I got: ESFP - The "Entertainer"
Extroverted over Introverted - Sure, kinda... I don't have difficulty talking to people, though you couldn't exactly call me a social butterfly I socialize basically whenever possible (it just happens that I don't get many opportunities for that right now :s) and love being around other people over being alone.
Sensing over Intuition - Not so sure about that one. What's the difference between following your senses and following your intuition? Aren't they basically the same thing?
Feeling over thinking - a bit of both, but it was a very close percentage so I suppose that's about right.
Perceiving over Judging - Definately correct.
"For the ESFP, the entire world is a stage. They love to be the center of attention and perform for people. They're constantly putting on a show for others to entertain them and make them happy. They enjoy stimulating other people's senses, and are extremely good at it. They would love nothing more than for life to be a continual party, in which they play the role of the fun-loving host."
I don't love being the centre of attention, though I have no issues with doing things where the attention is focused on me every now and then (for example, being on stage) and I hate being ignored; being noticed and acknowledged is nice. I don't constantly put on a show for others to entertain them and prefer it when there's someone else entertaining me. Stimulating others senses, sure, I suppose that's kinda cool...

Life being a continual party? That sounds fun! But I hate being the host of parties... too much pressure. and i'd need breaks from all the action to chill and have some alone time.
So I don't really think this describes me well, but to be honest I feel like my personality is too complicated to just be thrown into one category, I'm probably a mixture of several.