Lightning Strikes in March With Final Fantasy XIII


New member
Jul 15, 2008
theaceplaya said:
Any official word on if it's truly a multiple disc game for the Xbox 360? I didn't see anything about it in the press release, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
i thought that was an article a while back that it will be multiple disks for 360 but not for ps3, or am i misremebering?

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
I love the Japanese games. For the last couple of years I have been drinking drunk off western games and so I have much anticipation for this JRPG.

FF and Zelda are the kind of franchises that I wished would just go on forever. I've only played a couple of FF games, but it's comforting just to know they exist anytime I want to take a trip away from western RPGs. Not to say FF is the only JRPG, but they are usually epic so much love for them.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
scotth266 said:
Flying-Emu said:
I thought the music from Kingdom Hearts was pitiful...

Dude, c'mon. It might now have been rock-tastic, but it wasn't BAD.

Speaking of which, jeez, people are petty. Metal isn't exactly my favorite kind of music, but I'd still totally buy Brutal Legend.
I meant the opening theme, which is what Leona Lewis is doing for FFXIII.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Oh god no I could'nt believe it, Square hyped the sh*t out of this announcement for days.
And what were we treated to?
Possibly the cheesiest video ever and to top it off LEONA LEWIS :/
When that head of music guy at square said he was "preased" to say Leona Lewis was singing in game i did not know wether to laugh or cry.
I mean come on in the opening of FF10 we were treated by a kick ass soundtrack from Rammstein,albeit i'm no heavy metal fan but it definitely got you in the mood.

I've listened to the song and it ain't good, it's the same trademark warbly mass manufactured,x factor winning Leona and the lyrics are as imaginative as bread and cheese...


New member
Oct 23, 2009
All I can say is they could have picked someone worse to sing... spice girls maybe? *cringe*
Glad to hear about the release date actually been looking forward to this one! Hopefully I'll get time to complete it before my baby is due haha


New member
Feb 19, 2009


Why are you doing this to us Square, you hype this thing for weeks and you give us a fantastically soon release date but you stab us in the back with leona lewis?

I'll still be running at top speed to my local EB on March 9 to get this game, but... low blow Square.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
My love of Final Fantasy has dwindled since playing X-2 and 12, when I saw the trailer (Not this one) for this game I was not impressed because they seemed to be going in a direction that I did not like. I don't think that I will buy this unless a good review or one of my friends convinces me otherwise.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
scotth266 said:
Flying-Emu said:
I thought the music from Kingdom Hearts was pitiful...

Dude, c'mon. It might now have been rock-tastic, but it wasn't BAD.

Speaking of which, jeez, people are petty. Metal isn't exactly my favorite kind of music, but I'd still totally buy Brutal Legend.
I meant the opening theme, which is what Leona Lewis is doing for FFXIII.
Still didn't think it was that bad. Heck, when I'm jonesing for some techno music I sometimes play that song.
Nov 28, 2007
To all the people who are throwing a fit because of Leona Lewis (whoever the hell she is) getting one song in the game...calm the fuck down. Maybe you don't like her. I've never heard of her, but let's consider this. We haven't heard the song, we haven't heard anything about the rest of the music, but they bring in one person you don't like in for one song, and it's "I'm not buying this game". I mean, calm down. At least wait for the song to come out before making any rash decisions.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
well... crap. Little Miss I-Got-Slapped-In-The-Face screeching all over the opening might just make me mute the TV, but hopefully we'll be able to block it out once the video's over.

Here's hoping.

Mind you, I doubt that even an announcement that The Tweenies were doing the theme song wouldn't put me off buying the game come March! Probably.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Hopeufully this will get me back into JRPGS. I'm into WRPGs at the moment and i loved the earlier final fantasies especially 10. So i can't wait.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
People, it's a four minute song that'll probably be played in the credits, who fucking cares? She's a much better singer than whoever sings the Japanese theme, which isn't that good either. Saying you won't buy a game because of a singer is beyond pathetic.

johnx61 said:
Leona Lewis? Wow, I can't even begin to describe how much that fails. Seems we've just shifted the focus of Final Fantasy from shitty J-Pop to shitty Britpop. FF is on life-support as it is and if FFXIII doesn't deliver, it may be curtains for the old girl. And the addition of Leona Lewis does not suggest a hopeful prognosis.

I suppose I should check out the trailer at some point, but then I'd have to put Britney Spears on pause. So perhaps later.
Life support? The games are still selling pretty well, and adding such a popular singer can only increase media attention and, therefore probably, sales. And since when has the focus of FF has never been the theme song or the music?

johnx61 said:
It's not that we have a personal vendetta against Leona Lewis. She just happens to be a really crappy singer and representative of the direction that the series is going in. A direction that absolutely no one in the fanbase approves of.
Sha can sing, that's not subjective, you might not like her style (understandable, not really my cup of tea either), but saying she's a crappy singer is just being ignorant.

And I assure you, plenty of people can prove you're second point wrong.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
scotth266 said:
Flying-Emu said:
scotth266 said:
Flying-Emu said:
I thought the music from Kingdom Hearts was pitiful...

Dude, c'mon. It might now have been rock-tastic, but it wasn't BAD.

Speaking of which, jeez, people are petty. Metal isn't exactly my favorite kind of music, but I'd still totally buy Brutal Legend.
I meant the opening theme, which is what Leona Lewis is doing for FFXIII.
Still didn't think it was that bad. Heck, when I'm jonesing for some techno music I sometimes play that song.
Are we talking about the same song?

I'm talking about the opening video, the eleven minute crapfest you're forced to watch before you can actually PLAY Kingdom Hearts. You know?



Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
scotth266 said:
Flying-Emu said:
scotth266 said:
Flying-Emu said:
I thought the music from Kingdom Hearts was pitiful...

Dude, c'mon. It might now have been rock-tastic, but it wasn't BAD.

Speaking of which, jeez, people are petty. Metal isn't exactly my favorite kind of music, but I'd still totally buy Brutal Legend.
I meant the opening theme, which is what Leona Lewis is doing for FFXIII.
Still didn't think it was that bad. Heck, when I'm jonesing for some techno music I sometimes play that song.
Are we talking about the same song?

I'm talking about the opening video, the eleven minute crapfest you're forced to watch before you can actually PLAY Kingdom Hearts. You know?

I didn't think it was bad, just sorta there. The Japanese version is better though.


Ecstatic Sausage Consumer
Aug 20, 2008
Well, that's certainly an interesting choice of singer, considering the track record of putting a bit of J-pop in the final cutscene (did anyone else think that Crisis Core's ending was ruined by the inappropriatly upbeat song?).

And I suppose March is a lot earlier than I was expecting to play FFXIII, so no disappointments there either!

Just out of interest, does anyone know who the American guy in the video actually is? Is he a Squeenix employee, a random member of the public, or what? He does seem somewhat familiar...

EDIT: Oh, and to those people saying that putting a Leona Lewis track in the game will stop them buying it, just remember: There's no such thing as good or bad music, just music you like and don't like.