Memorable Moments in Video Games

Ghostrick Dorklord

Ordinary High School Girl
Oct 2, 2009
Through the Looking Glass
I'm sure everyone has that one moment that you remember a game for. It can be an event, an achievement, anything that you have experienced and kept that experience with you for the longest time. It doesn't have to be exactly related to story events or positive; Just something you personally experienced. I just wanted to make some small talk and I got this idea since I thought about stuff I remember in games that aren't tied to story stuff so yeah.

I had this hilarious moment in Monster Hunter World. Its my first Monster Hunter game and I didn't know any better at the time so I was wandering across the Ancient Forest and stumbled onto an Anjanath on accident so I decided to try to fight it then and there. But then a Rathalos comes flying down and it started a fight with the Anjanath so I decided to sit back and watch it happen. However things didn't go my way because after a moment they both immediately went after me. It was funny because I kept trying to dodge their attacks while screaming "Mr. Jangles!" for my cat buddy to heal me. Needless to say I ran off without my dignity but I won't forget that anytime soon.

For a more negative but kind of funny moment is in Atelier Ayesha I was doing story stuff, a bit unexpectedly, so I ended up fighting a boss. The said boss ended up kicking my ass into next week literally. So I was like "I'm gonna make a ton a bombs and healing items! That will show him!" But when I finished the time limit was up and the game pretty much slapped me and said, "you lazy dumbass, try harder next time!" which gave me the bad ending where everything resolved itself without the title character doing anything. I didn't feel like playing the game after that despite having a new game plus. I felt like I put in too much time into the game to do it again. However when I did revisit the game earlier this year I finally understood the mechanics of the game and while it was still a hard boss I managed to win on the skin of my teeth so I do have closure at least.

And finally I do have a lot of Pokemon moments but the one that stands out in particular is the Champion battle from Pokemon Y. Its less because of how it was supposed to be an epic battle but the fact that I managed to sweep the Champ's entire team with one Pokemon. Yes it was Aegislash but I never felt like I had a victory handed to me on a silver platter like that until then. I guess it was a hallow victory but oh well. I might had done the same thing with Az but I remember using my Tyrantrum for that one. My memory is hazy on that one.

But yeah that's just me. How about you? What stood out for you in a game? What stick in your brain for years? Etc.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
For me it was Wing Commander 3. It was the first and only time a "plot twist" in a videogame managed to take me by surprise. I'd been playing Wing Commander games since the first one and the traitor responsible for the destruction of the Tiger's Claw was a big mystery going into the 3rd game. I'd been waiting quite some time to find out who the traitor was... and the reveal 1/2 through the game took me completely by surprise. It was the ONE suspect that I had trusted completely. The one wingman I knew couldn't be responsible. Even though it results in the permadeath of some wingmen, I defied orders, chased him down, and murdered him... probably my character's best friend at the time. The betrayal was shocking and raw and no plot twist an any game I've played before or since even deserves to be called a plot twist compared to that.


Apr 3, 2020
Becoming the leader of your own squadron in the final mission of Ace Combat 4. You go through the whole game following others into battle, and now you have an elite team of pilots following you, wearing your insignia, and then witnessing the enemy aces shit themselves when they realise what they're up against.


Regular Member
Apr 3, 2020
One of the most memorable moments I can think of is playing D-Day and storming the Normandy beaches in Medal of Honor: Frontline. It probably looks quaint now but at the time it was intense - it really felt like you were playing the opening of Saving Private Ryan.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
The bear chase in Condemned 2: Bloodshot. Man, such an intense, unexpected and well scripted moment...