Mass Effect 2's Nudity Level Decided by Dictatorship


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Amnestic said:
Do people still buy Playboy by the way? I mean, with all the internet porn out there I assumed they'd have gone out of business by now.
Well, yeah, the Playboy is actually a magazine with more cars than breasts in it.

Don't ask, I was like 14 or something.

Dorian Cornelius Jasper

Space Robot From Outer Space
Apr 8, 2008
MR T3D said:
nice they say this, and if i were working there, i'd still not want tits in the games mostly because graphics aren't perfect, so it's like a cartoon, and that's kind of sick
Note that cartoon nudity is readily available on the internet and still manages to hit the right biological-instinctual "triggers" in the human psyche. Yes, men are quite literally hard-wired to be that easy to turn on, however "sick" one might feel that is. It's also possible to be aroused by plain old text with no images whatsoever. Harlequin's survival as a publisher relies on this phenomenon. Interestingly, the majority of their customers are women.

I'm not sure I even have to mention the excessive nudity in fine art, especially throughout history. More often than not, these are usually paintings of Biblical topics. Yes, these tended to be a bit less realistic than modern game graphics, might I add. For human history stretching back thousands of years, an obsession with realism was hardly the topic of the day. (Also, reality tended to be pretty horrific, especially if you were a peasant or commoner, but that's something else entirely.)

This is how humanity is. One is certainly free to feel disappointed. However, there are other options: acceptance is one, amusement the other. It's all a matter of having a grounded perspective on things. A sense of humor doesn't hurt.

Dirty Apple

New member
Apr 24, 2008
When I played the first ME, I couldn't help but feel a little pressured into choosing some kind of romance subplot. I chose to play my Shepard as a hard ass that's consumately professional. All of a sudden both Ashley and Liara are putting out signals. In game romance gives me the "no" feeling.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Gladion said:
Amnestic said:
Do people still buy Playboy by the way? I mean, with all the internet porn out there I assumed they'd have gone out of business by now.
Well, yeah, the Playboy is actually a magazine with more cars than breasts in it.

Don't ask, I was like 14 or something.
Ever heard, "I read Playboy for the articles." and thought it was a joke? Maybe to an adolescent it is, since most heterosexual teenage males are on a constant quest to see women naked. Interestingly enough, as I've become a more mature human being I have realized that Playboy actually has excellent interviews, great short stories, hilarious cartoons, and superbly written articles on a wide range of topics. I found that it is entirely possible and fulfilling to read Playboy for articles. It's just a magazine without much censorship and is marketed primarily to adult men.

Off topic statement. =-)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
As Bunky the Wonder Clown's representative I can promise you that we at BtWC Inc. will not stand by to have our position demeaned by these people, legal action will be taken!

OT: Why can't these people just google porn?


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I think Mr. Woo needs to drop the spin doctor act.

This will doubtlessly never be read by anyone that mattered, but I think he misses the point that if I'm buying a game that touts the romantic options as a selling point, and honestly the Mass Effect series has done this from the very beginning as a way of generating hype, I expect eroticism appropriate to it's rating. With an M (or R) rating we're in "erotic thriller" type territory here, and if I don't feel a bit titillated by the sex scenes I have a right to feel disappointed by the product. Now if this game was a teeny romance with a 'T' or 'G' rating, I could see the arguement. But this *IS* an M rated game, and I don't expect it to pull punches.

I guess the big problem is that all pathetic comments about being "able to handle sex" which seem like something kids would ay whenever I hear it, the bottom line is that us adults like our erotic escapism which is why it sells so massively even when it's not outright porn. This applies to both genders. Movies like "Wild Things" were successful enough to spawn two sequels for example. Try and sound profound and mature all you want on the subject, that's simply how things are.

I think the big problem is that people keep thinking "finally we're going to see a real game oriented at adults that incorperates sex and eroticism into an overall game experience without turning into some non-stop hentai-type sex farce". The arguements really aren't about the amount of sex, but the quality of what is there. Nobody is looking for another adventure of Lane Masterdon, or Brad Stallion (and his spaceship 'the big thruster').

Bioware can beat around the bush all they want, but the only reason for some of these girls to put on more clothing than they wear normally to have sex is censorship, or fear thereof (referance to Dragon Age here actually). The issue here isn't the audience, and as much as Bioware tries to retaliate by making people look/feel awkward over making this point, the bottom line is that they have been messing up.

Of course honestly I suspect that Bioware (like other companies) lacks the guts to actually push the envelope, and would rather go to making "T" rated games than try and make real "M" rated titles... and in the process leading a charge that has the entire industry quaking with fear as they all wait for someone else to take the risk.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
i don't think he understands what "dictatorship" means.
a dictator doesn't let you CHOOSE for one thing.

though i completely agree about he nudity.
nudity =/= mature.

also , about the "immature suggestions"..immature teens ARE the main demographic for video games and anime ,so of course they'll ask for more boobs to wank to.

i'd say this guy didn't do his studies before getting into this business.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
s69-5 said:
I think it would be interesting if Bioware would release ME3 with absolutely no sex scenes at all, and watch the reaction. But I'm not going to tell them to do that. I think it would be a fun sociological experiment though.
i can assure you that if me3 doesn't have sex scenes, it'll sell much worse than the 1st and 2nd.

that's why all women in gaming wear little more than bikini and look like sluts.
it really does sell games (sadly)


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I don't see why so many people care. tbh if I was bioware I would try to downplay the sex scene stuff so it wasn't my games "thing". Everytime I hear people talk about ME,ME2, or DA:O the awesomeness of them involving a sex scene is mentioned. Personally I feel it's not the best legacy for a game to leave behind.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Is Bunky the Wonder Clown related to Orfy the Wonder Whale? Just curious...

Anyway good for Stanley Woo. He stood up for his games and refused to add nudity just for the sake of titties. It was a smart and mature decision and it shows that he has pride in his game's script and gameplay. Let's give him a virtual round of applause.


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
Hell, I think Tali's romance plot was the best of any BioWare game (except that damn unreveal). So go ahead BioWare, throw in sex or not! You still have my business!

[small]I think I've posted about Tali for about 5 posts now... I think I have a problem...[/small]


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
s69-5 said:
CoverYourHead said:
Hell, I think Tali's romance plot was the best of any BioWare game (except that damn unreveal). So go ahead BioWare, throw in sex or not! You still have my business!

[small]I think I've posted about Tali for about 5 posts now... I think I have a problem...[/small]
Just don't become this and you'll be fine. XD
Wait... you're allowed to do that?!

... I have to go.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
whycantibelinus said:
In my opinion I felt that the love scenes were better in Mass Effect 2, they seemed carried more of an emotional connection between the characters. The scene in the first game just seemed awkward and maybe a little out of place, but that's just me.
Thank you so much for saying that. You were probably already quoted a lot; then let me say again that 'you're right'.
Personally, I would easily trade the raunchiest, naughtiest scene for those sweet whispers in Mass Effect 2. The writing is beautiful.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Really, the only place that fully-nude sex scenes are truly necessary is porn.

And last I checked, we were trying to tell the irate media that Mass Effect was NOT porn.