
New member
Jul 10, 2008
There does not exist a fun MMORPG. The genre as a whole is guaranteed boredom.

Coming from someone who's jumped from MMORPG to MMORPG, I wish I hadn't wasted all that time download, playing, and uninstalling at least 15 different MMORPGs before I realized that they are all boring, the same experience, and just not worth playing.

Games I enjoy that I wouldn't consider MMORPGs, but more like online action games are Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst and Diablo 2 LoD.

Just Google LoD on the off chance you've never heard of it.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
World of Warcraft would be my second recommendation (play an RP server and roll Alliance, if you do, trust me).

My first is still City of Heroes.

Sky Captanio

New member
May 11, 2009
As Zero Punctuation pointed out "MMORPG Combat goes like this: You click on a person and start kicking their shins they kick you back and you keep kicking till someone falls down." I find this gennerally true. Mortal online looks to be like Oblivion in MMO form. That seems a winning combination.

Rhob Anybody

New member
Apr 3, 2009
Sky Captanio said:
As Zero Punctuation pointed out "MMORPG Combat goes like this: You click on a person and start kicking their shins they kick you back and you keep kicking till someone falls down." I find this gennerally true. Mortal online looks to be like Oblivion in MMO form. That seems a winning combination.
Except for the real time combat in DDO. More like a very fast paced version of the Oblivion combat with a touch more stratergy.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
World of Warcraft, It's fun from level 10 ( and that's 20 min of game play) but be warned, it is HIGHLY ADDICTING.

If not that

Warhammer: Online
Second best one I've tried

But if you want to go for a FREE FOREVER MMORPG
Perfect World
It's the best free MMORPG I've played yet.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Go for World of Warcraft or Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Davey Woo said:
If you havn't got the money for WoW, then Guild Wars is probably a good option, the only MMO's I've played are Guild Wars, WoW (14 day free trial) and Runescape. So don't consider my opinion a good one.

I'd say Eve is the poorest MMO I've ever played (as in I got bored after about 3 hours play time) so I wouldn't go for that one.

If I were you I'd play through all the free trials to see which one you enjoy the most, then go for whatever takes your fancy.
Wise man, I agree with all thats said here, those are the only ones I've played too, Guildwars definitely gets my vote, After 2 years I'm still playing and have just bought the campaigns I didn't already own :)


New member
Mar 19, 2009
WoW is the easiest, All you download is a stream type file.

AoC is OK but a 13 Gig download

DDO is the fastest pace MMO, and very differant than the other MMO's in play style. About 6-8 Gig download

LotRO is nice 8-10 Gig Download.

So, yes I'd say try WoW first. It's the quickest to get into and try. If you like the MMO type of game, then try the others and see which one is for you.

***EDIT*** Your PC matters as well. WoW will play on lower end systems, DDO, LotRO,and AoC will want higher end systems (atleast a 2.5 DC, 2Gigs of ram, and 8400+ G-card. Minimum)


New member
Jan 18, 2009
What MMO's do your friends play? I would hate to play an MMO by myself, its just so dull. Making friends in-game is entirely possible but that generally happens when you join a guild and start raiding at end-game (I'm refering to WoW here) which is a long way off from when you start, and the bit you really need friends to talk with while playing is the leveling process. So I'd see what you and your friends want to play and all choose the same one.


New member
Mar 8, 2009
What about guild wars?

Its free to play, and from what ive heard, its really fun.


New member
May 8, 2009
Sky Captanio said:
I've been thinking about getting an MMO (or at least trying a free trial). The problem is which one? There are so many and I don't know which one has what qualities. So which do you think I should try?

WoW is by far the best.

11 million ppl cant possibly be wrong.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
From my expierence:
WoW(not free) is pretty nice (also on private servers which are for free)
Silkroad Online(free) is getting too cheap after level40 with quests like kill 1000 mobs and it repeats a couple of times... (so i cant advise that..)
Cabal Online(free) isnt bad at all, very colourful and so, but people who pay for premium stuff are stronger with same level.
FLYFF (free) is kinda cute and nice - one of my favorites actually..


New member
Sep 2, 2008
DasMark said:
Mercanary57 said:
lukey94 said:
You know if money's tight you could always check out a private server for WoW, or near enough any MMORPG
If it's a private server, doesn't that take the whole "MMO" part out of it?
Yes and no. Yes, in that it does remove a lot of the danger and mystique because you're going to know or get to know most of the people on the server. No, because it's still online-only, and you're still going to be teaming up with Internet strangers to get your quests and dungeons done.

It's actually not a terrible idea, you know.
yeah and theres actually one really good private server out there... the rates are good becuase whilst not massively easy they are at least soloable to get to level 80. And I know private does make it sound like single-player ... but whilst WoW has like 11 million people over something like 36 different servers and a different set of servers for each continent a private server can have some 7000 people global and a world chat makes it more of an MMO than Blizzards servers

Rhob Anybody

New member
Apr 3, 2009
vampirekid.13 said:
Sky Captanio said:
I've been thinking about getting an MMO (or at least trying a free trial). The problem is which one? There are so many and I don't know which one has what qualities. So which do you think I should try?

WoW is by far the best.

11 million ppl cant possibly be wrong.
Lol and Mcdonalds is the worlds best restaraunt?

Wow isn't the best just the biggest. There is a difference. A lot of the smaller mmo's are actually better at certain things but what wow does (and does very well) is take the most mundane and generic route for an mmo but makes sure it covers all the most wanted bases (PVP, solo play, instance based party play, crafting, raids, story and large areas to explore).

For every aspect of the game there is a game that does it better but what you wont find is a game that does all of it better than wow.