Konami Confirms Silent Hills Cancellation


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Blazing Hero said:
This is such a gut punch for me. Well maybe I'll finally get around to playing downpour to choke back my grief. I have heard it is 'okay' for a SH game. Perhaps it will surprise me...
Downpour is a really good game, especially now after all patches and what not. Plus the Special Ending really feels like a heartfelt goodbye to the series which seems more and more likely now that Silent Hill keeps dwelling in development Hell.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Mr.Mattress said:
Not only does Konami officially cancel Silent Hills, they also Delist themselves from the New York Stock Exchange [http://www.polygon.com/2015/4/27/8503893/konami-delists-itself-from-new-york-stock-exchange].

I think Konami might be leaving Video Gaming...
It's entirely possible. Have you seen their portfolio over the last few years? 3-4 games a year, with some of those being cash in mobile games or re-releases. Nevermind the fact that basically all they have now is DDR and PES, DDR is very niche and PES just can't stand up to FIFA, especially in Europe. Even if PES had/has (I've no idea) the superior mechanics, people want to play as their favourite teams and players, which Konami just cannot do.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
The Silent Hill franchise will continue, well lots of people will be relieved to know that in Japan they will get to play the Silent Hill themed gambling slot machine after all then!

Kojima should just make his own horror game with Black Jack and Hookers and then laugh at Konami when the game sells 5+ million copies.
Mr.Mattress said:
Not only does Konami officially cancel Silent Hills, they also Delist themselves from the New York Stock Exchange [http://www.polygon.com/2015/4/27/8503893/konami-delists-itself-from-new-york-stock-exchange].

I think Konami might be leaving Video Gaming...
They probably are, AAA gaming doesn't even account for half of their total revenue and with only one big franchise left that they can be sure of actually shift large numbers of and the industry becoming riskier they could well be calling it a day.

I suspect this was the cause of the tension between Konami and Kojima, he has wanted to leave MGS behind for a long time and probably finally had enough and maybe started delivering ultimatums.n.


New member
Oct 14, 2014
Hello, we're Konami and we're determined to reduce our output to fucking Yu-Gi-Oh![footnote]Alternatively: Hello, we're Konami and welcome to Jackass![/footnote]

To be honest, I really don't think Kojima would've been the best for this game. His style of writing is just so overdone, I find. Also he's the master of killing drama in games so whatever.

Jake Martinez

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
I kinda had a feeling that they would cancel the game once Del Toro and Kojima weren't involved.
You got that completely backwards. Del Toro and Kojima aren't involved because Konami are canceling Silent Hills. Neither of them, nor Norman Reedus, left the project.

The truth of the matter appears to be that Kojima had a falling out with Kagemasa Kozu. We have no idea if Kagemasa is pushing Kojima out, or if Kojima is just setting out on his own, because neither one is currently talking, but rumors reported from inside Konami indicate the former.

Mr.Mattress said:
Not only does Konami officially cancel Silent Hills, they also Delist themselves from the New York Stock Exchange [http://www.polygon.com/2015/4/27/8503893/konami-delists-itself-from-new-york-stock-exchange].

I think Konami might be leaving Video Gaming...
They delisted themselves from the NYSE because it costs them 5 million dollars a year and less than 3% of their shares are ever traded in the US. You can actually still buy Konami shares in the US, they just aren't listed on the NYSE anymore. Konami is not going anywhere anytime soon unless they have a big scandal in the wings - this is even less likely if the current push to legalize gambling in Japan succeeds (on the second try through). They are in prime position to cash in on selling gambling machines if this does.

In fact, this move may actually signal their confidence in this bill passing, as they may want to shift gears to accommodate what is likely to be a huge short term market. Extra evidence that lends credence to this theory is that while they've closed down Kojima's LA studio, they've also consolidated every single other project related team at Konami into discipline specific divisions (for example, all audio engineers together in an audio engineering department). You'd probably do this if you wanted to retool your organization to work on many small projects at one time, like for instance, developing a dozen or two themed electronic gambling machines based on Konami properties. Metal Gear Poker anyone? Ahem.

All that being said, getting rid of their Digital Entertainment division doesn't make any sense as it accounts for almost half of their entire earnings, so I suspect they will continue to make video games for quite a few years - at least if they're capable of it after this reorganization shuffle.

Bat Vader said:
Why Konami would distance themselves from one of their biggestvcash cows I will never know. It would be awesome if Kojima opened his own studio and continued work on Silent Hills. Just put it under a different name.
This is kind of a "meh". Take Metal Gear for instance - The games on the primary franchise do pretty well, but they also have a high production cost and each subsequent one has earned less money (although still very profitable). However, their spin-off properties are very cheap to produce and do exceedingly well. In a way, Konami may be betting that the Metal Gear franchise is big enough to survive without Kojima and the sales of the games he is not involved in are proof in their eyes.

Alternatively, we still don't know if this is actually Kojima leaving them to do his own thing. I suspect we'll find out when he's finally gone from Konami.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Jake Martinez said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
I kinda had a feeling that they would cancel the game once Del Toro and Kojima weren't involved.
You got that completely backwards. Del Toro and Kojima aren't involved because Konami are canceling Silent Hills. Neither of them, nor Norman Reedus, left the project.

The truth of the matter appears to be that Kojima had a falling out with Kagemasa Kozu. We have no idea if Kagemasa is pushing Kojima out, or if Kojima is just setting out on his own, because neither one is currently talking, but rumors reported from inside Konami indicate the former.

Mr.Mattress said:
Not only does Konami officially cancel Silent Hills, they also Delist themselves from the New York Stock Exchange [http://www.polygon.com/2015/4/27/8503893/konami-delists-itself-from-new-york-stock-exchange].

I think Konami might be leaving Video Gaming...
They delisted themselves from the NYSE because it costs them 5 million dollars a year and less than 3% of their shares are ever traded in the US. You can actually still buy Konami shares in the US, they just aren't listed on the NYSE anymore. Konami is not going anywhere anytime soon unless they have a big scandal in the wings - this is even less likely if the current push to legalize gambling in Japan succeeds (on the second try through). They are in prime position to cash in on selling gambling machines if this does.

In fact, this move may actually signal their confidence in this bill passing, as they may want to shift gears to accommodate what is likely to be a huge short term market. Extra evidence that lends credence to this theory is that while they've closed down Kojima's LA studio, they've also consolidated every single other project related team at Konami into discipline specific divisions (for example, all audio engineers together in an audio engineering department). You'd probably do this if you wanted to retool your organization to work on many small projects at one time, like for instance, developing a dozen or two themed electronic gambling machines based on Konami properties. Metal Gear Poker anyone? Ahem.

All that being said, getting rid of their Digital Entertainment division doesn't make any sense as it accounts for almost half of their entire earnings, so I suspect they will continue to make video games for quite a few years - at least if they're capable of it after this reorganization shuffle.

Bat Vader said:
Why Konami would distance themselves from one of their biggestvcash cows I will never know. It would be awesome if Kojima opened his own studio and continued work on Silent Hills. Just put it under a different name.
This is kind of a "meh". Take Metal Gear for instance - The games on the primary franchise do pretty well, but they also have a high production cost and each subsequent one has earned less money (although still very profitable). However, their spin-off properties are very cheap to produce and do exceedingly well. In a way, Konami may be betting that the Metal Gear franchise is big enough to survive without Kojima and the sales of the games he is not involved in are proof in their eyes.

Alternatively, we still don't know if this is actually Kojima leaving them to do his own thing. I suspect we'll find out when he's finally gone from Konami.
Honestly, I hope Kojima sues Konami for control of the Metal Gear franchise. That has been his baby since the 80s and personally I think it should stay with him.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
I kinda had a feeling that they would cancel the game once Del Toro and Kojima weren't involved.

And now they're gonna keep going on with the series?

I think Konami has done quite enough for SH, and they should just stop while they're ahead VERY VERY VERY VERY FAR BEHIND.
Fixed that for ya, Fiz. ;D

OT: Jim said it best a few years ago; "Because Konami is Konami". ;p

Shame. It really could have been really cool to see Del Toro and Kojima work together.
Maybe they still can, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. :(