I did put his email on the first page of comments, so if you'd like to add to the din, please, be my guest.Gunner 51 said:Ah, that would account for all that "Damn you Atkinson" stuff I've seen on the Escapist.
I did put his email on the first page of comments, so if you'd like to add to the din, please, be my guest.Gunner 51 said:Ah, that would account for all that "Damn you Atkinson" stuff I've seen on the Escapist.
I'd rather like to add to the noise, but seeing that I'm not an Australian - I shouldn't tell Mr Atkinson how he should be helping to run Australia. (I'll admit it, I'm a whinging POM. ;D)Fenixius said:I did put his email on the first page of comments, so if you'd like to add to the din, please, be my guest.Gunner 51 said:Ah, that would account for all that "Damn you Atkinson" stuff I've seen on the Escapist.
Australia has no 18+ rating for games, and I believe Atkinson has actually banned discussion of implementing the 18+ rating - either that, or he has the veto so it'll never get through anyway because he's a fundamentalist.Chipperz said:Out of interest, does Australia have an 18 or R equivalent for films? I'm going to grill Atkinson about this under the guise of "research".
Lets just kill him or force him to retire (the less fun way) Anyone know of any underage hookers in SA???benylor said:Australia has no 18+ rating for games, and I believe Atkinson has actually banned discussion of implementing the 18+ rating - either that, or he has the veto so it'll never get through anyway because he's a fundamentalist.
I'm not sorry. They are retarded idiots who should be blasted into space with a million angry ants gnawing at their testicles.Seriously, the Australian Classification Board are idiots. I'm sorry, but they are.
This cheeses me off: people who assume that video games can only be played by, and targeted at, children. That belief might have been valid in the 80s, but entertainment has evolved when Michael Atkinson has not.This was a major consideration of the Review Board in determining the impact of this game on minors.
Greece? Anti-gaming? Allright, I'll admit. The elder people are mostly biased against videogames and they consider them mostly toys for the kids regardless of gaming platform. Funnily enough though, the Wii seems to catch on pretty well with the elder crowd with Wii Sports and Wii Fit. And unlike Australia, I don't recall a single videogame being banned yet. BUT, if you are referring to that nasty law that our dumbass government introduced 7 years ago, I'll just hide my head in shame. That law made Australia look like a paradise in comparison. Thank god that they don't enforce it anymore! (IT STILL EXISTS!)Skratt said:I seem to remember Greece & a few countries in South America being pretty anti-game too, though I can't find the article anymore.ars731 said:I wonder what Yahtzee is going to do, I guess he is going to have to go to GAMETRADERS ROBINA!, but seriously through why is Australia so antigame?
no people ! The chirdernStrategia said:"Realistic within the context of the game"? Jumping on turtles is realistic within the context of Mario. Should Mario games be classified RC in the future as well?
Or, no, wait! Obviously it's important that people, even adults, never get confronted with any kind of violent material at all. Let's edit news footage from the Middle East to change bullets to rainbows and pools of blood to yummy soda! And then re-write the history books to eliminate all mention of violence whatsoever! Thermopylae was a thumb war! World War II was a polite debate! Anything to protect the people!
They most likely will be able to.Trivun said:Seriously, the Australian Classification Board are idiots. I'm sorry, but they are. Even the USA, notorious for their lack of tolerance of violence and sex in games, and the UK, don't simply refuse to classify games because of a bit of gore. Honestly, it's basically Germany all over again, but this time people actually have the power to stop games being released rather than simply trying to get them banned afterwards. And anyway, what about sex and violence in TV and film? And zombie films in Australia? They don't ban things like Dawn of the Dead or the Resident Evil films over there, right?
Besides, can't most Australians simply import the full release of the game anyway from abroad? Or will that be banned too?
That's actually a pretty good idea. It might work, actually, as it provides a more acute difference between ordinary or ill humans, and the Infected. Good idea. Someone forward this on to Valve. They could probably do a public fundraiser to pay for the reapplication, too!CD repo man said:Valve should just do what Evil Dead did: change the color of most of the blood to something that isn't obviously blood, like green or black, for example. it helped Evil Dead not get an X rating, maybe Australia will fall for it, too.
Absolutely. Indeed, many cinematic releases and dvd's are classed as R18+ for various high impact scenes every year. Hell, where I work, we have a direct-from-the-OFLC-website sign with the ratings on them, including R18+. It's spelled out in... Actually, I'm having great trouble finding the exact piece of legislation. Pretty sure it was the Classification Act of 1995, but I'm not precisely sure right now. But it's all there, in black and white... somewhere >_>Chipperz said:Out of interest, does Australia have an 18 or R equivalent for films? I'm going to grill Atkinson about this under the guise of "research".
That's actually a criminal offense, with, if I recall, a maximum penalty of 1 year imprisonment per game. It is also an offense to demonstrate or own with the intent to demonstrate an RC game, or game that is likely to be declared RC. Additionally, I found out it's an offense to hold a public demonstration of an MA15+ game, and it's an offense to hold a private demonstration of an MA15+ game with minors present. There're actually some fairly strict rules about demonstration and sales of videogames in Australia. Which is mostly a good thing! But the censorship makes it appalling.Kiutu said:If I lived in Australia, I would open a game store just for RC games. I would be rich probably.
Grr, that pisses me off too. It's frustrating that while we have such a strong ratings and classification system, they aren't actually taken into account by the classification board - releasing this game for play by mature/adult audiences would put the responsibility on the buyer to be conscious of his/her audience while playing. And, as I just said, it's a criminal offense to demonstrate the game while there are minors present - so it's not like there's no restriction on when and where the game cannot be played/demonstrated. I'm really not sure what Atkinson's issue is, as there are plenty of strong laws in place to protect minors from Restricted-rated material. But there seems to be such an issue, and it's holding us all up.Bob_F_It said:This cheeses me off: people who assume that video games can only be played by, and targeted at, children. That belief might have been valid in the 80s, but entertainment has evolved when Michael Atkinson has not.This was a major consideration of the Review Board in determining the impact of this game on minors.