Mass Effect 3 is now under $30 is it really that bad of a game?


New member
May 13, 2009
I just noticed that Amazon is selling Mass Effect 3 for $29.99, its only been out a month and a half, is it really so bad that no one is buying it?
I know most people did not like the ending but most people I have talked to said it was good for the rest of the game, doesn't this seem a little soon for this big of a price drop?


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I think it could be a reaction to how many people are complaining about the ending. I mean imagine you have never played the series before, do you really want to invest so much time into a trilogy that, according to everyone has a really bad ending that barely reflects your choices? Half the appeal of Mass Effect is the story.

Okay well maybe like 1/3 story, 1/3 characters and 1/3 gameplay.

...Okay more like 1/5 story, 1/5 characters, 1/5 gameplay, and 2/5 Garrus Vakarian


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Well yeah... an early price drop usually indicates falling sales. If a game continues to sell like hot cakes at the full price then why would the publisher drop the price?

As for whether or not it's "really that bad of a game", that's a purely subjective matter.

My opinion of the game as a whole breaks down something like this:
- 90% - Most fun I've ever had with a video game.
- 9% - Meh.
- 1% - Oh God, guys, what are you doing to ME3? What the fuck are you doing!?


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Its been cheap for quite a while I also see that Street Fighter X tekken is now over 50% off in some stores as well basically I dont think people liked what they did so now they are dropping the price to get people to try and buy it.

I believe Amazon was the first to seriously slash the price and they did it pretty fast too probably because they offered to buy back peoples copies if they didnt like it so no doubht they have more copies than most and you gotta get rid of them somehow. A loss from selling them cheap is better than a loss from not selling any full price.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
It's actually been quite common lately for game prices to drop significantly shortly after launch to boost sales, especially on sites like Amazon.

Tar Palantir

New member
Jan 16, 2012
It was reported on the official forum, many people returned their copy to Amazon because of the ending.....that's voting with your wallet!

About the game...

1) Don't play it unless you've played the first 2 games.

2) IMO, the game was 90% perfect...until the horror...the horror...

3) I really do not know weather to recomment it or not. As I said, it's a really good game, it has the best combat system and emotional impact of the three, but the ending can potentially ruin everything you did before it, including the other two games, not to mention the risk of depression (not even joking).

In hindsight, the really good moments of the journey can potentially overshadow the ending...I just pretend it never happened xD

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
The_Blue_Rider said:
I think it could be a reaction to how many people are complaining about the ending. I mean imagine you have never played the series before, do you really want to invest so much time into a trilogy that, according to everyone has a really bad ending that barely reflects your choices? Half the appeal of Mass Effect is the story.

Okay well maybe like 1/3 story, 1/3 characters and 1/3 gameplay.

...Okay more like 1/5 story, 1/5 characters, 1/5 gameplay, and 2/5 Garrus Vakarian
:p Just to be a dick, I'd point out that categories such as "characters", and "Garrus Vakarian" can indeed all be summed up within the category of "story". :p

OT: It is surprising to see that ME 3 is already down to half price...I personally thought it was the best game of the trilogy because of what you actually do in the game. Yes, like the majority of others, I was quite offended to find that the ending was essentially a giant spray-paint can that asked you what color you wanted to paint the galaxy (despite us being assured by Casey Hudson that the ending WASN'T going to be some cliche "Pick A, B, or C" type ending), but to think that a month after the game is out it's already down to half price just because of the last 10 minutes? That is pretty extreme. If you're a fan of the series, then this should have been your opinion of the game:

Zhukov said:
My opinion of the game as a whole breaks down something like this:
- 90% - Most fun I've ever had with a video game.
- 9% - Meh.
- 1% - Oh God, guys, what are you doing to ME3? What the fuck are you doing!?
Personally I still love the game. The ending failed to ruin the entire game (and the entire series, for that matter) for me. Hell I just finished up my 2nd official playthrough with my full Renegade character, and I'm eagerly looking forward to starting up my 3rd playthrough as a class that actually has powers (first two playthroughs were as an infiltrator and a soldier). But really that's just my thoughts on the matter...clearly other people are more offended by the ending than I am. :p


New member
Apr 9, 2008
dimensional said:
Its been cheap for quite a while I also see that Street Fighter X tekken is now over 50% off in some stores as well basically I dont think people liked what they did so now they are dropping the price to get people to try and buy it.
Is it that people didn't like it or are (like me) waiting for Super SF vs Tekken?...
Then ultimate SSF vs Tekken...
Then Ultimate Premium SSF vs Tekken.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I'll tell you what made me giggle....

EA refused to give GAME ME3 due to game being in debt and a bit of a risk, so GAME had no stock of ME3.

GAME in my town now has more stock of ME3 than it knows what to do with due to quite a few people trading it in.

And it's under £20.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Christ You're not kidding I ordered Kingdoms of fucking Amalur on Amazon about a week ago and it's significantly more expensive on there than ME3. A far lower budget game that's been out for longer and has no established fan base. Weak dude.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
RJ 17 said:
I was quite offended to find that the ending was essentially a giant spray-paint can that asked you what color you wanted to paint the galaxy (despite us being assured by Casey Hudson that the ending WASN'T going to be some cliche "Pick A, B, or C" type ending), but to think that a month after the game is out it's already down to half price just because of the last 10 minutes? That is pretty extreme.
I'm creating a new restaurant. I've hired the best chefs from New York, Paris, and Tokyo. My wait staff are all paid a handsome salary in addition to the tips they earn, resulting in only the creme de la creme of waiters and waitresses the world over. The atmosphere is sublime, the food is exquisite, the service is first rate. People flock to my restaurant, no matter the cost of the meal. This restaurant is the talk of the town.

Then Casey Hudson takes over as manager and decides to implement a policy that the table will have a giant toilet seat placed in the middle of it and waiters will be required to serve dessert while taking a titanic dump in the middle of the table. The food is still great. The service is still excellent.

Should I really be surprised that no one likes my restaurant anymore?

That's what it feels like playing ME3.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Saints Row 3 was £20 within a month.
Skyrim was £25 with a month.

I just think you're seeing what you want to see, mate.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm happy with my full priced purchase of the collectors edition, so would i pick it up at half price? hell yeah.

You'd think the ending was carcinogenic or something by the way people have been going on about it.

Was the ending terrible? Yes.
Did that make the hours of fun i had playing it before the end invalid? No.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Zhukov said:
My opinion of the game as a whole breaks down something like this:
- 90% - Most fun I've ever had with a video game.
- 9% - Meh.
- 1% - Oh God, guys, what are you doing to ME3? What the fuck are you doing!?
You sir, pretty much sums it up perfectly.


Wrote Some Words
Jul 16, 2009
Seems fair that Mass Effect 3 is dropping in price. For a game that prides itself on its amazing story to have a bad ending, it's not worth full price. On the other hand the mechanics are fun and much of the story during the game is fantastic, so paying a lower price to experiance them is fair.

The ending doesn't entirely ruin the entire series, at least not for me, but it does leave it on one hell of a sour note. It's true the ending is emphasised by the fact that epic climax is what people really remember in a story, but it was bad - perhaps even terrible - and it was a kick in the nuts t the fans who were with the games since the beggining. But that doesn't stop the rest of the game from being an emotional rollercoaster in the very best way.

I'm not sure if that's a recomendation or not, though perhaps that's because the game as a whole sits right in the middle of my quality spectrum. I am tempted to tell people not to buy it just so the game fails (relative to other AAA games of course) and we don't get this lazy, quickly-written ending bullshit in ther titles, but that would be wrong.