wait, a replica master sword that doesnt fall apart under the slightest pressure or stress? they're usually pretty flimsy.
A hell of a lot better than the Deku Sticks though.Combustion Kevin said:wait, a replica master sword that doesnt fall apart under the slightest pressure or stress? they're usually pretty flimsy.
Ah, but the Eyeball Frog went off before he could get to Death Mountain, so he was stuck with his regular Master Sword.MrMixelPixel said:Am I the only person who thinks this is like the best joke ever? There's a sneaking suspicion that this entire story was probably orchestrated by a higher power for that fucking joke to be stated.StewShearer said:Now, obviously we don't want to make light of what was likely a scary situation, especially since Thompson's girlfriend's husband was in critical condition after the fight was broken up. That said, the assailant should probably consider himself lucky it was just the Master Sword. If it had been the <a href=http://zeldawiki.org/Biggoron%27s_Sword>Biggoron Sword he'd probably be dead.
That's what the spin-attack is for, dude.StewShearer said:After the initial stabbing the husband left the house and Thompson locked the door. Unwilling to actually leave however the husband broke through the front door and the fight continued. According to police deputies the two brawled over the sword resulting in several more stab wounds for the assailant.
Hey, people have been killing each other with replica Deku Sticks for thousands of years.Evil Smurf said:A hell of a lot better than the Deku Sticks though.Combustion Kevin said:wait, a replica master sword that doesnt fall apart under the slightest pressure or stress? they're usually pretty flimsy.
HA, oh man you made me actually, legitimately "Lol". I really shouldnt read these in class.Ftaghn To You Too said:The fact that he got hit with a flower pot is fucking perfect.
You go, guy. Seriously.
Nah, won't happen.AnthrSolidSnake said:Now we wait. Wait until some news network uses this as a way to say "video games are bad", since the guy was "wielding" a replica sword from a video game.