From the description of the game, I can only guess that the game is not so much about exploring a game world(the traditional game design), rather it is about exploring the human spirit of the players. You have to learn to communicate and interact on a much more fundamental, spiritual level in order to delve into the true pleasure of the game. It's exploring what it means to be a living soul and how that soul reaches out to find and interact with other souls. How do these souls, who have travel such vastly different paths and developed such vastly different "truths" of the world, communicate and share with each other? This is the deep artistic question that I think the game is getting at. Of course, this is only me guessing; I could easily be reading more into this than is truly there.
Naturally, in any multiplayer game, there will be trolls, jerks, and assholes who's entire existence is predicated on causing pain and confusion to others.