots of time to get good and pissed off about it; having him simply appear on stage unexpectedly would likely have left everyone too stunned to resort to violence until after the debate was over. Still, I can't seriously believe that Thompson ever intended to actually go to this thing; he's an asshole, and an attention whore, and very possibly clinically insane, but he's not stupid enough to put himself in a position where his obviously-distorted world view could be dragged out of its cramped, dank cave and shot in the back of the skull.

Figuratively speaking, of course.

Obviously, Thompson wouldn't see it that way, or at least wouldn't let himself be seen as seeing it that way. Even a reasonable and perfectly justifiable decision must be nothing less than a conspiracy against him when it comes from the gaming crowd.


New member
Jun 5, 2007
Are you guys serious? People would be "too stunned to resort to violence?" Are gamers really such rabid pack animals that advance knowledge of Jack Thompson's whereabouts is enough to send them into an angry and violent frenzy?

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to side with JT on this one. He is the person who is willing to make his presence known in advance, which according to you guys would put him in some kind of danger. Penny Arcade are the ones who are not willing to suck it up and hire a few bouncers/ushers to make sure things don't get out of hand.

And when I say "out of hand," I mean filling the room beyond capacity, thus creating a fire hazard. I choose to believe that gamers won't create a violent situation because of this -- if they do it's more fuel for Thompson's fire.

We are talking about the opportunity for an unprecedented live debate that could at best break new ground in the discussion of video game violence, and at worst be really interesting to watch or read about. If PA isn't able to bend over backwards to make that happen, then they are the ones who are blowing it.


New member
Oct 16, 2004
bouncers and ushers he will need bullet proof glass and a bullet proof wall even if he comes out of the hotel for the debate are you kidding me. Your telling me that you don't believe there are some crazies in the world who would come after this guy if he annouce he would be at a gaming convention yelling at all the gamers that "we" are satanist or gun totting rabid thugs


New member
Jun 5, 2007
This isn't a KKK rally or the coming antichrist, it's a debate with Jack Thompson. He's just a person who is outspoken and somewhat irrational about his views, and don't forget that he is the one who is willing to his presence known to these "crazies." Maybe he wants to publicize the debate because he knows he'll be harmed, but if everyone is agreed that's going to happen, then I guess I'm just really disappointed in gamers. This whole idea of "I'll prove to Jack Thompson games don't make us violent by punching him in the face" is sickening to me.

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
This seems like a bonehead move from a guy who signs his press releases as being willing to debate "anyone, anywhere". On the one hand, i applaud PA for wanting to get this guy in a real forum where his idiocy can be exposed, on the other, I'm pretty much done with giving him so much as a mention in a print space. He's like a bad forum troll: give him attention and he only grows stronger.