Leaked Microsoft Video Reveals Horrible Future for PC Gaming


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Microsoft, get over your stupid avatars already. They are just so damn silly looking, and MS can't get enough of 'em!

MS has been staring at Facebook far too long. If I wanted to do anything social, I'd be with real people, not on Microsoft's shoddy PC gaming system...


New member
Jun 22, 2010
I think the most immediate thing that makes eyes turn red about this video is how they rip off "Lizstomania" by Phoenix. As if raping Arcade Fire wasn't enough. Fuck you, Microsoft. As if jipping Spyglass and Helvetica weren't enough.

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
They just couldn't fucking stop at the Xbox Live conversion, could they? Microsoft is only 10 minutes by car from my apartment...now where's the crowbar I had a minute ago?


New member
Aug 15, 2008
All I can see from this video is that Microsoft is vaguely aware that there's a social gaming world out there, and that there's money there. They don't seem to have any kind of idea how to get any of it. Nothing is being offered here, just happy music and bright colors.

It looks like the sort of thing they might show to kick off a meeting before they debate how to make some of this stuff actually happen.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
WTF! Just why? Why would you have Justin B. as your friend? Megan Gail I understand but come on is Justin Beaver even old enough to own an PC?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
This is also very sexist. Its obviously aimed primarily at women. Cept for the one "action" part that is also sexist.

Poeple use the term sellout too loosely I think, but this is the dictionary definition of selling out.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Ah, that's what I wanted to see. Thank you, Andy. Over at RPS, Alec Meer actually tried to portray this in a positive light. Blergh.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Come on Microsoft, keep it on the Xbox 360.
[sub]I love avatars thank you very much.[/sub]


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Veloxe said:
I can't wait till we get to buy our ammo for guns!
Oh my. That's one frightening thought. xD "This weapon's ammo cost 0.001 cent per cartridge. It costs 3 euro to fire this weapon, for 3000 rounds" and shit like that.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
As an xbox user I say, I am so sorry for what I may have done and what the hell
Buying things enhances my gaming and entertainment experience.
That is such a corporate sucker thing to say, who honest thinks buying useless things for their avatar makes their gaming experience any better.
Look Microsoft I get that you want the avatars to work but they won't work instead of faces. Lets look at it this way, why does anyone have facebook? To post good looking pictures of themselves and to boost their ego. Now if you take this function away and make a limited number of choices, everyone will look very similar and no one will bother commenting on anything.

I know there are some suckers out there who buy avatar stuff but it's not going to work for the large demographic, people are too smart and the majority don't want to pay £3.00 for a piece of animated clothing. For this avatar thing to work you will need to make it much more customisable, much cheaper and more useful than just to play shovelware.



Accurately summing up my feelings

LGC Pominator

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Wow... 8 pages in and the flaming continues...

Right I am sold on this!
A really good barometer on whether something is actually going to be fun and entertaining is just how insanely over the top angry you guys all get whenever something like this is announced, quite frankly I know we are not the target audience, and quite frankly I don't care, it isn't hurting anyone and it certainly helps to have that extra integration between our systems and social networks (PC-Facebook-Xbox), and having LIVE work across all 3 will probably see some new people introduced to the medium.

I guess I will never understand with the escapist audience, here is what I have learned to expect from 2 1/2 years of lurking these forums (with and without an account)
A successful franchise gets its latest instalment: worst thing in the world
Bungie does anything: worst thing in the universe
Valve does something: OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME
microsoft does something: OH MY GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE!
Bioware releases a game that changes up the formula for something that they haven't rehashed for the last 13 years: What the hell are they doing?!
Bioware releases any other game: They didn't try hard enough to change and innovate!
Blizzard does anything: Wheres my wallet?!

Is this one of those things that one is not supposed to "get"? cos I don't think I will ever understand the audience here, I mean I love it, the forums are fun to lurk/hang out, but I never understand the instantly negative reaction to absolutely anything that is not valve/old school bioware/ blizzard

so this is where I explain away my rather low post count by saying, I am just too intimidated to post on some of the threads here, cos it feels like if I do I am likely to be eaten...
Still, love you guys, you crazy crazy guys