ITT: Butthurt Valve fanboys.
It's okay. I'll be enjoying these games that Microsoft has coming. Games like Age of Empires, Flight and Fable. You can enjoy your Valve games, the one. Portal 2. It isn't even a PC exclusive. Valve isn't a PC developer. They are a massive publisher and a multiplat developer. They are no different than Microsoft, except Microsoft can actually make games, instead of absorb modding groups and slap their logo on it.
Viva La GFWL
Matt K said:
I actually passed up Bioshock 2 for like $10 due to GFWL. If I need to create a new account and login just to save my game (even offline mode) then it's an automatic pass for me.
People like this are dumb. Offline profiles work just as well to save in GFWL. Even then, you shouldn't be complaining. You have to have Steam running so it can activate your games online when you install, even boxed copies of Steamworks games. That is worse than having to make an account, online or offline, to save. You won't even be able to play if Steam goes down.