Jimquisition: Watch_Dogs: A Vertical Slice Of Steaming Bullshots


New member
Sep 13, 2012
irishda said:
/Says graphics should matter
/Applauds Minecraft

There needs to be a meme on the contradictory video gamer already.
I don't think anyone would mind if they showed us the graphics they have now right from the start.

The problem is that they lied.

Before the newest trailer they wouldn't shut up about how good the graphics would be, constantly hyping it up. Now the graphics are shown to be less than originally advertised, and the people at Ubisoft are going "Well it's all about the gameplay anyway! Who said graphics were important?"


New member
Mar 20, 2014
Actually, Jim makes some really good points in this video. IN FACT, I would go one step further and say that even if they did say somewhere that it wasn't representative of final quality, that still wouldn't cover this. Why?

Well because how is the customer supposed to know that that's what isn't final. The only thing that saying "This isn't representative of final quality" means is that they can exploit you by showing any damn thing they want and come away going, "Hahaha well we said its not final". Its still a lie because you sold it on the graphics and then changed it near or at the last second to mitigate costs while still getting the sales off of false promises. This is far too manipulative to just get away with the old "herpidy derpidy doo its not final footage".

Dark Souls 2 recently did something similar with lighting effects and textures.

Good video Jim. Sorry I was late to the show this time.


New member
Sep 8, 2013
I fully agree with the rant on Watchdogs .
We are getting fed with unrealistic BS at almost every E3 the last few years and i am sick of it .
It seems like most gamers have sold their soul to the publishers and greedily eat everything they dish out . With no strength or will to say NO ,if the product is not what was promised or when publishers ask ludicrous price's for shit content !
It has gone too far and needs to stop !
So thank god for YOU !!!!


New member
Sep 8, 2013
EternallyBored said:
nyysjan said:
james.sponge said:
As far as I remember E3 presentation was done on latest nvidia cards available at the time, it was pretty much obvious from the beginning the console version would be scaled down my question to ubisoft: are people with the right hardware going to be provided with a proper release, with all graphic options enabled.
This is a good question, will the PC gamers get a watered down graphics because Consoles can't handle them?
Considering that this is Ubisoft, and this isn't the first time they've done this, I very much doubt that the PC version is going to look as good as the E3 trailer. They pulled this same stunt with Farcry 3, and while the PC version on max settings does look very nice, it just didn't match up to the early E3 trailers.

Will the PC version look better than all the console versions? Most assuredly yes, it will probably look pretty good on PC, Ubisoft can make some pretty good visuals after all. Unfortunately, it's just not going to look as nice as the E3 reveal trailer, even on the most powerful PC, some of the trailer effects were likely post-processing cleanup tricks that were added solely for the trailer.
Still , i think that is deceiving the public . You should show the realistically projected graphical quality of games and not the best case scenario we are getting lately .
Especially with a reveal trailer ! If you do at least tell us so .
At E3 2012 the Watchdogs trailer was presented as a console game , not the Highest end PC game possible !So that trailer set the standard expectation of costumers. That was the reason it got all the attention it got .
This is fraud in my book and should be stopped .
As Jim said it's also a matter of trust . If we can't trust that what we see on screen is what we get , then what's the point ?
Are we willing to give up every and all code of conduct ,just so we can play a game ? Are we willing to put up with anything as long as we are able to play ?
Because that is the future we are headed too ....


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Catching up on lost Jimquisition time (forgive me God... for Jim). Either way... I feel like one of the few people who doesn't care, and never has cared, about Watch_Dogs. That being said, I can totally relate to the prospect of being promised something and having it hyped up and advertised constantly only to have the promiser deliver half-way. If you're saying one thing then back down and turn around on it, that's... well, yeah, that's a pretty weasely thing to do. I EXPECT you to deliver something you continuously promised to give us, and regardless of how good the product is on it's own merits, I'm going to be disappointed no matter what, and it's basically you're fault for hyping us up like that.