League of Legends' Artist IronStylus Unveils Original Character Concepts

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
sagitel said:
The Wykydtron said:
Atmos Duality said:
The Wykydtron said:
Quinn was supposed to be melee only? That would have been really cool, though most people would say she's barely viable as she is now because her ult turns her into a melee carry and pure AD squishy melee carries do not work in League if you're half decent at the game.
Well, it was Riot who decided that "Melee ADCs" should either be faceroll overpowered or completely worthless.
(looking at you, Tryndamere, Master Yi, Fiora...some of you more than once actually)

Originally, they only cared about three things for "AD Carry"; attack damage, crit%, and attack speed.
And it was fine, but at some point Riot decided "FUCK MELEE CARRIES!" and it was so.


Have a good AS steroid and good range? You a carry Marksman! Herp-a-derp!
Have the same only in melee/short range? You an assassin or fighter! Sherb-a-derb!
Actually people like Tryndamere are AD bruisers, Yi is the perfect picture of a proper melee carry. AKA fuckloads of damage but little survivability in fights (Meditate doesn't count now AP Yi is dead and buried, thank god.) which is exactly why melee carries don't work because one stun fucks them over and then 5 guys dogpile on top of them and they just melt. Hell i've seen Yi's die to nothing but AOE spells when trying to get into the enemy team and they weren't even aimed at him in particular.

Tryndamere can pass as a half tank whereas Yi would get rolled if he even thought about tanking. You've seen the Tryndamere who kills your entire team if you ignore him and try to focus the official carries right? Then if you focus Tryndamere, the time it takes for him to die means your team has died to the Jinx or something.

I think Yasuo is a melee carry too, building him tanky doesn't work from what i've seen. Riot is trying to do things with melee carries at least bless 'em.

AD brusiers can carry really hard (fuck you Jax!) so they could be mislabeled as a true melee carry but the way all bruisers have to be unkillable AND have damage is fucking stupid. Fuck you Jax.

Also I wish they would stop trying to force that stupid "Marksman" term down our throats. It's fucking bad. Even the commentators in the LCS call them AD carries, you ain't fooling no one.
from what ive seen yasou is the melee carry by definition. He has stupidly highdamage ( 100 % fucking crit chance) and can disengage pretty easily. He is easy to shutdown early game though. And from what i can tell right now top lane bruiser quinn is way better than carry quinn which gets outclassed by anyother adc. Dont fuck jax, fuck riven the damn girl snowballs so hard its not even funny.
We don't need to worry about Riven, the ***** is forever permabanned. Top Quinn should win lane super hard against your typical melee if she's any good but you run the risk of robbing your team of a tank and unless your support is Leona or something tanky you have a really bad front line problem. Quinn can hold her own bot most of the time. Proc Harrier on someone, Vault, proc Harrier again. Level 1, half HP gone in a second. Go out of your way to make that happen at level 1/2 and the lane is heavily in your favour already.

Barely anyone can play Yasuo well, his ult being so situational limits his damage so if he misses his tornado he's pretty much done in a 1v1. Building a knockup team around him works but if the Yasuo can't play you might as well not have bothered.