Plants vs. Zombies didn't deserve anything at all, let alone beating SC2 for Strategy. (I don't know which is worse- SC2 not being nominated, or SC2 being nominated then losing to PvZ)
Black Ops should've been beaten by Portal 2, (which wasn't even nominated- either it's not planned for release there or these people are sad, ignorant, or stupid) Galaxy, Zelda, or pretty much anything else on that list. they even do anything other than Runescape? (The game is boring, takes 0 skill or strategy, and the people that play it are mostly illiterate assholes that rip on low level players even though they deserve more respect than the level cappers.)
Overall, it's easy to tell how the steriotypical uncultured masses run the show. The nominees are dissapointing and lacking, and the large majority of the people that voted are most likely flash gamers that have never played more than 1 nominee, if that, from each category. ME2 and AC2 are the least dissapointing of the lot.