Since everyone's too worried about China, India was able to pretty much annex Kashmir. Now, this has passed the lower house.
Modi is giving a pass to lots of illegal immigrants. Jains, Christians, Parsi, Sheikh, Hindu and Buddhist. But not Muslims. Because the other religions are the ones being persecuted. Despite what's happening in three seperate countries next door.
This is not suprising. India closed it's borders to Muslim refugees running from Myanmar, taking a disaster and turning it into a massacre. They have also been 'relieving' Muslims still in India of their land and sending them off to Pakistan since they tried to take Kashmir.
Anyway, good luck to all in the regions being hunted down by the governments that say they are protecting them
Modi is giving a pass to lots of illegal immigrants. Jains, Christians, Parsi, Sheikh, Hindu and Buddhist. But not Muslims. Because the other religions are the ones being persecuted. Despite what's happening in three seperate countries next door.
This is not suprising. India closed it's borders to Muslim refugees running from Myanmar, taking a disaster and turning it into a massacre. They have also been 'relieving' Muslims still in India of their land and sending them off to Pakistan since they tried to take Kashmir.
Anyway, good luck to all in the regions being hunted down by the governments that say they are protecting them