Menaces and Mysteries: A Fallen London RP (closed, started)

Tortilla the Hun

Decidedly on the Fence
May 7, 2011
"Fine. I'll do as you tell me to, Aidan. Also, I didn't kill anyone, so I'm not taking any responsibility for that bloody mess."

"Well, that's...that's very much appreciated," the chemist said, nodding in gratitude. He may be ill-tempered and quite a bit of a brute, but I think at heart this man is a good man. "Righty-oh then, off we go."

"Are you certain none of you would be willing to run for me? It would get you away from your companions inevitable screams."

"Terribly sorry, but I'm afraid I must decline your offer," Aidan said rather brusquely, "I simply haven't the shoes for it. And I wouldn't be so smug, as it is not only unbecoming but Sir Cutter happens to be the greatest and fastest shot with a rifle I've seen." An aggrandized statement perhaps, though the truth was Aidan just hadn't seen very many people with that sort of weaponry. The man's intention was to deflate the haughty devil's ego and that statement would have to suffice. "Were I in your position, I'd be quite troubled. Oh yes, quite troubled indeed."


Awe-Inspiringly Awesome
Apr 20, 2010
"Are you certain none of you would be willing to run for me? It would get you away from your companion's inevitable screams."

Thomas smirked. "I won't run. As if I'd care about that guy's yelling," Thomas grumbled. "He's just some bastard, let him scream if that devil lady actually manages to pierce his thick skull, I wouldn't mind." Thomas hadn't let go of the knife yet, one would be a fool to do that when some bloody devil was holding a gun.

"Terribly sorry, but I'm afraid I must decline your offer. I simply haven't the shoes for it. And I wouldn't be so smug, as it is not only unbecoming but Sir Cutter happens to be the greatest and fastest shot with a rifle I've seen. Were I in your position, I'd be quite troubled. Oh yes, quite troubled indeed."

He shrugged.

Seems I'll need to bring my own bloody rifle tomorrow then.

He though to himself.

Won't let myself get bested by some bloody noble.

Thomas had been in too many dangerous fights -even died a couple of times-, and spent too long getting hurt by his own family, for him be worse than some carefully treated guy, large as Cutter might be.

"I'm out of here," he said. "We have to tell that constable guy that we've done what he told us to."

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Edward M. Cutter, Esq.

Edward spared a glance at the devil still astride his horse as he led his companions out of the quarter. He had to admit that it was reassuring that they were going to be out of the line of fire, though he could only hope that the devil leading them to 'safety' wasn't planning on turning on them the moment they were vulnerable. He probably should have told Mickey to keep a close watch on the others, but chances were he didn't need to, Mickey was a good chap.

If he was entirely honest with himself, however, while he would have deeply regretted anything happening to Miss Glass and Mister Pottinger, or Ptolemy, he wouldn't be particularly broken up if the thug, Thomas was killed. Especially since he highly doubted that would stop him for long.

Then he faced the deviless fully when she spoke, reminding himself that she was the one thing he needed to focus on. Any distraction could prove deadly.

"Just try not to bore me. Anytime you're ready then."

He noticed that she was relaxed, bow ready but not yet aimed. Knowing that he had to fight smart, he nodded and took a deep breath. Fighting her head-on was like to be suicide. He had to fight smart, and he was thankful that being smart and being sporting weren't exactly mutually exclusive, though some would think it that.

"Right then," he called over, starting to slowly move to his right, circling her.

Then he abruptly dove to his left, bringing Victoria up to bear mid-dive. A second after he hit the ground, he fired off one barrel, aiming at the hand that held her bow. With a roll, he got back on his feet and made a mad dash for the temple in hopes of cover, turning before reaching the doorway to fire his second round at the deviless.


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
With an annoyed groan Viktor absent-mindedly batted anyway the Blemmigans with the unsheathed blade of the sword and then walked off with a grumble. Even with the fog it wasn't easy to miss the sound or the sight of the duel with the Deviless. From the lack of booming shouting coming from the temple, the Tomb Colonist assumed their work was done and attempted to get out of the Forgotten Quarter then catch a cab to the Department of Menace Eradication's headquarters.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Viktor's journey to the edge of the quarter was fairly uneventful, he was plagued by the occasional blemmigan but as bandaged as he was their stingers couldn't harm him effectively. Finding a cab proved more difficult but he would eventually make his way back to the headquarters regardless.

Priscilla darted quickly and stealthily through the mists, soon reaching near where the others were being led by the devil, though it seemed he hadn't spotted her quite yet. In the distance through the mist she could barely make out a low groan of a clay man in pain accompanied by the portly devil's laughter.

The devil seems to be altering their path slightly, taking them in what will eventually prove a large circle (or would in normal terrain in the forgotten quarter things are not so certain). Though of course his intention might still be to lead them out it seems he is not taking a very direct manner about it.

The deviless moved with inhuman quickness even as Cutter dove for the ground, aiming for small targets like hands was always tricky particularly when they were in motion and to his credit he came quite close but his shot when slightly astray instead striking her in the side. Her dress was torn revealing but the flesh underneath seemed unharmed by the blast, even so the force of it threw her own aim aside and the first arrow went wide of its mark flying past Edward. As he made his break for the temple she knocked another and fired this time striking more true, his left thigh flared with pain as the barbed arrow struck him, though adrenaline and sheer bloody-mindedness carried him swiftly into the temple regardless. His second shot struck the deviless squarely in the chest causing her to drop the next arrow she was knocking and even forcing her to stagger back a few steps though if she felt any pain it didn't show on her face which was locked in an expression of delight and hunger.

"Oh you will be fun," he could hear her muttering and she began approaching slowing, then she spoke louder in a mocking tone "Hiding seems rather cowardly don't you think? And here I thought you were a different sort of man than that."

Tortilla the Hun

Decidedly on the Fence
May 7, 2011
The devil-lead group pressed on, though as time passed something seemed to be amiss. Every so often their direction would change but only slightly. Hardly noticeable at all, but they'd be listing to the right. Always to the right. While not exactly being an expert in navigation, Aidan still deduced that their escort didn't seem particularly eager to get them out of that place.

"Excuse me, sir?" Aidan called out. "You do know where you're going, correct? Our trail seems to be rather...circuitous. Do you really intend to lead us out of here or are you just playing at some sort of game?"


Awe-Inspiringly Awesome
Apr 20, 2010
"Excuse me, sir? You do know where you're going, correct? Our trail seems to be rather...circuitous. Do you really intend to lead us out of here or are you just playing at some sort of game?"

"What?!" Thomas exclaimed, and looked around. Everything looked the same to him, mist reaching as far as he could see, but if Aidan noticed something, then that might be so.

"Where the bloody hell are you taking us, then?! You were supposed to lead us out, that was the agreement, and if you don't follow that I'll make sure you'll regret it!" Stepping up to the devil, he armed himself with the gun. It wouldn't do much, far too small for that, and this was a devil, however, Thomas didn't care. Bloody devils, trying to trick them.

"ANSWER!" he growled, and stomped, angrily. "Why are we walking in..."

What was it? Circ--- Oh, right.

"In circuitous ways?!" He was ready to act, if the devil didn't act like he wanted him to, Thomas would probably attack.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Edward M. Cutter, Esq.

As the big-game hunter leaned back against the stone wall of the temple, he reached down and broke off the arrowhead from the shaft that protruded from his thigh, then pulled the rest of the arrow out of his leg with a soft grunt. He had to give the deviless credit: If she was looking to cripple him to draw out the thrill of the hunt, she was a bloody good shot.

"Oh you will be fun. Hiding seems rather cowardly don't you think? And here I thought you were a different sort of man than that."

As she taunted, Edward didn't bother answering. It would be counterproductive, especially since he had plans to stage an ambush. He took the time to quickly reload Victoria, making sure a pair of fresh rounds were plugged into her barrels, clicking it shut before slowly making his way between the pews, making sure to keep low in case she came inside more early than he anticipated.

He leaned heavily on his injured leg despite the pain, making sure to leave a nice, large trail of blood behind him as he went to the back of the temple, then quickly doubled back so that he was halfway to the entrance. Then, clutching at his leg to staunch the blood, he laid back on the nearest pew and aimed Victoria where he hoped to see the deviless's head.

He only hoped his desperate ploy worked. If she was the kind of tracker he thought she was, the blood would be too tempting a trail.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
"In circuitous ways?!"

The devil chuckled "I must have gotten turned around, I apologize," he said, though his words rang false. Growing steadily closer was the sound of hooves, which only served to widen the devil's grin "Hmm, it seems one of my associates may be approaching, perhaps he could lend a hand?"

The black nightmare of a horse burst through the mist and the devil's smirk vanished as he saw its rider, the portly devil, lying unconscious across its saddle, drooling. Bits of clay covered his clothes and the remaining half of his weapon rested loosely in his grip. The devil sighed and shook his head.

"And he could not handle one clay man, pity," he said "Ah well, I believe I recall the right way now."

With that the devil made a sharp turn and led them at a faster pace, soon arriving at the edge of the quarter where he gave a slight mocking bow before departing back into the mists.


The deviless said nothing as she crouched low and moved into the temple, looking more like a feral beast on the prowl than the more human impression she had given before. The trail of blood was indeed tempting and she rushed after it, turning only at the last second as she walked into the trap and giving an angry snarl as she realized what had happened.

The blast struck her head sending her reeling backwards and collapsing onto the ground, though she was not defeated quite yet and started to struggle to her feet, clearly dazed by the impact though not yet unconscious. As she began to push herself back up she kept one arm shielding her face and head from further shots.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Edward M. Cutter, Esq.

The moment the Deviless came into view in Victoria's sights, he fired one barrel into her skull. She seemed to notice her mistake and snarled a moment too late when the slug hit her, staggering her back and causing her to fall, her bow dropping from her hand as well.

While she started to push herself up, the hunter didn't waste any time as he got to his feet and aimed not at her face, but her stomach, firing the other barrel of his Elephant Gun before dropping it into the nearby pew. He wasn't going to assume she was finished by that at any rate: Devils were notoriously durable. So, stepping forward, he used one hand to push the arm shielding her face aside while he rammed her face with his fist in a trio of powerful, short-armed jabs.

Then he stepped back, kicking her bow out of her reach before grabbing Victoria and reloading her. Once she clicked closed, he leveled her barrels at the Deviless again and waited.

As distasteful as punching a woman was to him, this was a hunt. He had to think of her more as a tiger than a woman, something hunting him just as he hunted her in turn. It was then that he finally spoke up.

"Hide? My dear, I'm afraid you've got it all wrong." he told her smoothly.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
As soon as he touched the arm Edward felt his hand burn as though he had touched a hot stove, allowing the deviless to yank her arm free and partially shield herself from his blows, even returning one in kind, lashing out with one hand in a clumsy strike that managed to leave several scratches where it hit. Still it was clear that she was still dazed by the shots she had taken, and the punches indeed had an impact.

Still she let out a coughing laugh as he raised the gun at her once more, the newly formed blisters on the hand he had grabbed her with making it difficult to hold his aim, though the adrenaline kept the pain somewhat at bay. Then as suddenly as she had moved before she darted towards the temple exit, weaving almost drunkenly though it seemed more a product of her dazed state than an intentional maneuver. Edward's reaction shot clipped her, only missing due to her unpredictable movements and the pain from his hand throwing off his aim, but she made it out of the temple.

She stopped not far out of the temple and whistled loud and strong, the sound echoing strangely across the quarter. The whistle finished she turned back towards the entrance, her yellow eyes focused on the doorway.


Awe-Inspiringly Awesome
Apr 20, 2010
"And he could not handle one clay man, pity. Ah well, I believe I recall the right way now."

"You BETTER!" Thomas growled. He'd jump on the devil now, had it not been for the spirifer on his shoulder and the pistol in his other hand. "You bloody cowards!" Part of him wondered what clay man the other had run into, though, from the bits of clay on the unconscious devil, the clay man hadn't come out of it in a good shape.

He didn't finish off that bloody clay man, right?

That would explain why they hadn't seen that bloke for a while. Upon realizing so, Thomas went quiet. It wasn't really something he wanted to dwell on. Unable to tell if they were going the right way from sight, but attempting to rely on his hearing, perhaps he could hear the voices of people when they got close.

Anything that makes it obvious that we're out of this damned place.

If not... well, then Aidan would notice, and call the devil out again. If that happened, Thomas would probably throw the bloke on his shoulder onto the ground and take care of the devil, deal or no deal.


RIP Escapist RP Board
May 24, 2012
Viktor arrived at the Department of Menace Eradication with little fanfare, tossing some money to the cab driver on the way out. He knocked on the door with his cane, announcing his presence and waited for someone to greet him. Part of him felt sorry for the others who had to deal with the Devils because of a deal Viktor had with them. However, they had all proved to be fools. As long as they didn't find out the Tomb Colonist would be fine. Even better, if they failed to return, all of the commission money with fall into his pocket. The gentleman wouldn't mind a stiff drink after dealing with such scum, and the best of the best didn't come cheap. Well, Viktor could settle for some Greyfields 1882, but where was the fun in that?