Moments that makes you go, "I don't want to be on this planet anymore"


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Hello Escapist,

What are some of moments you have faced in your life or seen where you just think or say to yourself, "I don't want to be on this planet anymore".

One example, and I will add more later on, is celebrities like Lindsey Lohan and Amanda Bynes doing outrageous and illegal things and get away with it. If it were you and I, we would have been in prison faster than you can say "Out of date BO".

I know they're more but I will edit more in once I remember them.

Oh and being told that spying on us and invading our personal lives is to "keep us safe from the enemy" BULLSHIT!!
Dec 14, 2009

Mostly because I'm not a self obsessed misanthrope looking for a reason to hate people?

Here are my tips for avoiding that feeling.

1: Never go on Facebook
2: Avoid tabloid journalism
3: Never go on Facebook
4: Look at pictures of puppies
5: Never go on Facebook



New member
Jun 15, 2013
Daystar Clarion said:

Mostly because I'm not a self obsessed misanthrope looking for a reason to hate people?

Here are my tips for avoiding that feeling

1: Never go on Facebook
2: Avoid tabloid journalism
3: Never go on Facebook
4: Look at pictures of puppies
5: Never go on Facebook

That helped?

I didn't mean people, I don't have time to "hate". I just see some moments and go, why oh why that could have been avoided. I mean't things in life. And I don't actually go on my facebook cause its just blah, Tabloid journalism isn't really journalism, it's an insult and I prefer kittens... lol nah i am kidding puppies are too cool and cute.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Never, really. I can emotionally distance myself from mediatic idiocy. And this world has too many good things going on. Mostly little things. Focus on them.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
When I heard that they added twerking to the dictionary. I had a fuck everything moment and then got over when I remember there would be nothing to do on Mars

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Other people make me want to say that, quite ironically when they say it themselves.

It's like a triumph of the undeserved ego, like everyone I come into contact with massively overstates the importance of their views and opinions in something as large and impersonal as the world. Just reeks of myopia and lazy cynicism.

It bores me so widely and completely that sometimes, I just wanna die.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
When people tell me that "Feminism" is about making "Games for girls", and not about trying to save impoverished, raped or humilated women in countries that treat them like dirt. When I see a thousand facebook posts every day about "Sexual harassment" from someone seeing a video game that they don't agree with, and nobody mentioning about the squalid living conditions that innocent women and children have to suffer.

When I see my mother try and fight to bring food, water, clothing, medication, toys and blankets for people who need them, I feel good. When I see a hundred thousand people screaming "This video games' characters breasts are too big!", I die inside.

Just my two cents. Please don't take offense. On a slightly nicer note, when people attention whore on forums or video games, posting over-sized images, ridiculous gifs, extravagantly stupid text edits or color changes, I open my briefcase and hover my finger over the "F**k it!" button.


New member
Oct 4, 2011
Given your wording of the phrase, I wouldn't want to be on the planet between departure and arrival of an airplane I'm currently riding in.

Now, if you're meaning "I don't want to live on this planet anymore," then there's nothing that ever makes me feel that way. I'm content with my current situation, even if I feel kind of bad when shit's fucked in other places.

It's too bad that you feel like you want to leave, really, considering that most of the stuff in the OP may not change within our lifetimes.


New member
Aug 23, 2013
I feel like leaving this planet pretty much every time a war breaks out and people start killing thousands of innocent people just because someone told them to do it, because it's the 'right thing to do' and it's supposed to 'solve the problem.' Seriously? I don't think there are any valid reasons to start a war, because in the end, it's the ordinary people who suffer the most. It happened in my country many years ago and we're still dealing with the consequences. Whenever I hear about wars I imagine what those people must be going through. It's just not ok.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
I'm with Daystar on this. You can focus on the negatives all you want, but the joke's kind of on you if you do that. Why would you be disappointed in this universe if you have no alternative to compare it to?

There's a quote I love that I'm sure I've totally butchered, but it goes "If you consider society to be the product of the greatest minds in history, you can't help but be disappointed. However, if you see it as a mutual agreement between apes that have barely become intelligent, you can't help but be amazed". Remember, we're all dumb monkeys that have barely figured this shit out.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
None as of yet.
I've yet to hear or see anything that's so appalling that I'd want to leave all of humanity. Could be because of my history degree I've read about genocide and rape to the point that I'm more focused on all the moments of good that happen and how they more than likely outweigh all the shitty things people have done to each other in the past and present.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Daystar Clarion said:

Mostly because I'm not a self-obsessed misanthrope looking for a reason to hate people?
Well, I am a self-obsessed misanthrope looking for a reason to hate people, but I don't think I'd need to be one in order to want to live on a planet where no members of the American Senate (Graham and, uh, Boehner, I think?) publicly support invading Syria on the grounds that the demons Gog and Magog are there, and us fighting them will fulfill one of the prophecies of the Book of Revelations, thus bringing us closer to the Rapture, which is what Jesus wants.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
akai said:
I feel like leaving this planet pretty much every time a war breaks out and people start killing thousands of innocent people just because someone told them to do it, because it's the 'right thing to do' and it's supposed to 'solve the problem.' Seriously? I don't think there are any valid reasons to start a war, because in the end, it's the ordinary people who suffer the most. It happened in my country many years ago and we're still dealing with the consequences. Whenever I hear about wars I imagine what those people must be going through. It's just not ok.
Yeah I think I just go with that. It's not a country's job to die for their leader's shitty decisions, nor fight beause they think killing could solve anything. Also there's more important things to do than fucking each other up. And I sure can't unsee that.


New member
Aug 27, 2013
When a rapist gets only a month in jail after his victim committed suicide.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
JimB said:
Well, I am a self-obsessed misanthrope looking for a reason to hate people, but I don't think I'd need to be one in order to want to live on a planet where no members of the American Senate (Graham and, uh, Boehner, I think?) publicly support invading Syria on the grounds that the demons Gog and Magog are there, and us fighting them will fulfill one of the prophecies of the Book of Revelations, thus bringing us closer to the Rapture, which is what Jesus wants.

Is that a real thing? Like, really real?

Fuck, just the fact that I have to ask that question makes me depressed about the state of American politics. If the answer's yes, I, I'm really not sure how to handle that. Presumably it will ultimately involve a suitcase nuke in the Speaker of the House's podium for their next session.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
The 40th attempt to repeal the Health Care Act (estimated cost of attempts now estimated at over $50 million) didn't make me want to leave the planet, but it did tempt me to shake some people until their brains rattled in their skulls.

...Excuse me, there's a gentleman from the FBI at my door.