Jimquisition: Changing A Game's Ending And Destroying Art


New member
May 5, 2010
Well done. Because of Jim, I can now count TWO game personalities on the internet that aren't condescending pricks about this whole controversy. I'll let you guess who the other one is.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
You know how I think BioWare should salvage the situation? They should add in the new ending via DLC, but they should accompany it with a press release stating something along the lines of this (even if it's false):

"We are adding the ending back in that we wanted to do in the first place. The only reason we cut it is because EA forced us to, and incidentally, the reason they forced us to is because it didn't go over well with test audiences. So basically this whole fan campaign was just trying to get us to undo a change that the audience themselves demanded in the first place. And look, we're not SAYING that the consumer base are a bunch of morons who don't know what they want, but..."

This way they can put a better ending in, while preemptively crippling any further whining by damaging the base credibility of the "retake" concept. This is how they can avoid setting that horrible precedent.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
LetalisK said:
Well done. Because of Jim, I can now count TWO game personalities on the internet that aren't condescending pricks about this whole controversy. I'll let you guess who the other one is.

No? Who?


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Pandabearparade said:
LetalisK said:
Well done. Because of Jim, I can now count TWO game personalities on the internet that aren't condescending pricks about this whole controversy. I'll let you guess who the other one is.

No? Who?

He was pretty non-condescending in his article about it.

J.d. Scott

New member
Jun 10, 2011
anthony87 said:
J.d. Scott said:
anthony87 said:
Pandabearparade said:
xaszatm said:
Actually, Bob has seen the video and made a reply on his gaming website.
I stand corrected. Though the reply in question just further cements what a pretentious douche Bob is.
I dunno, I don't think it's really fair to say he's douchey for having his own point of view. If he disagrees with the points raised in his video then that's his prerogative I guess.

What I WILL say is douchey however is the way he opens up his post, mentioning the "trolling" he's been bombarded with for the past two weeks. I mean "trolling"? Really?

Here's a thought Bob, maybe if you hadn't gone on Twitter and started insulting people while having no knowledge regarding the matter of why said people were upset, perhaps then they wouldn't be "trolling" you.
I seriously don't think that bothers Bob. His twitter account has been a nest of vitriol for a while now. I think he was more mocking the fact that the people trying to troll him had no idea what they're talking about.

People with strong opinions often get a fair amount of hatred. I think the man is pretty thick-skinned by now. You should have seen the hatred the Other M thing generated.
I know what you mean but there's having a strong opinion and then there's just being an asshole. Bob doesn't seem to be able to differentiate between the two.

I keep hearing mentions of all this Other M stuff. Was it really that bad?
Metroid has a rabid fanbase. More importantly, I think the line on whether Jim has a strong opinion or is just being an asshole is whether or not you agree with him. I think the fact that you're on the other side may be a factor.

J.d. Scott

New member
Jun 10, 2011
Sylocat said:
You know how I think BioWare should salvage the situation? They should add in the new ending via DLC, but they should accompany it with a press release stating something along the lines of this (even if it's false):

"We are adding the ending back in that we wanted to do in the first place. The only reason we cut it is because EA forced us to, and incidentally, the reason they forced us to is because it didn't go over well with test audiences. So basically this whole fan campaign was just trying to get us to undo a change that the audience themselves demanded in the first place. And look, we're not SAYING that the consumer base are a bunch of morons who don't know what they want, but..."

This way they can put a better ending in, while preemptively crippling any further whining by damaging the base credibility of the "retake" concept. This is how they can avoid setting that horrible precedent.
Why would they lie and throw EA under the bus if that didn't happen?


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
J.d. Scott said:
Sylocat said:
You know how I think BioWare should salvage the situation? They should add in the new ending via DLC, but they should accompany it with a press release stating something along the lines of this (even if it's false):

"We are adding the ending back in that we wanted to do in the first place. The only reason we cut it is because EA forced us to, and incidentally, the reason they forced us to is because it didn't go over well with test audiences. So basically this whole fan campaign was just trying to get us to undo a change that the audience themselves demanded in the first place. And look, we're not SAYING that the consumer base are a bunch of morons who don't know what they want, but..."

This way they can put a better ending in, while preemptively crippling any further whining by damaging the base credibility of the "retake" concept. This is how they can avoid setting that horrible precedent.
Why would they lie and throw EA under the bus if that didn't happen?
That's why I said "along the lines of." If not EA, pin it on some other marketing entity.

J.d. Scott

New member
Jun 10, 2011
Sylocat said:
J.d. Scott said:
Sylocat said:
You know how I think BioWare should salvage the situation? They should add in the new ending via DLC, but they should accompany it with a press release stating something along the lines of this (even if it's false):

"We are adding the ending back in that we wanted to do in the first place. The only reason we cut it is because EA forced us to, and incidentally, the reason they forced us to is because it didn't go over well with test audiences. So basically this whole fan campaign was just trying to get us to undo a change that the audience themselves demanded in the first place. And look, we're not SAYING that the consumer base are a bunch of morons who don't know what they want, but..."

This way they can put a better ending in, while preemptively crippling any further whining by damaging the base credibility of the "retake" concept. This is how they can avoid setting that horrible precedent.
Why would they lie and throw EA under the bus if that didn't happen?
That's why I said "along the lines of." If not EA, pin it on some other marketing entity.
Or they could call it the "Retake This! DLC" and it just changes the ending to the staff giving you the finger. It's about equally illogical.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Huh... I think this may be the first time Jim has made a valid point that directly opposes Moviebob's position on an issue, and in this instance I'm going to have to side with Jim.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
I'm glad you took the time to look into the matter further, I really am. Thank you for that, and yes, the extremists are extreme, but most of just just want what you said: better than what's there, not really even because we deserve it, but because we feel strongly that the series does.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
It's interesting.. after thinking, I've changed my mind on this. Jim's video actually reflects pretty well where I stand.

I think we do need to protect the idea that media (read 'art' if you wish, but some people seem to have a slightly narrow definition of art) should not have to function purely in accordance with what the majority of its viewers want, but I no longer think this is the place to fight that battle, and neither do I think changing ME3s ending would particularly compromise that point provided we continue to uphold it where it matters. So for what it's worth no, Retake Mass Effect isn't going to destroy art. In the short term it may well even improve Mass Effect 3 and I'm down with that, I'd buy it.

However, do a quick search for "Bioware" in gaming media and you'll probably wind up with the distinct impression that a number of very vocal "fans" of the studio are utter shits. A few people clearly do feel a sense of entitlement, they've demonstrated it countless times, and that inevitably influences how any fan complaint directed at Bioware is going to come across. That's certainly what inclined me to disregard the complaints about ME3's ending before I'd even seen the endings myself, it just came across as more senseless bitching from the same people who a couple of weeks ago were protesting that Shepherd had the option to be a gay man.

So yeah, I think Retake Mass Effect are right, but with one important caveat. They're not right because they're "co-creators" who deserve to have their personal story respected. In the grand scheme of things most of us are just consumers, we're basically pigs at the trough with disposable income. If a game deceives us into thinking we're telling a story ourselves, it's nothing more than a good deception. Well played, but anyone who actually seriously believes it is an idiot.

People spend hundreds of hours and millions of dollars crafting the experiences which you and I just passively experience. You can thumbs up the end product, you can thumbs down, you can ask for something different and put money to it and actually make it a good idea, but it's possible to do this and maintain a basic respect for the people who actually create this stuff. Games exist for your entertainment, but the people who make them do not, and as seems to be all too frequent a small minority of Bioware fans actually are just being entitled little shits. Those people need to shut up, the rest of you (us?) have a point.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Nicolaus99 said:
Gee Jim, taking notes from Bob now in that you have to drag your liberal politics into the episode? You want to talk unwelcome protesters of whatever and you drag out the Tea Party; why not the rapist, public defecating, anarchist infested Occupy movement?

Leave the politics to MSNBC and Fox, Jim. This IS a gaming site last I checked.
So he is unable to compare one extreme hardline movement that is controversial to another. Would he by that standard be unable to say make a joke about religion because that is not game related.

Both the tea party and the occupy movement have caused damage to public property and used inflammatory signs and chants ect. The only difference is one has the support of the capitalist class to further their agenda and the other is a simply trying to protest corporate injustice while being beaten, kettled and arrested by police for expressing their first amendment rights that you americans hold so dear when it suits.

Also calling The occupy movement protesters RAPISTS...that's a new one. I could then call teabaggers racist and a homophobes, well atleast when i say that i can atleast say that there are definately some racist homophobes within the tea party. Stay classy conservative, go watch fox news if you cant be civil and cut the bullshit from your arguments.

Rinshan Kaihou

New member
Dec 3, 2009
I think people have always taken jim way too seriously (no pun intended). Let's face it, he's one of the few people in the gaming media that will stand up and actually tell it like it is, and I can't think of one occasion where I've disagreed with him in the slightest. I love his style, because that is the only way some people (ahem publishers) will ever get it.

Keep it up Jim, because thank god for you.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Thank you Jim for attempting to understand why we were upset. I was disappointed at first by your destructoid comments, but I'm glad to see you looking from our perspective.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Frotality said:
wow... jim, the guy who i said tends to address the troll side of issues rather than the serious ones, is the ONE journalist who isnt addressing the obsessive talimancers wish of a happy ending and pulling the "art is GOD' card, and actually adressing what most of our actual concerns are.

major brownie points, jim.
I dont want to sound presumptuous or anything but after the initial few episodes and the occasional trollbait ones thereafter(like vigilios art hole) his episodes tend to have well constructed and solid arguments, even if you don't agree with them. If you haven't watched some of his best episodes like his piracy and used game trilogy's and taking video games seriously i really think your missing out on good stuff and i'd highly recommend them.

Also national kirby day. Because kirby


New member
Jul 18, 2008
havent read the thread yet, just wanted to say i appreciate jim not jumping on the 'real art isnt changeable' band wagon many industry journalists are...actually my exact words while watching the episode was 'thank god jim...' so well played mr sterling


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Nicolaus99 said:
J.d. Scott said:
Nicolaus99 said:
Gee Jim, taking notes from Bob now in that you have to drag your liberal politics into the episode? You want to talk unwelcome protesters of whatever and you drag out the Tea Party; why not the rapist, public defecating, anarchist infested Occupy movement?

Leave the politics to MSNBC and Fox, Jim. This IS a gaming site last I checked.
Relax. Deep breath. I don't think he was commenting on the right or wrong of the tea party, just the hard line they take on their stance. I think his position is like a lot of political analysts do that the tea party undermined their viability and threatened their longevity by refusing to compromise on any point in their agenda whatsoever. Some people, even within the Tea Party itself believe they could have a much more powerful effect and prevent being marginalized by understanding the limits of what they can affect at the moment and being reasonable about it and working to get their principles included in more laws instead of just rejecting laws that don't match their principles without even considering editing, and refusing to edit laws they propose with the full knowledge that they will most likely be summarily rejected.
/eyeroll Right or wrong of X political movement is irrelevant. Jim, good liberal that he clearly is, wants a failed group of unrealistic protesters to invoke as a negative comparison to the Retake Mass Effect protesters. But lets take it right from Jim's mouth around 5:20.

"and they need to be reasonable about what they can influence. Looking at the Retake Mass Effect folk while their extremists risk becoming the Tea Party of game culture..."

If you want a failed, unreasonable, extremist protester group, you need look no further than Occupy Whatever. The Tea Party put chosen butts in Congress seats. What have you got for results/influence? Occupy committed vandalism, robbed churches sheltering them and cost their victim cities millions of dollars, all while accomplishing nothing at all. But when Jim needs to invoke a group of failed political extremists, he reaches for the Tea Party because that's just what typical liberals do. I expect that from Libs. My grievance is that he chooses to do so here on The Escapist. A site for video gaming and geek culture. Jims, and Bobs for that matter, politics? Neither. On-Topic. Not asking for much here.
I find that on this website people who call people "good liberals" as an insult exist. You completely ignore the rampant police brutality and complete news blackout (aside from crimes committed) committed against the occupy movement. While also ignoring ANY criticisms of the tea party movement. The rampant bigotry, that they are funded by and take their rhetoric from the capitalist class (the bourgeois if you will).

Face it the REASON the tea party movement is gaining strength is because they are espousing the Neo Liberal values of Reagan and Thatcher which the state and the wealthy allow to because it benefits them. Sure the occupy movement has done some stupid shit, but don't even try to paint the tea party of all things as a movement that is noble and just.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
just to double check

is this video COMPLETLY spoiler free? (even in terms of showing footage?) I havtn finished ME3 yet...


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Flimsii said:
Vault101 said:
just to double check

is this video COMPLETLY spoiler free? (even in terms of showing footage?) I havtn finished ME3 yet...
It is COMPLETELY spoiler free.
yeah..but theres completley

and then thers COMPLETLEY...you know I-

ok ok I'll shut up and watch the vid..thanks