Japanese McDonald's Makes Fun of White People


New member
Mar 11, 2009
there is an ad for uncle bens sweet and sour sauce on uk telly which plays on stereotype to fuck. yes all chinese are martial arts experts and dress like crouching tiger hidden dragon


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
scotth266 said:
US Crash Fire said:
and if your really that offended, just remember "August 6th-9th, 1945".
Remember kids: you should be judged based on the actions of your ancestors, regardless of your opinions on what they thought. Because that's totally fair and all.

BehattedWanderer said:
Hahaha, fun stuff. Oh, us silly white people. We've started using stoners in commercials, so race isn't too far off if it hasn't already begun. If Taco Bell ran a campaign about mexicans saying how good their food is, wouldn't it have more of an impact, what with that whole "oh, they know what they're talking about for Mexican food, they're Mexicans!" thing. White people like burgers. It's not that hard to go for, really.

And yes I know most people like burgers--White people are the ones to build a culture around it, stereotypically, though.
*cough* [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.132063#2936272]

Earthbound said:
CymTyr said:
I don't see the problem with the advert, but I think as some one else pointed out white people need to stop stabbing each other in the backs, forcing us to live under the heel of our fellow white man.

Your mileage may vary.
A fellow troper I see. When I was reading this article, all I could think of was this [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AcceptableEthnicTargets].
I beat you both to the punch though. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.132063#2936272] I should have included a link...
Fair point, you did beat me too it, I didn't read all the posts, just a few here and there. I do agree that we should make fun of everyone, though. The concept of "self-esteem" is one of the most retarded things ever, and I do everything I can every day to make sure people know how silly an idea it is. An all-around Professional Asshole, that's me.
Aug 18, 2009
We all make fun of a certain people at sometime or another. Fuck it. Here in the States we have two crazy looking Japanese fishmongers in a KFC commercial. No one cares about this shit. All we need to do is just shell out our hard earned (sometimes) cash for some artery-clogging goodness and be done with all this pseudo-racism. We have bigger things to worry about, like Shrek 2.


New member
May 9, 2009
How did that promote McDonalds?

A weird geek walking around Japan who likes McDonalds?

Only the freaky Japanese could makes sense out of that.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
If Japan made Furigana mandatory on all Kanji in known tourist areas It would be 17% more awesome. Because I cant remember a minimum 2000 kanji Unless it's my job. Which it is not.
Heck the rate Im going I'll be fluent in romaji before I can even get the the '1-10' kanji down.

As a black dude I find it nice to hear from a professional black woman about japan instead of typical fanboys and tourists.

Have people ever tried speeking horrible english to you?
That would be awesome hehe. then it would get old.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2009
awesomebillfromdawsonville said:
We all make fun of a certain people at sometime or another. Fuck it. Here in the States we have two crazy looking Japanese fishmongers in a KFC commercial. No one cares about this shit. All we need to do is just shell out our hard earned (sometimes) cash for some artery-clogging goodness and be done with all this pseudo-racism. We have bigger things to worry about, like Shrek 2.
Yeah you're right. They're dressed in stereotypical 'Japanese Chef' clothes and have heavy accents. Yet no one cares. Double standards FTW.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
InfernoJesus said:
It's kind of funny seeing racism from the other perspective.
Indeed. It's funny to see the mighty caucasians get the cold treatment every once in a while, and I think we deserve it.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
whoop de doo. if everything were politically correct then we would all be walking around afraid to speak to people of other races in fear of breaking political correctness and all our jokes would not be funny.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Sparrow Tag said:

Nobody makes fun of white American people nowadays, I think they're well deserving of a good joke. The French, Russians and black people have been in the firing line for too long.
Everybody makes fun of white people.

But personally as a White person I don't ***** about it. Which I think might be the separation between Whites and "Non-Whites" ;p. Edit: This may be because insulting white people doesn't fall under racism laws usually.

That said it just looks to me like they made an Ad campaign about me when I was in Japan. My Japanese was so bad the lady flipped over the menu that was on the counter to show me the English version and then said "I hope that helps." I laughed at myself and realized that day that all McDonald's employees in Japan (and frankly many Japanese people) are Bilingual.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
GodsOneMistake said:
Lol, I like this, As I have recently come to believe racism nowadays should be looked upon as humor.... And that Ching Chong Chinaman is a great idea as well.... I've got to use that for something
I was in spain with a bunch of mates this one time.
We had an asain waitress (possibly japanese but whatever) we'd all ordered meat dishes and she was asking us if we wanted fried rice, after five minutes of asking for chips we realised she was saying chips and just had a really strong accent.
We laghed about it for about a month


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Lighten up, people. It's just a silly joke. I think it's pretty funny. God knows what would happen if it were aired in America and James was a Mexican.

People get too upset too quickly.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
To make my first (I think it's my first?) post something of hilariously little consequence I thought I'd add my two cents from a summer exchange trip to Tokyo. I'm a very small, petite blonde with curly hair, which made for a very surreal experience sometimes as everyone thought I looked like some sort of angel, and seemed to think of me as more of a curiosity than an actual person. Mostly what I got was petting (like someone above me said) which though I was only there for a short time, got old REALLY fast. It got so I didn't want to take the train anymore because someone would inevitably either pet my hair, grab my ass, or both. All without saying a word. I also had a lot of people talking about me while I stood right in front of them. I'm by no means fluent in Japanese (come on, it was high school), but I could follow a conversation well enough back then to know when two creepy old men were talking about my cup size.

But overall it was a good experience, and though VERY racist (I was never really treated as a person, just a White Girl), the people there were generally nice and I didn't blame them too much for treating me differently, I mean that's just how they were raised to act. I'd do it again in a heartbeat... though I'd probably reconsider wearing skirts so often next time. I've had enough pervy-old-man hand on my bare bum to last me a lifetime thanks very much. D:

Say Anything

New member
Jan 23, 2008
As a white male I take absolutely no offense to this and I actually find it slightly comical. Is this the sort of stereotype that other people get offended by? I try to be sensitive to people of all races and backgrounds, but for people to be offended by something so harmless is strange to me.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
See, this shows how ridiculously touchy people are, especially about stereotypes.

I'm white as white can be, and I don't take offence to this. It's probably a better marketing campaign than the shit we get.