Microsoft Recruiting Designers for Next Xbox


New member
Mar 10, 2010
As long it has backwards compability, I'll be a happy man, so whats its gunna be called? Xbox 540, Xbox 720, Xbox 2? I called dibs on the first one lol.
Apr 28, 2008
Straying Bullet said:
Irridium said:
Straying Bullet said:
I at least hope the new XBOX360 will allow us to play the previous games we had on this generation.

IF that's the case, I will get it.
Considering how they handled backwards compatibility from the old xbox(stop making games BC in 2007, then make a handful of those available on the 360 marketplace, then just scrap the whole thing), I'm not holding my breath.
Here is the thing. We are at a point were graphics/technology doesn't limit us at all anymore. Just more shiner eyecandy doesn't make for a good game necessarily. If Microsoft is retarded enough that they won't make their next XBOX compatible with every 360 game from the start, they are shooting themselves in the foot.

The could pull that stunt with the original XBOX but with this one, no, we are at a treshold and if they don't respect our investment, I see their next XBOX flop. Lets hope to God MS realizes this already.
Again, this is Microsoft. The company who still pushes Games for Windows Live despite it being borderline anti-consumer. And that continues to say it supports the PC even though they seem to be doing the opposite.

Then again since its the xbox, they may care enough to do something right. But again, I'm not holding my breath.
Aug 25, 2009
All I want is better facility for graphics, on par with the PS3 or better, and not so much chance of abject failure and total system crash.

Why do I get the feeling I won't get either?

No! I like the XBox, I will continue to be positive about it, the same way I was positive about Final Fantasy right until Tidus started laughing.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
Guh! I'm fed up of new console generations. Can't we just keep the PS3/Xbox 360 indefinitely?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Oh baby, im excited. Even though it's likely i wont pick up the new xbox for at least another year after it comes out.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Thank freaking goodness. I've been waiting to hear something about the next gen of consoles. I need new consoles! Mine are getting stale.

Jezzascmezza said:
Can't Microsoft focus on picking up some more exclusive titles/franchises?
I don't have a PS3, but I'm considering it, because Sony seems to be getting all these great exclusives...
Yes, because buying a PS3 right now with all the crap going on with Sony is a good idea. Sorry, I've been very disssapointed with the way Sony's been handling their piracy problems. It is my opinion, but if Sony can't handle these problems properly, it makes me fearful of what they're going to do in the near future to their console and their customers.

James Raynor

New member
Sep 3, 2008
So microsoft is bored of the Kinect already? But oh well, I hope it'll be good enough to justify a purchase.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Kalezian said:
I would say probably around Q3 or Q4 of 2014 or 15, but thats at the far extreme of release dates, by the end of this year and maybe 2012 we might see what exactly is in store for us console-wise.
2014 is probably the best bet. The last time they rushed it and the red ring of death plagued them for years afterwards. They won't rush it quite so fast because if they have hardware problems two core systems in a row they'll have a much tougher time the second time through.

In addition to integrated motion control (very likely at this point) it will act as the electronic hub for your living room.

The next xbox probably wont even have a built in DVD slot. It will be solid state, maybe with expandable memory.

We'll see integration as the Microsoft TV hub (like the Apple TV/Roku/Tivo)

Internet TV (Yeah, they'll probably have a better wireless keyboard)

Integration with other Microsoft OS related products - including your car, possibly household appliances.

VOIP - serious attempt at"face time" living room calling.

Your latest windows phone will carry your profile and you can sync it with the 360 wirelessly to allow you to keep your XBOX live profile mobile.

What else will they include, or rather what else would you want to include?


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
Hopefully it comes out in 2012 /dream. This gen is already starting to look very dated, especially when you look at PC vs 360. I will probably just spend 8-900 on a killer PC this year and forgo console gaming if PC maintains a graphical quality far above xbox. I love consoles cause mouse and keyboard is janky for me to use unless its an rts or WoW, but i'll just use a 360 controler with my FPS games and i'll be fine.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Eri said:
Honestly, I'm still content with the current (360/ps3) consoles. It's the wii that has the catching up to do.
Ain't that the truth. If anyone is going to come out with a new console first, it has to be Nintendo.

Anyways, what do you think the new XBOX will be called?
Do you think it'll be something simple like XBOX 720 or something more creative?


New member
Jan 7, 2011
This is good. They need to get started now so they're not extremely rushed before launch like they were on the XBox and XBox 360. That's what leads to crap like RRoD (okay, that was just plain stupid too).

Three years (2014) should be nice and comfortable.

And honestly the hardware needs an upgrade. They may have looked hot a few years ago, but X360 and PS3 are easily destroyed by any mid-level PC now, and they're holding PCs back with their lack of power and (on the PS3) miniscule texture memory, since most of the big PC games are ports.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Maybe they can actually some Hardware technicians this time instead of spending the "Make sure our product actually works" department's budget on ads.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Puddle Jumper said:
Saw this one coming for a while. The 360 has a lot of good services, but as a hardware machine, it's extremely lacking.
Yea. They only just got the 360 to work finally.
I am definitely NOT buying this next one unless it's been out for a year or two and it's NOT melting on people's shelves.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Well, I hope they don't change the controller. Also, I'll probably be too deep in study to get it when it comes out.

Also, Captcha just asked me to type out a Lambda symbol. What the fuck, my keyboard is normal, captcha.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
I am looking forward to this buuuuuuuut the 360's many cases of the hardware gremlins will put me off buying it initially.
I guess we shall have to wait and see. Fingers crossed over here though.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Straying Bullet said:
I at least hope the new XBOX360 will allow us to play the previous games we had on this generation.

IF that's the case, I will get it.
Nailed it. I still have my original XBox hooked up because I occasionally want to play Halo, Ninja Gaiden Black, Knights of the Old Republic, or some other game on that system. Between my XBox, 360, GameCube, and PS3, I do not have ROOM for another console. So yeah, if it doesn't play 360 games, I'm not getting it till I have my own place, with multiple TVs. And by then, I think I'll be too busy to play games that much.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
I havn't been too disapointed with the hardware of the 360... It had to be replaced twice but it broke within the THREE YEAR warranty so I had no problems replacing it. The lack of good backwards compatability was a nuisance though.

I'm guessing when they eventually release another Xbox it'll have Kinnect built into it. I can't imagine them going through all that work just to reinvent in. Oh! I wonder if they'll take their Shadowrun experiment to the next level and have Console-PC interplay the norm instead of the exception. (For anyone that didn't know, Shadowrun is an FPS that allows 360 users to play online with PC users.)

(And one of my favourite games EVAR!)