Jimquisition: Mass Effect 3 And The Case For A Gay Shepard


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Well, I am bi and i have a problem with Shepard wanting space dick all of a sudden, without any indication that he wanted space dick before. Don't get me wrong, i DON'T have a problem with him wanting to ride Krogans all night long, I have a problem with how it is presented. I want a little coming out sub plot, where people you know react differently, some accept you and some don't. You are a hero, a role model and known thru all the fking galaxy and i would really like to see this aspect explored. Plus, what about Shepard him/her self? Coming out was one of the hardest things i ever done, it had such an emotional impact on me and everybody around me! This magic cock magnetism with Shepard is just insulting to me


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
I do not plan on having any homosexuality in my playthroughs of ME3. I am a straight male.

I fully support homosexuality in both ME3 and the world as a whole.

To quote Dr. Cox: "I like the gays. I like their music. I like their sense of style. I especially like what they've done with Christmas."


New member
Oct 27, 2010
The reason I didn't get last weeks video is because I hadn't heard any of the backlash against gay Shepard, I didn't know what the video was stabbing at. And well I don't have a huge problem with Shepard being gay, it seems to me that this everything needs a gay character is getting as silly as everything needs on black guy.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Great as usual but he totally missed out on the entitlement argument. Considering how many tits and asses get jammed in our face in most games, homosexual dudes must have it pretty rough.
Then again there is Gears of war....

My favorite thing about Jim I gotta say is how consistant and well thought out his opinions are. (even if i sometimes disagree I never fault where he is coming from) He never seems to contradict himself proving a point and thats the reason I would rather have more respect for him than some of the other people who do opinion pieces on this site.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
This video is a bit useless. I've read the comments in last week's video and I didn't read one single good reason why they shouldn't include homosexuality in the game. Pretty much all the comments who were against homosexuality in ME 3 had terrible reasoning.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
sindremaster said:
How can gay Shepard be retconning when you create your own Shepard? If I went and played Mass Effect 1 right now I could make a gay Shepard if I wanted.
And you can play Mass Effect 1 thinking Shepard is indded Zerg opperative planted by Kerrigan in order to prove this weak alien races before the invasion, that doesn't make it cannon. In the cannon of the previous ME Shepard was a male/female baddass human operative that kicked reapers asses and did straight/lesbian stuff in his freetime, now it's straight/lesbian/gay, thats a addition retcon.

Sure, you can argument that he was always gay, but we had no hints to that, ever, so now he being gay is retcon as much as if he suddenly tunrs a zerg opperative or that a new Starwars writer makes Chewbacca vegan. Not that there's something inherently bad about that, and sure, you retcon is not terrible in a proyect that involved hundreds of creatives over 6-7 years, still it's not something I like and yeah, i want PERFECT writing and hindsight!!!


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I watched the scene on Youtube about 30 mins ago and this was basically my chain of thaught:

1.Wow they really made him gay,
2.Only if you want though so theres no problem,
3.But does this make sense, wasn't he straight in the others games
4.No wait we wern't given the option,
5.Anyways he one of them blank slate things... mostly, so shut up me, its not going to effect your game!

I know I just really repeated what Mr.Sterling said but, you'd think it would be obvious. I understand that some people are uncomfortable about this stuff and I think forcing these things down others throats is fairly intolerant but if it doesn't effect you, whats the beef?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Shikua said:
Tanakh said:
Fun vid, thanks Jim. Still think a gay shepard is (for the most part) retconning, and still think retconning should be avoided as much as possible; but yeah, after last week's thread i say let Shepard be queer and proud of it, that pedophile = gay stuff conviced me that it was actually a neccesary option in ME 3.
It's retconning in a way that brings him back to the way he was intended to be though. ME1 and 2 both have lesbian/gay romance scenes in them, they were just cut, the rumor being because the facial model for maleshep didn't want his face connected to homosexuality.
Should have just put a bag on Shepard's head, from what I've heard, that still counts!
Dec 14, 2009
MegaSuperUberMe said:
Well, I am bi and i have a problem with Shepard wanting space dick all of a sudden, without any indication that he wanted space dick before. Don't get me wrong, i DON'T have a problem with him wanting to ride Krogans all night long, I have a problem with how it is presented. I want a little coming out sub plot, where people you know react differently, some accept you and some don't. You are a hero, a role model and known thru all the fking galaxy and i would really like to see this aspect explored. Plus, what about Shepard him/her self? Coming out was one of the hardest things i ever done, it had such an emotional impact on me and everybody around me! This magic cock magnetism with Shepard is just insulting to me
How do you know that Shepard was ever in the closet?

Not all gay men obsess over cock all day, everyday. The guy is a soldier, first and foremost. Some people refused to let their Shepard have any love interest in the first 2 games simply because there was no gay option. Now the 3rd game is here, and there is a gay option, those people's Shepards can finally get laid.

Just because Shepard wasn't prancing around, acting gay (which I would find insulting, because I depsise the gay stereotype), doesn't mean he wasn't gay from the very beginning.

Your Shepard can be anything you want him to be.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
That's the same excuse people use against gays getting married. 'oh if we let them marry what's to stop a person from marrying their dog or a toaster.' gay = pedophile? I don't think so. People really need to pull their heads out of the 50's and get with the times.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Good, good, all good. Now then, that should shut people up...

Lord_Gremlin said:
Considering the ending of this Jimquisition i think I will share my personal opinion.

Well now, I do have a problem with gay people. Aka they are sick in the head and whatever excuse medics came up in USA when they realized they can't cure them did not just made them normal... Look, curing schizophrenia is not easy either. If possible at all.

That said excuses debunked in this video are pathetic indeed.
And pedophilia and homosexuality are indeed vastly different things. That said, both are cases of mental disorder but vastly different ones.

But what's most important here is that developers, Bioware, don't owe anything to anyone. If they want to include whatever new content it is entirely up to them. Your only choice is to either buy their game or don't buy it. It's as simple as that. Attacking writers for example is childish and outrageous. You may disagree with them or consider their creation abysmal.. But the only thing you're entitled to is ability to skip their game and don't buy it.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Do I get a gold star for knowing all of this beforehand?
Maybe this additional revisit of the issue would have worked better in a blog post.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom

I didn't comment directly on the video last week because the sheer cuntery of the thread pissed me off, but before I skip back and read the inevitable avalanche of bollocks, thank God for you and for both of these videos.

It's amazing to me that fans of Bioware, of all the fucking studios to rally around, still pull this shit at every game release, and I'm glad there are people like you willing to take the piss out of them for it.

Anyway, back to the bollocks.

Lord_Gremlin said:
Well now, I do have a problem with gay people. Aka they are sick in the head and whatever excuse medics came up in USA when they realized they can't cure them did not just made them normal... Look, curing schizophrenia is not easy either. If possible at all.
Firstly, schizophrenia is pretty easy to cure nowadays. Most people with schizophrenia are fine as long as they take basic medication for it, so your point is kind of doubly retarded really.

Secondly, if homosexuality is mental disorder, what psychological dysfunction do you think causes it? Because I know all the things which "the medics" thought caused it when they made it a mental disorder, and they don't exist. Paraesthesia doesn't exist (incidentally, the theory of paeaesthesia is why dumb people believe there's a link between homosexuality and paedophilia). Hormone levels don't make any difference. Levels of attachment to parents don't make any difference.

Homosexuality wasn't removed from the DSM because it couldn't be cured, it was removed because the people who believed it was either couldn't agree on why they thought it was in the first place, or were basing their belief on completely rubbished theories. They were still quoting books from the 1870s to try and justify this point in the 1970s. Your argument lost because it was stupid, outdated and didn't work, it's that simple.

So go on. Why do you think homosexuality is a mental disorder? Tell me what you think "goes wrong" in someone's brain or in their mind to make them gay.

Callate said:
It appears that human bisexuality, at least among men, isn't all that common.
Yes, just like exclusive homosexuality among women "isn't all that common".

Why do you think that is? Is it because:

a) Gay men have a special gaydar which means that they know that they're gay from the second they pop out of the womb and instinctively avoid vaginas.

b) Because gay men have a strong community with its own distinct culture which lesbians lack on the same scale, and because.. well..

..(by which I mean female bisexuality is socially acceptable).

You can never do this with sexuality. You can't just look at the census and say "well, that tells me everything I need to know." People often don't know much about their own sexuality, people repress things or even outright lie about their sexuality and as in this case people don't judge their sexuality against an objective standard which applies to everyone. It's not that simple, you can't judge the world as if it is.

I'm a bisexual man myself, and I can tell you that there are people have done a far more equal proportion of both sexes than me who still identify as gay (or as straight for that matter) because it's just easier. They feel "culturally" gay or straight and base their identity of that, and since bisexuality doesn't have the same cultural recognition it's a lot harder for men to identify with.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
The only thing that bugs me about is that it makes the NPCs in mass effect, a series praised for it's writing, nothing more than wish fulfillment vessels to the player.

This is a tricky situation because video games are supposed to either be empowered or in control of their world. But, as an example, I actually didn't know you could sleep with Ashley in ME1 and I thought it was because of her religious convictions. This didn't bug me, it earned Bioware kudos from me for writing a good and believable character (I didn't sleep with anyone because Liara wasn't my type).

Now Jacob has had a relationship with Miranda, it's brought up early on in ME2. I never got any gay vibes of Jacob in ME2. But if the player wills it, he can make Jacob gay. If the player doesn't go down the gay route in ME3 Jacob will be heterosexual, if the player goes down the gay route in ME3 Jacob will be homosexual.

This might sound stupid but it bugs me that NPCs are not being written as characters with their own motives, beliefs, etc. and instead are around simply to adapt to what the player wants out of them. I think overall that makes a less compelling story, although a much more compelling power fantasy fulfillment simulator.

How many people do you know who would honestly switch their sexuality at the drop of the hat? or go both ways? I know bi-sexuals exist, but almost everyone in a Bioware game seems to be that way and I think the bi-sexual example is being used as a cover for what I view as poor character development.

I would prefer some more concrete sexuality. Some characters that are purely homo, purely hetero and then some benders. I think it would ultimately lead to stronger characters as their motives are based on their wants instead of mine (as the player).


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I've had a gay-Shep since the first one but that's mainly because I never considered the Asari to be genderless. Also...seriously people? Seriously? I'm not buying Mass Effect 3 new because I'm against the series trying to be more like Gears of War since the second and, EA forcing online players to join Origin despite their platform of choice. It's bad enough to shun the game for introducing homosexual elements but not even Dragon Age 2 was as bad as people talked it up to be (although I'm still a bit embittered by Varric never asking to wield my bastard sword and wouldn't be surprised if Garrus doesn't ask either)

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
Wow... it's shocking to think people still think being gay is as bad as being a pedo, or that it's a mental "disorder". SOme people be fucked up. Seriously, use some common sense people. Thankfully Jim has that by the bucket load.

As for me, giving my Shep the choice to be gay, straight, (alien?), I don't give a shit about it. Seriously. If I want my Shep to bang a chick, then that's what it'll do. If I want to bang a dude, then I'll do that. I play around in these games and like to go through pretty much all the options anyway. Furthermore, it's a game people. A game, which is not suposed to be taken seriously. People who do take this way too seriously, need to wake the fuck up, go outside and see how relationships actually work.

I Max95

New member
Mar 23, 2009
jboking said:
Lord_Gremlin said:
Considering the ending of this Jimquisition i think I will share my personal opinion.

Well now, I do have a problem with gay people. Aka they are sick in the head and whatever excuse medics came up in USA when they realized they can't cure them did not just made them normal... Look, curing schizophrenia is not easy either. If possible at all.
Define what it is that makes homosexuality a mental illness. Define why, if homosexuality is a mental illness, heterosexuality can't be seen as a mental illness as well.
i may be wrong, but i think he's going on the idea that human beings are hard wired to reproduce, like any animal, it's instinct

but one cannot reproduce with an individual of the same gender, so to stupid fucks like that guy, homosexuality is going against instinct, going against human nature, so he calls it a disorder

however it is not a disorder, humans inherantly desire to mate with other humans, what gender people choose to do it with, is entirely a result of a conscious decision

i'm no expert, hell i'm not even gay, i just like to try to understand things like these


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Hopefully next week's episode won't be on Mass Effect 3. Gay content or no, I don't really have a desire to know any more about a series that shined in it's first foray and then went to crap faster then originally thought possible. Unfortunately, not much comes out to watch on a Monday, so I viewed the episode anyway.