Married with Children as a Parody of Men's Rights Activists


New member
May 18, 2013
dunam said:

Men's right movement. They're vile, artifacts, crybabies of men that are stuck in an old age.
Whining weaklings who complain when nearly everything in life advantages them. Right? Right?

Was feminism a force for good?

We've got tribal social routines burnt into our heads. We form tribes, religously believe in christ or apple.

These tribal routines cause us to protect women. From themselves if need be.
When our natural behaviour patterns were forged, we learned that the tribe with the most women, would have the most children, would be the strongest in the future.

9 months is a long carrying time. The bottleneck is how many women a tribe has.


Was feminism a force for good?

I remember fondly a pamphlet illustration. It had 12 pictures, 6 women who were doing highly skilled jobs, like doctor, lawyer etc. 6 men with problems like a drunk, a lunatic etc

The caption read: "things a woman can be and not be allowed to vote... Things a man cam be and still be allowed to vote".

Reading that mesmerized me and stuck in my head. How unfair it must have felt for that female doctor, watching a drunk stumble to the voting ballot.


Was feminism a force for good?

I find it hard to believe that anyone would disagree. Feminism has transformed the role for women. We no longer needed the tribal routines where we compete by number of babies, much like violence has been declining for ages (look up a graph of chance to die a violent death per capita for the last two centuries).

We re-imagined the roles for girls and women. They were not just childraisers, but they could become anything a man can be (except pope).


Was feminism a force for good?

The next problem was that few women wanted to be what a man was. Yes, they desired the freedom, the autonomy, the liberation from being oppressed, the growth to equal autonomy.

But their imagination of what they would like their jobs and workplaces to look like was different. We started to discover how women empowered by feminism would shape the world.


Feminism has moved us forward from regarding women in just their tribal role as mother nurterer, to autonomous human being in a modern society.

If you are raised in the west, go to school in the west, then you are taught feminist values.

This isn't to say women will never struggle with sex discrimination or the roles that others expect from them, or they from themselves, simply that these are issues that we've worked on. Are aware of.

And because of all this, I believe that feminism is a force for good.

Why are there men that support MRM?

Well, if I could, I'd make an illustration.
Things a woman can be and still receive child custody:
A drug addict, violent etc.
Things a man can be and still be forced to pay alimony:
A minor, a responsible father that doesn't get to see his children etc.


Why are there men that support MRM?

We've been taught by feminist ideas that it's okay to ask for help.
We are simultaneously conflicted, because asking for help makes us unmanly.
It lessens who we are in the old tribal routines.
We don't have the decades of thought to help us with this as feminists now have.

Mrm is feminism for men. I doubt many of the mrm movement are aware of this, but they are.
We may view feminism as an enemy, but they've been our teacher.

Men too should try to transcend their tribal role of expendable provider. Whereas women were oppressed when it came to autonomy and ruling, men are still oppressed in reproductive rights.


Why are there men that support MRM?

Because when I see a man having trouble getting help, being hurt or ostracized, I feel as empathic as I would towards a woman. Hopefully, I would. There is a lot of ancient tribal programming prevwnting me from this. Because this is a good chance to humiliate that man, to boost my perceived value, to increase my reproductive chances by showing myself to be a capable and strong man.


To get back to the first paragraph: MRA's are not artifacts of an old age. They're men emulating feminist women. Talking about their problems. Believing that change is made through education and discourse.

But they are cry babies. They do whine. Just like feminist are unfeeling bitches. That's the terms we use when a person doesn't behave like their sex. When they don't adhere to their role as they're supposed to. Men crybabies. Women bitches. We'll get over it.

There are many institutional injustices against men that are factually demonstrable.
Can we please have a conversation about this where we're not being shamed for talking about the problems we encounter?
This is a great post. Thanks for taking the time.

I have often thought that the MRM is really just the male version of feminism. That men simply want equal rights too and freedom from gender roles, after they saw what feminism accomplished for women. Gender roles cut both ways and men are still stuck with our gender roles. I thought it but never really put it on paper (or you know, typed it).

Men rights is taking off and I consider all the negativity a step forward because it's better than people saying that they never heard of the MRM or of MRA's.