"Journalist" Who Wrote Fake GTA Story Ridicules Gamers


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Just a quick note, the newspaper did eventually print an apology.



Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
It still amazes me that the "gamer" stereotype lives on. Us "adult gamers" don't sit around playing games all day, we work our 8 hours, then come home and play video games for a few hours. You know, instead of sitting in front of the TV and letting our brains melt.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Quick Jerry, look what the evil child molesters over at Rockstar are doing now!! This is totally legit, and I did not make it!

Some nerve!


New member
Mar 9, 2009
"Baffled by the fury of adult gamers," he wrote. "These are grown (?!?) men who sit around all day playing computer games with one another who've today chosen to enter the real world just long enough to complain about my story slamming a Raoul Moat version of Grand Theft Auto! You would think I'd denied the Holocaust!!! Think I'll challenge them to a virtual reality duel....stab....I win!!!"
I... wow. Congratulations Mr Lawton, with that statement you've just pissed away any journalistic integrity.

Now, I know this is a pretty small thing, but I hope Anonnymous gets wind of this and strikes back. C'mon 4Chan,


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Its just disgusting that he'd use this as a chance to take a cheap shot at gamers "They spend their time with technology thus must be evil"
Clearly a man behind the times finding it ridiculous for someone to communicate online and play games. I don't even mind the verbal lashing about how stupid it is for adults to play games, but using someone's grief as a way to do it? Not cool.

Sky Captanio

New member
May 11, 2009
At the risk of sounding impolite Fuck Him! Being disrespectful to those who died and then getting pissed off when people complain. To save time please imagine a further 3-4 lines of abuse aimed at him as i'm not bothered to write it.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Well, I don't know much about British magazines, but it seems from the comments that this particular magazine is nothing more than a moronic rag... In my opinion, any journalist that writes for a low-quality magazine such as that has no right to ridicule anyone.

Also, aren't there any laws against the publishing of fabricated news stories? There should be, in my opinion.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....you think the Daily Star is worth getting upset about...in Britain it's considered a story book for gullible people to laugh at because even they don't believe the bullshit those nutcases come up with...I'm not entirely sure that it's not published from padded cells and scrawled across paper in faeces; but hey if you want to take it seriously that's your idiotic right I guess also:

gilthanan said:
My only question, who the hell is Raoul Moat? He killed what, 3 people? So what? Honestly? Why would GTA make a game off of him? When the US has how many 30+ serial killers? Not to be mean, or say that what he did was a minor thing, but seriously? Who the hell would believe this?
This is why I hate americans...not all of you just the ones who think that they have to be the best even at the worst...you have 30+ serial killers!! WOW you win more dead people than us give them a round of applause and those people's families a fruit basket you arsehole...and while I'm setting you on fire I might as well mention that it's not GTA that would be making the game it's Rockstar; Grand Theft Auto is just the title of the game series also stop saying off of, about is much easier to say about and it doesn't make you sound like a retard...though you did just seem pleased about the fact that 'the greatest country on earth' has more serial killers than the country that it gained independence from so I don't really see how you can claim to be anything other than a COLOSSAL RETARD!!


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I've never even heard of the daily star, but I'm going to have to assume it exclusively hires tools.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
What disgusts me the most bout this guy isn't the whole insulting gamers thing it's this.

He even extracted an obviously anguished quote about GTA Rothbury from the grandmother of Moat's ex-girlfriend, one of his victims.
Seriously what the fuck? He phones up the grandmother of a murder victim with a fake story, to get a quote for the sole purpose of making BS news article.

Seriously that is fucked up!!! Who does that? How does he till have a job?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Delusibeta said:
Pretty sure this whole thing's falls foul of the Press Complaints Commission's Code of Practice [http://www.pcc.org.uk/cop/practice.html]. Especially part 5i
In cases involving personal grief or shock, enquiries and approaches must be made with sympathy and discretion and publication handled sensitively. This should not restrict the right to report legal proceedings, such as inquests.
Someone file a complaint.
Done a few days ago, thanks for the link ;)

Got a reply this morning, seems I wasn't the only one and they did bitchslap the Daily Star for it. Result shown here:

Particularly like the part:
We unreservedly apologise to Rockstar Games and we have undertaken not to repeat the claims again. We have also agreed to pay them a substantial amount in damages which they are donating to charity.

Jerks lose money, charity gets a donation, we get to refute a tabloid in it's stupid claim against video games. Well that's sure as hell enough to make my day :D

Andy Chalk said:
Quoting Andy to give him a bump in case he wants to make another update on this ;)


New member
Dec 28, 2007
If he didn't explicitly say in the article that no such version of GTA exists and he was using the example for dramatic effect, then he should probably be fired for fabrication and any libel cases that Rockstar Games could probably win as a result of the article.

However, I think his over all point in making the fake game was rather obvious: games like GTA place criminals on a pedestal.

I can agree with that, even though he made his point in a ridiculously over the top manner and acted like an ass in the process.

After all, the goal of GTA and similar games is to commit crimes to reach some goal. I think any guy can agree that the idea of being a big, muscular, tattooed bad-ass that does what ever he wants in his own little sand-box isn't an unappealing idea.

But that is as far as the criminal idol worship goes in my opinion.

People who write articles like this fail to understand that GTA places faceless criminals on pedestals. If a criminal that actually existed were to star in a game where you killed people that actually existed (IE the game he seemed to be proposing), instead of fantasy characters and generic pedestrians A/B/C, even gamers would be disgusted with their selves for playing it.

Though I doubt that would actually stop the game from selling. It would get so much bad press people who don't even like GTA type games would buy it just to see what all the fuss is about.

Edit: Also, I am pretty sure that quote every one seems to be taking seriously was meant to be sarcasm. He is British, after all. He can't help himself. <---another example of sarcasm!!11

Also edit:
RobCoxxy said:
Reading the actual article, it appears to be written in primary school prose, which I was taught to stop making in year four. Here's an excerpt:

"A book on the crazed killer is due out in weeks and film companies are lining up bids for the rights. (New Paragraph) And last night gaming websites showed the cover of Grand Theft Auto Rothbury - A version of the hit Grand Theft Auto."

This type of writing at English GCSE level gets you a verbal slapping from your teachers for being awful, so I assume, quite safely, that this wanker quit education well before he hit 15.
Journalists write in a completely different style than one would write an english paper in. From what I can tell as a journalism student that particular part looks fine.