Jack Thompson Soldiers On, Calls Names


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Lt. Sera said:
Well, at least he's consistent?
Even when he's trying to be nice, he's being a malicious bastard. So, yeh, consistent is the word.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Hey Joe said:
It's like watching a celebrity hit the skids, but only I don't feel guilty about it.
Have you ever felt guilty about a celebrity gone wrong?

As for Mr Thompson, I find it amusing how karma has finally caught up to him. So much time and money wasted that could have gone into curing canser or fighting lions.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Good Lord a'mighty, that man is an idiot. Whoever performed that psychiatric evaluation needs to have their credentials checked, there is no way this lunatic could pass even a basic check. He just doesn't know when to stop digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Great Madness

New member
Jul 9, 2008
PurpleRain said:
Hey Joe said:
It's like watching a celebrity hit the skids, but only I don't feel guilty about it.
Have you ever felt guilty about a celebrity gone wrong?
I think they mean they feel guilty about watching it happen, but I could be wrong.

This guy is crazy. Someone's been playing too much Grand Theft Intelligence.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
i dont even know how to properly respond to this. it's like he's actively TRYING to destroy his "career". i'd almost feel bad for him, if he wasn't such a douche.


New member
Nov 6, 2007
And so Jack Thompson's self destruction continues, is it wrong that I smile whenever I read an article like this one?


New member
Oct 17, 2007
I love how theres a picture of him with GTA IV, nobody would let Jack Thompson hold their copy, so he had to buy it, so he's supporting Take Two. What a dumbass, can't wait till he's disbarred


New member
May 8, 2008
jack thompson is a man i pitty more and more. he's clearly mentally ill and he can't recognize it himself and either his family isnt trying to help him or more likely he refuses to listen to their pleas and seek help. Jack you've already lost your career because of this, dont lose your family because of your illness too!!!!


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Gah, why is this man still in the news? I thought he would have been disbarred and thrown into a pit somewhere by now. With him taking stabs at the judges, maybe that's not too far off.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Allow me to elaborate on this.
Jack Thompson is a spoiled brat that if something happens within the mainstream videogame production that he does not like, he calls upon millions of upset parents (that believe the only way to keep their children away from harm is locking them in a nice soft room) so they can go on a big bull s@#$ parade and try to ban the said game.
He recently reported that there was a "Rape Scene" Within GTA IV and is still, to this very day, trying to find that. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Mainstream consumer empire has a thorn in it's side, that thorn's name is Jack Thompson.


New member
May 18, 2008
He is probably trying to provoke an assassination on himself, just so he can claim a game related killing.

Imperial Avenger

New member
May 31, 2008
Royzy said:
He is probably trying to provoke an assassination on himself, just so he can claim a game related killing.
I thought that too. Unfortunately, there's probably some little retard out there with access to his Daddy's gun cabinet planning just such a thing.

Also, let's look at reality for a moment: Even if we get a best-case-scenario where Jack doesn't just get disbarred for the minimum 10 years, but a helluva lot longer, that still won't shut this douchebag up or stop his ignorant rants & crusades against one of our favourite past-times. He's a true believer in his chosen cause, & nothing short of actually dying will stop him.

Professional suicide is nothing more than a momentary distraction for him.


New member
Jul 12, 2008
fat american said:
If I knew how to link to things I would link to a CAD strip that explains why Jack hates Grand Theft Auto so much. It includes alleyways and Grand Theft Auto Pong.
Yeah, it's tasteless strips like that that make me wonder if gamers deserve the criticism of Mr. Thompson. Then my sanity gets back from the toilet and I realize that Buckley's poor sense of humor does not change the fact that Jacky boy is the very definition of Douchebag.


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
This isn't even the half of it. The reason he's being nailed for 27 counts of misconduct is all in this ONE case, brought by a lawyer who just plain got sick of his antics.

Starting in 2005, right after the guy brought the case, SmackyJack began literally stalking him. He dug up details on all his personal and professional acquaintances and loved ones --- and then spammed them for a solid two years with claims of racism, porn peddling, and latent pedophilia. The man's law firm had to block Thompson's email to prevent all fifty lawyers in the firm from being harassed, which Thompson responded to with the standard spammer tactic of changing his email address now and again to get through the filters.

The spams went to wives and relatives, including a Mother's Day "greeting" where Thompson called on them to stop their husbands from "protecting pedophiles". It went to pretty much the entire Republican Party hierarchy both nationally and in Florida, as well as law organizations like trustee boards, making the same allegations to try and bust up the relationships the filing lawyer and his firm had with anybody of consequence.

SmackyJack was even stupid enough, on more than one occasion, to openly state in his emails that the harassment was being waged in revenge for the disbarment process, and Thompson's excuse for launching it was that a phone call hadn't been returned.

I'm not sure there's any combination of drugs that could be injected into the human body that would duplicate this peculiar brand of complete, multi-level delusion (short of causing incipient death by failure of the forebrain, for which of course we may all continue to hope), in which Thompson not only makes sense to himself and no one else, but firmly believes that everyone else is either of like mind, or are themselves completely unbalanced.

If there are, I heartily recommend such a cocktail be administered to the yobbos at Fox News who somehow came to the conclusion in a not-entirely-unrecent interview that Thompson was worth asking the time of day.