The thing is even here in america most people don't have the massive open living rooms like all the promotional videos would have you believe. And even those who have a even a moderate size living room I'm willing to bet the vast majority of them still play in the bedroom. I sure do.
The irony is that by trying to make the Xbone have broader appeal and attractive to game devs it has actually whittled away its potential consumer base by pissing off gamers with anti consumer tactics, casting out anyone without a reliable high speed connection, and alienating pretty much everyone outside of the US.
I loved the 360 and XBL this gen but if MS is going to be so egotistical and contemptuous then I have no problem skipping them this coming gen. Maye they can redeem themselves next time.
The irony is that by trying to make the Xbone have broader appeal and attractive to game devs it has actually whittled away its potential consumer base by pissing off gamers with anti consumer tactics, casting out anyone without a reliable high speed connection, and alienating pretty much everyone outside of the US.
I loved the 360 and XBL this gen but if MS is going to be so egotistical and contemptuous then I have no problem skipping them this coming gen. Maye they can redeem themselves next time.