Little known/obscure PS2(and one) game


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I'm bringing my PS2 out of retirement to go trough some older game, PS2 was the first console I own that I had some spending money, so I brought a tons of game for it. I was suprised at how many weird little game I had that I never ever hear about. Plenty of them are pretty bad, but most of them at least had one or two interesting aspect (sadly not all of them, looking at you legaia 2). The PS2 was this weird point in time where game were big enough that tiny game could turn a profit but not so big that you needed crazy graphic that were out of reach for most smaller studio.

Most of the game I had were JRPG cause that's what I liked to play, but I imagine there must have been equally many weird little game in other genre, so I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some. I might track them down (or more likely emulate if they're expensive).

Here's a couple of them (working on memory so I don't quite remember everything about them):

Arc the lad: twillight of the spirits: Tactics RPG, except not grid based, you could move around at will. Also had two protagonist that you'd swap between at regular interval, one was the boring usual blank guy but the other was some half human demon who had to deal with demon racism.

Breath of fire 5: BoF is a somewhat known franchise in the SNES/PS1 era, but their last game was actually on PS2. I don't think it did very well and there's a pretty simple reason for that, you were on a timer, at all time. You had a "dragon meter" and everything you did would increase it and it would also slowly tick up in background, if it reach 100%, game over (you could then do a new game plus of sort), being on a timer does not make it very conductive to exploring/talking to people in town. But it was actually pretty interesting because you could turn into a super strong dragon form in battle and easily kill anything you were faced with, but it would increase the meter very quickly.

Castlavania - curse of darkness: I know, castlavania is really well known, but I rarely hear anyone talk about this one in particular. It was a metroidvania, except in 3D, the full thing with large open world and full of backtracking trough already explored area using new power. It was actually really good and if you like dark soul you'd probably find this one interesting. Just surprised it kinda disappeared from collective memory.

Eternal rings: Speaking of dark soul, here's a from soft game. I'll be honest, I never got far in this game cause it was weird. You collected ring and used them to cast spell, that's about all I remember. Looking forward to trying it again to see if it was any good and I couldn't appreciate it back then.

Front mission 4: Since SE is re releasing some of the older FM game, maybe they'll port this one, please? Anyway, nice tactics with a pretty serious story set in the near future. Surprisingly enough its neither feature the US or japan in, half of it is in south america where some US soldier are disillusioned by a peackeeping mission they're on, so they steal the local dictator gold and try to run while the other side see the europian union having to deal with russia trying to undermine their unity while invading smaller neighbor (where have I heard that before?). Fun tactics fight but that tend to really drag on, also okay mech customization that doesn't go nearly far enough.

Growlanser: There were actually a bunch of these and they release them as a set when they ported them from japan. They're sorta tactics game where you could move your character around the battle field. They had pretty interesting story, one of them is about a world that is literally ending and everyone trying to figure out how to survive. Another involved an organization using a super weapon to force peace between a bunch of nation by "nuking" every attempt to have a fight between nations.

Musashi: Sorta sequel to the PS1 musashi game. Action adventure game, really nice art style iirc. Simple devil may cry like combat, but you could learn enemy move and use it against them.

Mana khemia: Technically part of the atelier franchise, but they never continued it after the PS2. I have no idea why, the atelier are all varying level of mediocre but the mana khemia were much more interesting. You go to magic school and had to manage your time, a bit like persona 3-5. Strong focus on crafting and decent (if far too easy) combat.

Metal saga: This one is weird, you play in a mad max hellscape and just walk around the world fighting people in tanks. There's not much of a story or direction, you just go anywhere you want to find tanks, but the tanks customization was pretty decent iirc.

Galerian ash: Weird game, I think its a sequel? Sorta sci fi horror where you play as a psychi and run around using psychi power to kill enemy in 3rd person. Another one I'm curious to see if its any better now that I might be better at it.

Ring of Red: Tactic game about mech fight, except when you attack you had to wait for your mech to aim at the enemy, the longer you wait, the more accurate your shoot is. You also were accompanied by infantry division that you could customize and they would continually fire on the other mech. Really fun, but because every time you attacked the enemy it would take 5 minutes fight dragged on like crazy and there was perma death, so losing a unit toward the end of a level would be brutal.

Radiata stories: Cool little game where every NPC in the game had a routine and the game time would continuously be ticking down, think majoras mask. Lots of side quest and a a branching story.

Shadow hearts: There were three game, all pretty similar. Play during the beginning of the 20th century with plenty of allusion and cameo by real world people. Except the entire things is completely bonker, like one of the recurring character is a vampire mexican wrestler. The combat was pretty good, had this little quick time event associated with it, kinda like legend of dragoon.

Mega man command mission: Yeah they made a mega man JRPG, was actually pretty decent, but the problem is that beyond mega man and zero, nobody know any of the mega man character, so it didn't really feel like a mega man. iirc you couldn't get boss power after you kill them or anything. I mostly remember that one of the bad guy is a party member who goes by the name "spider" in your group and the name "redisp" when as antagonist and I though that was so stupid.

Suikoden 3: plugging this one specifically because S2 gets all of the attention, but I think 3 is better. You alternate between 4 different character to see a conflict from multiple angle, the conflict is pretty interesting, more than the usual "bad empire is bad" (although at the end it does end up being just that). Gameplay is passable sadly.

Any other little known stuff you can think of?


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Steambot Chronicles is pretty neat. There's Ys: Ark of Napithism, if you like your rpgs a bit hacky slashy. MS Saga: A New Dawn if you're into Gundam and the idea of 'gunpla kitbash: the rpg' appeals to you.
Ring of Red
Huh, I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention Ring of Red before. The deepest of cuts.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Steambot Chronicles is pretty neat. There's Ys: Ark of Napithism, if you like your rpgs a bit hacky slashy. MS Saga: A New Dawn if you're into Gundam and the idea of 'gunpla kitbash: the rpg' appeals to you.
Huh, I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention Ring of Red before. The deepest of cuts.
Never tried steambot chronicle, I'll try it (quick check at ebay says its definitely an emulate rather than physical disc).

Ark of napishtim is pretty good, probably the only Ys I really got into. I mostly remember it for this track tbh, because it really clash with the rest of the soundtrack and doesn't fit the dungeon its in but is quite good.

I though about adding MS new dawn to the list, but didn't cause it was getting long and I didn't want to open the gundam game cans of worm (almost all bad. but a few gems). New dawn had a great selection of MS (sadly the SD variety) but the story was very w/e and I don't quite remember the detail but I think the best way to make your mech was to just load them up with every range weapon you had and just attack with everything every turn or something.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Rogue Galaxy is one of my favorite PS2 games and is never mentioned in any Greatest RPG lists and it makes me sad because the game is wonderful.
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
I brought my old PS2 home from my parents' in Feb. I sold most of my old games, but I kept Cold Winter. Basically if Goldeneye had been on the PS2 but they didn't have the Bond license.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Rogue Galaxy is one of my favorite PS2 games and is never mentioned in any Greatest RPG lists and it makes me sad because the game is wonderful.
I enjoyed it, but I mostly just remember the insane amount of grinding for it. Vague memory of spending hours setting up factory or something.

I brought my old PS2 home from my parents' in Feb. I sold most of my old games, but I kept Cold Winter. Basically if Goldeneye had been on the PS2 but they didn't have the Bond license.
Cool (pun intended), never heard of it so I'll try to check it out. Here's hoping there's a big head cheat.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Any other little known stuff you can think of?
Red Star is a cool brawler and run n' gun 3D shooter. I used to have it, but I traded it in at some point, because the gameplay didn't interest me much. It's not bad, but I will give a credit for doing something unique.

Bujingai: The Forsaken City. One of the many stylish action games released during the PS2 era.

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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Red Star is a cool brawler and run n' gun 3D shooter. I used to have it, but I traded it in at some point, because the gameplay didn't interest me much. It's not bad, but I will give a credit for doing something you unique.

Bujingai: The Forsaken City. One of the many stylish action games released during the PS2 era.

That is all outside my usual wellhouse, I did play gungrave back in the day but that's about all. Maybe I played Shinobi? Vague memory of repeatetly getting my ass kicked in a ninja game.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
I didn't grow up with the PS2 and most of my library was given to me by a friend who was moving away and needed to downsize, so, I don't have a ton to offer on the topic...

Best I can think of is 2008's Speed Racer movie licensed tie-in game.
For what is usually a total throw-away means of making money, this game clearly had a little bit more put into it than other movie tie-in games. The racing, while sometimes a bit floaty or janky, is otherwise quite smooth and enjoyable. The tracks pull some F-Zero tier loops and twists, and seeing your car driving sideways through them is fun. The car combat is also a neat idea taken from the movie, with a decent set of attack options at your disposal, as well as a risk vs reward system for healing your car mid race in exchange for your boosts. Tons of racer options too.
While the game isn't the most difficult, there's apparently a cheat I have yet to try that makes the opponents very fast and VERY dangerous. I've only seen gameplay of this on YouTube, but, it looks like a true Expert mode and seems like a blast.

Oh, and I can't talk about this game without mentioning the music... Some songs I think are a bit of a miss, those mostly being the slower paced ones, but when the game kicks it into high gear (hah)... it's excellent. I only wish there was more of it!

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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I didn't grow up with the PS2 and most of my library was given to me by a friend who was moving away and needed to downsize, so, I don't have a ton to offer on the topic...

Best I can think of is 2008's Speed Racer movie licensed tie-in game.
For what is usually a total throw-away means of making money, this game clearly had a little bit more put into it than other movie tie-in games. The racing, while sometimes a bit floaty or janky, is otherwise quite smooth and enjoyable. The tracks pull some F-Zero tier loops and twists, and seeing your car driving sideways through them is fun. The car combat is also a neat idea taken from the movie, with a decent set of attack options at your disposal, as well as a risk vs reward system for healing your car mid race in exchange for your boosts. Tons of racer options too.
While the game isn't the most difficult, there's apparently a cheat I have yet to try that makes the opponents very fast and VERY dangerous. I've only seen gameplay of this on YouTube, but, it looks like a true Expert mode and seems like a blast.

Oh, and I can't talk about this game without mentioning the music... Some songs I think are a bit of a miss, those mostly being the slower paced ones, but when the game kicks it into high gear (hah)... it's excellent. I only wish there was more of it!

Never really did racer, only one I did was extreme G a bit which this seem pretty close to. Although a movie tie in racer is a bit weird, I gues if it fit the properties.

Honestly I tend to only play them to listen to the soundtrack while enjoying the flashy scenery flash by.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Never really did racer, only one I did was extreme G a bit which this seem pretty close to. Although a movie tie in racer is a bit weird, I gues if it fit the properties.

Honestly I tend to only play them to listen to the soundtrack while enjoying the flashy scenery flash by.
Racing tie-in games aren't very common, no. It's nice that this one isn't bottom of the barrel garbo either, which is a treat.
I was tempted to mention Extreme G 3 in my post instead of Speed Racer, but, I decided to give a little love to something different
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Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
Mana khemia: Technically part of the atelier franchise, but they never continued it after the PS2. I have no idea why, the atelier are all varying level of mediocre but the mana khemia were much more interesting. You go to magic school and had to manage your time, a bit like persona 3-5. Strong focus on crafting and decent (if far too easy) combat.
You said it yourself, it's part of the Atelier series. So technically they continued making Atelier games and never stopped. I think you can see it in the opening sequence or something, it says Project A9: Mana Khemia or something. So yeah, Mana Khemia was never really it's own 'thing'.

I personally really liked the first Mana Khemia. I thought MK2 kinda shat the bed a little with having two parties, there were far too many characters and it lacked focus. I think the battle system of the Mana Khemia games were the best that Atelier had seen up to that point. Though I think it did build off Atelier Iris 2/3 The battle systems of the newer Atelier games felt like they had regressed to be honest. The Arland series had really basic combat, though I've seen people argue stuff like they wanted you to focus more on the use of alchemy items. I can sorta see the point, and the Iris/MK series definitely leaned away from the alchemy crafting roots into more traditional JRPG stuff.... but the MK battle system is fun enough that I say fudge to that.

I've played Ryza 1 and the Mysterious series but their combat systems also don't really compare.

I think my favourite parts of the MK combat systems was the support attack/defense, allowing you to fluidly swap party members out without going out of your way to expend a turn or action doing so. I thought party member swapping should have become a new norm since FFX first did it, but it's oddly uncommon among games that came after...


Anyway back then you couldn't really talk about Atelier without talking about Ar Tonelico. There were two RPGs on the PS2, developed by both Gust and Banpresto. It has a similar complex crafting system to the Atelier games, but did it's own whacky stuff with song magic, mind diving dating sim stuff. I don't remember the first game that well anymore, but the second game had some rhythm minigame parts of its combat system. You could time button presses to defend against attacks. The music was also incredibly baller.

So yeah, I guess the best way to describe Ar Tonelico is that it is Atelier's more sci-fi and musical cousin.

I didn't play the third game due to not owning a PS3, but it seems like it didn't do that well and wasn't that well received. Seems like they were spiritually succeeded by Ciel no Surge and Ar no Surge, which apparently have PC/Steam ports.... which are region locked.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
You said it yourself, it's part of the Atelier series. So technically they continued making Atelier games and never stopped. I think you can see it in the opening sequence or something, it says Project A9: Mana Khemia or something. So yeah, Mana Khemia was never really it's own 'thing'.

I personally really liked the first Mana Khemia. I thought MK2 kinda shat the bed a little with having two parties, there were far too many characters and it lacked focus. I think the battle system of the Mana Khemia games were the best that Atelier had seen up to that point. Though I think it did build off Atelier Iris 2/3 The battle systems of the newer Atelier games felt like they had regressed to be honest. The Arland series had really basic combat, though I've seen people argue stuff like they wanted you to focus more on the use of alchemy items. I can sorta see the point, and the Iris/MK series definitely leaned away from the alchemy crafting roots into more traditional JRPG stuff.... but the MK battle system is fun enough that I say fudge to that.

I've played Ryza 1 and the Mysterious series but their combat systems also don't really compare.

I think my favourite parts of the MK combat systems was the support attack/defense, allowing you to fluidly swap party members out without going out of your way to expend a turn or action doing so. I thought party member swapping should have become a new norm since FFX first did it, but it's oddly uncommon among games that came after...


Anyway back then you couldn't really talk about Atelier without talking about Ar Tonelico. There were two RPGs on the PS2, developed by both Gust and Banpresto. It has a similar complex crafting system to the Atelier games, but did it's own whacky stuff with song magic, mind diving dating sim stuff. I don't remember the first game that well anymore, but the second game had some rhythm minigame parts of its combat system. You could time button presses to defend against attacks. The music was also incredibly baller.

So yeah, I guess the best way to describe Ar Tonelico is that it is Atelier's more sci-fi and musical cousin.

I didn't play the third game due to not owning a PS3, but it seems like it didn't do that well and wasn't that well received. Seems like they were spiritually succeeded by Ciel no Surge and Ar no Surge, which apparently have PC/Steam ports.... which are region locked.
MK2 did lack a bit of focus due to the split party, but I like that that the two half have good difference between tone.

Played ar tonelico 1, liked it but the fan service was kinda of a turn off so I never played much further. Did quite liked the music and the weird techno fantasy setting.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Loved samurai wastern, like if sunset rider had a baby with onimusha or something. But I sucked so bad at it, can't even remember if I finished it on normal.

Never heard of one, looks pretty neat for PS1, like a bullet hell 3rd person game? I have a feeling its one of those game were everybody hate the platforming sequence...
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020

Now obviously just because I've never seen anyone discuss this game, which I personally only ever played the demo of, given the high level of presentation with the very on point anime cinematics doesn't mean its obscure. But I find it interesting that there isn't at least cult classic status for it. Maybe its because we spend the game as Tachikoma rather than the Major.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Loved samurai wastern, like if sunset rider had a baby with onimusha or something. But I sucked so bad at it, can't even remember if I finished it on normal.
Samurai Western looks like the unofficial sequel to Rising Zan: Samurai Gun (PS1). Though the latter was made by a completely different developer is rougher around edges. Think of Zan like a proto-DMC1. I vaguley heard about it once as a teen, but never followed up on it.

Never heard of one, looks pretty neat for PS1, like a bullet hell 3rd person game? I have a feeling its one of those game were everybody hate the platforming sequence...
Yes. I hated the platforming in One. I played it a lot between the ages of 8-10. Despite the frustrating platforming segments, it was still a better 3D Contra game on the PS1, than either Contra games on the system. I gave the game away years ago, and I definitely don't have the patience for it any more.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010

Now obviously just because I've never seen anyone discuss this game, which I personally only ever played the demo of, given the high level of presentation with the very on point anime cinematics doesn't mean its obscure. But I find it interesting that there isn't at least cult classic status for it. Maybe its because we spend the game as Tachikoma rather than the Major.
Never played it, but the soundtrack is amazing for it and actually somewhat well known since they hired a bunch of known people to be part of it.



Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
What I remember about Eternal Ring is that the ring crafting system is more tolerable with a guide. I seem to recall it punished experimentation (possibly by auto-saving? I don't quite remember...).

Some quick JRPG suggestions that haven't been mentioned yet:
Dark Cloud - part town builder, part real-time rogue-lite; rebuild each town one dungeon at a time
Okage: Shadow King - turn-based JRPG; the protagonist is enslaved to a evil king to release his sister from a mildly inconvenient curse, also a love letter to Tim Burton's visual motifs

A few other hidden PS2 gems:
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - 3rd person shooter; feels like an episode of the show, but like the PSX GitS game, this game stands on its own (one down side: enemies and bullets both treat fences like solid walls, it's odd but you only see this in a few levels (including the first one unfortunately))
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - a 2.5D platformer; there's also a current-gen remake that includes the first game called Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series
Mister Mosquito - 1 part (light) flight sim, 1 part boss battler, with a little bit of collectathon on top; drink blood and avoid being squished
Oni - 3rd person brawler/shooter with some stealth elements as well; it's basically Bungie's take on Ghost in the Shell
Project Eden - a story-heavy puzzler mixed with a shooter; imagine if The Lost Vikings was set entirely in a dark future; you play as a special police unit investigating kidnappings and a mutagenic designer drug
Robot Alchemic Drive - a strange cross between a fighting game and a vehicle sim; remote control a giant robot to battle giant alien robots (ignore the tutorial option in the main menu, the levels have better tutorials built-in)
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
What I remember about Eternal Ring is that the ring crafting system is more tolerable with a guide. I seem to recall it punished experimentation (possibly by auto-saving? I don't quite remember...).

Some quick JRPG suggestions that haven't been mentioned yet:
Dark Cloud - part town builder, part real-time rogue-lite; rebuild each town one dungeon at a time
Okage: Shadow King - turn-based JRPG; the protagonist is enslaved to a evil king to release his sister from a mildly inconvenient curse, also a love letter to Tim Burton's visual motifs

A few other hidden PS2 gems:
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - 3rd person shooter; feels like an episode of the show, but like the PSX GitS game, this game stands on its own (one down side: enemies and bullets both treat fences like solid walls, it's odd but you only see this in a few levels (including the first one unfortunately))
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - a 2.5D platformer; there's also a current-gen remake that includes the first game called Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series
Mister Mosquito - 1 part (light) flight sim, 1 part boss battler, with a little bit of collectathon on top; drink blood and avoid being squished
Oni - 3rd person brawler/shooter with some stealth elements as well; it's basically Bungie's take on Ghost in the Shell
Project Eden - a story-heavy puzzler mixed with a shooter; imagine if The Lost Vikings was set entirely in a dark future; you play as a special police unit investigating kidnappings and a mutagenic designer drug
Robot Alchemic Drive - a strange cross between a fighting game and a vehicle sim; remote control a giant robot to battle giant alien robots (ignore the tutorial option in the main menu, the levels have better tutorials built-in)
Dark cloud, like rogue galaxy, just has too much grinding for my taste. The town building mechanic were fun in 2 though.
Played Okage a loooooong time ago (I think it was one of the first game released?) I have next to no memory of it, I think the gameplay was pretty basic?

I vaguely remember the PS2 GitS not getting good review at the time, but it might have been from people unfamiliar with the setting and the game doesn't bother bringing new player up to speed?
Klonoa I never played either, could give it a shoot, although I might have them on steam?
Mister mosquito seems like one of those quirky japanese game that are interesting in concept but not for more than an hour or two.
Oni I played some of (I think PC version?), I think I got stuck at an airport level and never went back.
Project eden looks neat, wonder if its like the video game of the thing.
Robot alchmic drive I could give it a shoot, but I'm awful at fighter.
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