lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics


New member
Oct 2, 2008
What is up with all the feminism and sexism related threads on the escapist lately? It's almost like someone is purposely trying to rustle everyone's jimmies...



New member
Mar 10, 2010
Does everyone need social acceptance for everything they do any more? I was raised to believe that people are free to do what they wish as long as it doesn't trample the rights of others. I can do what I want and people are free to like it, not like it or not care at all. Why do groups feel they need to change the whole of society so people accept everything they do with open arms?

This goes out to all groups out there. Do what you do and I will either like it, not like it or not care and you cant change that, if people don't like you for it but nobody is trying to stop you from doing it STFU and deal with it.

All the pictures from the OP seem like whines about their own social hang-ups not about a lack of freedom to do it so to me its invalid.

Its not the duty or responsibility of society to make people feel better about themselves. I wish these threads would end.
Sep 24, 2008
BoneDaddy_SK said:
I try my damnedest to have an informed opinion about a subject before I talk about it. Unfortunately, this is the internet. Most of the people who talk about feminism, especially those who speak negatively about it, don't know shit about it. Because when you're online, being an intellectual makes you gay. The same goes for having faith in anything or having emotions.

So... you seriously just said that "feminism" as a title is the exact same thing as "white supremacist?" And you want me to take your opinion seriously?

That is quite possibly the stupidest excuse to dismiss feminism that I've ever heard. Ever.
I don't like to break up quotes, so I'm just going to answer like this. What I said is that any title with an history or a perceived notion will close off minds. I listed a few, I believe three. First, the term I typed out specifically was 'White Power'. And there was a reason for that.

I've met people who believed in White Power but did not hate other races. Well, they said as much. Given the fact that they were introduced to me and we talked several times before telling me they believed in the White Power movement, I tend to give some credence to their ideals while trying not to be a damn fool. That's always a tight rope, but try to keep an open mind and all.

I can get into whether I hundred percent believe them or not, but I'll move away from the point because I can believe there is a group of whites who believe in White Pride/Power and not hate others. But the term White Power or Pride might make others think that they are just racist. Hell, I blatantly said White Power and then said that they could not be racist, and you just summed up all my thoughts as equating Feminism as White Supremacist. Which would be weird, as I also mention Black Militants in the same Paragraph. Before White Power, might I add.

To me, it seems, you read a hot button term and then reacted. Which was kind of my point to begin with.

And to the last part... Not once in any of my posts did I ever say dismiss feminism. Ever. It never came close. I've been saying to dismiss labels and try to reach other others like human beings, not champions to a cause. There's really nothing other to say about that.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
I genuinely thought that the pictures in the OP were a joke. You know, like "Cut for Bieber" or something.

Kurt Cristal

New member
Mar 31, 2010
LostGryphon said:
I genuinely thought that the pictures in the OP were a joke. You know, like "Cut for Bieber" or something.
Me too, I was expecting joke pictures but OP did not deliver. @OP, you got these from 4chan eh? Good, stay there.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Although I think people have a right to their own opinions, the pictures are kinda stupid as they name issues that aren't really related to feminism, usually other issues or in some of the pictures no issue at all.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
At first I thought that was all sarcastic then it dawned on me that these idiots are serious. I'll just give a quick play by play.

1. That doesn't have anything to do with feminism, more like fetish/sexuality tolerance. Advertising is like asking for recognition of foot fetish holders.
2. Your point is?
3. This is a feminist issue why? Here I thought lack of harassment was good.
4. Thats just adorable.
5. Because women don't have standards of beauty to apply to men at all.
6. See above.
7. Ooooh, a liberal arts degree that doesn't let you do anything except write a book or teach that subject. WHEEE.
8. Is Michalangelo's David bad for men too? I though it was pretty impressive myself.

There is feminism and useless complaining. This is the latter.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I like how this thread is mostly people saying "oh man, this is gonna get nasty"
thats not relevant, nor is it adding to the discussion on the subject. I don't know that all of these are entirely invalid points. but I'm off topic now

OT *points and laughs*

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
boots said:
Shock and Awe said:
5. Because women don't have standards of beauty to apply to men at all.
Tell me, do people like you actually give a flying fuck about the unfair standards of beauty applied to men, or do you just wheel this out whenever you want to derail any discussion of the unfair standards of beauty applied to women?

See also: people who suddenly really care about men getting raped ... but only when someone tries to talk about women getting raped.
No I don't. However I do care about people complaining about how things are so hard for them while totally ignoring the other side of it. I'd be one hell of a hypocrite for pretending to be outraged about it because I and other men apply standards of beauty to women, and women do the same to men. Its derailment as far as pointing out how ridiculous an argument can be is in any discussion. If you ask me most complaints about objectification are usually overblown/ridiculous and are claimed by a minority of women.

Oh, and you didn't get anything under B so that most certainly not a bingo.


New member
May 14, 2011
About the last one - the nude models in art - as someone who took a short life drawing class and had to draw both fat and skinny women, drawing the fatties was MUCH more fun and always ended up looking better than the skinny girls. In fact, my favourite artistic nude photograph was a fat chick sitting on a rocky breakwater with a cityscape in the background. The hard, dark, angular rocks/skyscrapers had an amazing contrast with the soft, light, round skin of the woman. As an artistic piece it would have been much weaker if the model was a skinny chick. I didn't objectify those women (probably because I'm not particularly attracted to overweight women) and really appreciated what their body lent to the art.

I think the girl must be referring to bad art - like the people that just take a photo of a girl with her legs spread and post it to deviantART with the title "Cum inside" or something, and categorise it as "artistic nude". When it's bad nude art the only value it has is pornography, so it's no surprise people objectify the models. When the artist actually uses the model in creating the art I find myself far less likely to objectify the model - even if she has a smokin' bod.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
evilthecat said:
Giftfromme said:
You know what I like to laugh at?

People who have never actually read or learned about feminism trying to laugh at people who have. It's like watching a dog try to walk on its hind legs.

Giftfromme said:
#1 uhhh feminism lets you achieve that how??
I'll give you one clue, see if you can work it out.


They have the same prefix. Why?

Giftfromme said:
#2 ummm you're not getting harassed and that makes you feel unattractive? Very few people actually think this way and subscribing to feminism won't change that opinion of yourself.
Would it have been easier if she had written it in pink?

Anyone who didn't get that one should be fucking embarrassed.

Giftfromme said:
#3 well that shit makes no sense at all. Because I don't subscribe to feminism, I'm for rape? lol what
Read the sign one more time. There's a very big clue in the way it is phrased.

Giftfromme said:
#4 lol...again that's a personal confidence thing
No it's not.

Did you actually read the card?

Giftfromme said:
#5 a self confidence thing, nothing that an outside power will change for you. You need to do it yourself
Again, go back and read the card and tell me in what way anything you've said is relevant.

Giftfromme said:
#6 Cool story!
You know what's funny? People who justify their own ignorance by claiming that the knowledge in question isn't important.

A cursory knowledge of gender studies would at least help you understand these cards before you embarrassed yourself on a public forum.

Giftfromme said:
#7 lol that don't make sense, but ok!
Really, this is too difficult for you? It's a pretty simple point.. if there's any criticism which can be made of it it's that it's actually too simple.
Whoah acting smug and superior without explaining his point's, honestly that post was a disgrace to humanity.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
theultimateend said:
BreakfastMan said:
Well, this thread is going to go to crap faster than I can snap my fingers. And I can snap my fingers pretty damn fast.

OT: Most are valid, but there are a few I disagree with. Not much more to say than that... Also, obligatory "not all feminists are second-wave, Andrea Dworkin-type people", because I know someone is going to try to straw-man feminists sometime soon.
Is it possible to snap your fingers slowly?
That post made me laugh


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Arqus_Zed said:
Really? Women actually have preferences concerning something as mundane as a foreskin? Huh... How utterly trivial.

Anyway, where were we? Right. First, female circumcision is not exclusive to third world countries - it even happens here in Belgium. Sure, it's done by immigrants to immigrants, but it is still something done within the boundaries of a first world country!
Way to undercut your own point. You're admitting it's not a problem of your culture, but of the culture of those who immigrate to your country. Simple solution: pass a law banning the practice. While you're at it, ban all genital mutilation and see how far you can go with banning male circumcision before the religious segments of the population start raising specters of the Holocaust.

Second, saying that male circumcision is on par with female circumcision?
No, I'm not... but thanks for putting words in my mouth. What I was actually saying is that in YOUR OWN culture, male genital mutilation is considered normal... yet you're raising a stink over some other culture's norms. THAT is pretty fucked up: that you view men in your own culture as so entirely insignificant that you have to look to another culture to find things to get pissed about before fixing the problems within your own metaphorical house.

Yes, female genital mutilation sucks. It's utterly horrible and cruel. But how about setting aside the white world's burden for two seconds to show compassion for your own sons and husbands?

That said, I am not a fan of infant circumcisions with males either.
But not enough to actually do something about it...

boots said:
Pfft! "One girl"? Are you serious?

Do me a favour. I know that the number of girls on The Escapist is kind of limited (wonder why), but try polling them to see how many *expect* the guy to pay when they go on dates.
I was referring to the example in front of me. I did not say you were the ONLY one ever, merely the only one admitting to it *right here*.

1. "Wonder why" - way to not-so-subtly accuse everyone here of sexism. I, for one, do not appreciate that kind of attitude, nor the insult.
2. The Escapist isn't the entire world. If you believe it is, you are living under a metaphorical rock. You will find many of the girls who happen to be the most vocal on the subject do not agree with you. Go check YouTube, if you don't believe me... read women's magazines, watch daytime talk shows. Most girls still expect if not DEMAND that the man pay and will trash and shame a man who doesn't.

boots said:
Tell me, do people like you actually give a flying fuck about the unfair standards of beauty applied to men, or do you just wheel this out whenever you want to derail any discussion of the unfair standards of beauty applied to women?

See also: people who suddenly really care about men getting raped ... but only when someone tries to talk about women getting raped.
Yes, because women are uniquely victims of everything... like violence (no, wait... that's mostly men even though women get all of the attention and "end violence" campaigns... can't use that, either). Instead of framing problems as they impact just one group of people, how about we focus on getting rid of problems ENTIRELY?

I think that's really what you're missing when people do this: some people aren't sexists and actually care about ALL people... not just their own kind.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
bounty90 said:
Whoah acting smug and superior without explaining his point's, honestly that post was a disgrace to humanity.
Woah, acting like a hypocrite without reading the last few pages!

It's not my responsibility to educate anyone, particularly if noone's going to bother to read any actual explanations. The original post in this thread was worth exactly the amount of time I gave it, subsequent posts have been worth more, hence why I have given them more.

If you haven't ever bothered to learn about something, I don't have to explain to you why your thinking regarding it is wrong. Unless you want to pay me to teach you, that's not my job and its not your right. People should do some fucking work before they post this shit, that was the point, and it stands whether you consider my points about "feminism" to be right or wrong.

I don't understand economics.. I've never studied it or read much about it. If I made a spectacularly arrogant post in which I invited everyone to laugh because people who support the ideas of the Chicago school say things which I think sound dumb, I'd be opening myself to ridicule on the basis that I didn't know what I was talking about. One would think I'd be aware of that before trying to create such a topic.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
boots said:
You claim that the majority of women still expect men to pay, which is a stupidly bold claim that you choose to back up with ... a few Youtube videos and some hypothetical articles that you supposedly found in a women's magazine (because Glamour and Cosmo are really known for their progressive views on standards of masculinity and femininity).
Oh, are we playing your silly bingo game now? Because I think that statement just got me a few spaces...

I guarantee that for every woman you find claiming that men should still have to pay for dates, I could find one or two who say that they shouldn't have to. I actually don't think I know any women IRL who still expect their date to pay for everything - they all either go dutch or take turns to pay.
You know, people say they believe a lot of things. I'd take you up on your poll idea if - and only if - there was another question paired up with it: who paid for your past three dates?

Regardless, this is a godawful argument against feminism (your "because EQUALITY" snark attempt is just sort of embarrassing for this reason), since one of the most fundamental aspects of feminism is challenging traditional gender roles *including* the notion that the man should be the one to pay for the dates.
That's because it's not an argument against Feminism. It's an argument against hypocracy. Specifically...

Of the women you can allegedly find who argue in favour of this chivalry nonsense, how many are feminists?
1. "Allegedly" - I can get you half a dozen videos right now from YouTube. *I* guarantee YOU that they're the first search results that come up, too.
2. I dare say most of them believe they are, inasmuch as Feminism has been defined for them as "equality for women".

If you're really disgruntled about men having to pay for everything on a date ... why not try a bit of feminism on for size?
I have tried it on. Sexism doesn't suit me. I prefer to concern myself with the rights issues that impact all of us... not just how women feel when an ugly man looks at her...