I don't agree with the Taliban by any means, and I would rather see the Taliban wiped from the face of the planet.
But not the MEN. No, the Taliban is a construct based around ideas, which are fed to some gullible and deluded people. I try to justify the war by pointing out the protection of innocents, and I can agree with your sentiment, but it's still tragic that they have to die. after all, these are ordinay men, led astray by propaganda, hatred, ignorance. Only a select few of a group like that, the manipulators who start them, can be said to be bad to the core (although I'd still debate that). The death of a man is no less tragic if he died because he was misguided, or he died because he was protecting innocents. I guess that's my own ultra-lefty side showing there.
Anyway, All I'm saying is that a peacekeeping operation should remain exactly that. If we use excessive force to intentionally attack and eliminate insurgents, then fair play, we can protect civillians.... but then, that's the kind of military action that causes grieving relatives and unintentional collateral damage, leading to the creation of more extremists....
I guess you see where I'm going there. I suppose I used the worst wording I could have possibly chosen when I tried to argue in favour of "equal footing" that doesn't make sense, granted. I should have used a different argument.
But still, I don't think we can remove our own men from combat that much, as a matter of some ill-defined principle I'm trying to work out just now. *thinks hard*
Damnit, I KNOW there's a reason I beleive this. I guess my view that the death of a man is no less tragic regardless of what he did or stood for is the prevailing factor in this belief. I don't think we have the right, even if we're doing the right thing. "we're justified in removing humans from the fight, but they are not" just doesn't fly with me, not in the slightest.