More One Night in Karazhan Cards Revealed

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
More One Night in Karazhan Cards Revealed

Blizzard has revealed several new cards for its upcoming Hearthstone adventure.

When Blizzard first revealed its upcoming Hearthstone adventure, a mere seven of the expansion's 45 cards []. As per the usual, the company has been trickling out card reveals every day since the announcement. We've collected all of the cards that have been revealed so far.

Check them out below:


It's a combination of some class cards, some neutrals, and some legendaries. Prince Malchezaar in particular looks like it is a must-have for fatigue decks!

One Night in Karazhan's first wing is scheduled to release on August 11, with the rest to follow over the following month. A special "free" wing "The Prologue" will reward all players with two free cards, and the other four wings and class challenges will offer up 43 additional cards, for a total of 45.



New member
Feb 13, 2016
cant wait for the epic priest card

4mana 2/5
whenever an enemy minion dies heal this minion to full

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
okay here we go again.

kara kazham: A must have in arena like Silver Hand Knight but also like the knight it won't really see constructive play.

Prince malchezaar: I feel like it would have been better as a battlecry than a start of the game. Having 5 9 mana cards at the beginning isn't a good Idea. I still think it would be played just because yog is still played.

Protect the king: I think this card is a lot better than people think especially against agrro decks.

pompous thespian: somewhere Frostwolf Grunt is crying

Babbling book: okay in arena but no where else. mana wyrm and mirror entity is so much better.

Moroes: A lot of people say this card is bad but I don't think so, this can be a good priest card. put down this, power word shield it and than you get 1/1 for the rest of the game.

Book Wyrm:if your playing a dragon deck this card is really good, the fact you can choose and it can kill 3 attack minions can make all the differents.

Malchezaar's Imp: stop trying to make discard decks a thing blizzard, please.

also the 3 other cards that were revealed.

Zoobot: same thing with The Curater, this card is awesome if murloc, dragon and beast become a thing but I doubt it.

Silverware Golem: What did I just say blizzard?

Medivh, the Guardian: Seems really great but it maybe too slow.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
Silverware + Imp: Blizzard are always trying to push new deck types. Usually they go through. Discard Warlock has a good chance to be meta. They just need strong cards which benefit from being discarded. The flaw beforehand was that they didn't have any beneficial effects other than Tiny Knight of Evil and Fist of Jaraxxus.
Feel like Discard Warlock could be good if you could pick which cards to throw out. The random factor really hurts a deck like that. joust didn't take off for the same reason.
Medivh may be stronger than you think. It's often the case that a lot of legendaries end up so. Just look at Dr Boom. Even most pro players initially called Dr Boom shitty, but he ended up being an auto include in every deck.
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just wonder how good it will be. also I just realized how good this card can be great in priest. Imagine entombing something and than getting a 6 mana minion or mind-controlling a big minion and getting another big minion like deathwing.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
tf2godz said:
Protect the king: I think this card is a lot better than people think especially against agrro decks.
It's fucking broken is what it is. If it was any other class, it'd be ok, but instead warrior just got a better version of another class's cards again...Or it might not be played at all since warrior also has the best board control spells in the game right now and that one just takes up space a ghoul or brawl would do better with.

Moroes: A lot of people say this card is bad but I don't think so, this can be a good priest card. put down this, power word shield it and than you get 1/1 for the rest of the game.
And then Excavated Evil is forced to be played and you lose it. Maybe token druid might take it for a setup to Violet Teacher since it can be played slightly earlier, but I'm not seeing it being taken regularly yet. Maybe some version of Aggro Pally.

Babbling book: okay in arena but no where else. mana wyrm and mirror entity is so much better.
It's a Webspinner, it'll be played in constructed Tempo decks and possibly Freezers, card's gonna be fine honestly. I mean hell, Spellslinger is still played regularly afterall.

Not to mention that combo you just brought up is 4 mana, takes two turns to get it up and running and most classes have some way of dealing with a mana wyrm before it gets out of control, BB is just one and is just a body on the board that already played out the most useful thing about it.

kara kazham: A must have in arena like Silver Hand Knight but also like the knight it won't really see constructive play.
Warlock card, it'll be played with how popular Zoo is right now. Gives a choice for decks when they're up against alot of control with a 5 mana drop that gives 12 points of stats. Not as amazing as CotW, but still pretty good to get another board up and running for relatively cheap. Also works as an activator for Councilman that couldn't be taken care of completely last turn.

pompous thespian: somewhere Frostwolf Grunt is crying

In laughter maybe, taunts are almost useless in anything but arena these days with the exception of Sloggoth and maybe Dark Arakoa.

Medivh, the Guardian: Seems really great but it maybe too slow.
If nothing else, it'll make Swamp Ooze a card that isn't just a good early drop. Personally think it'll be fine. Because about the time you get to drop him, you'll be able to cast your big cost spells and the game will have started getting into the interesting bits. Also I love Summoning Stone, so I could be biased.

But yeah, don't know why they're pushing murloc, beast, dragon decks. Unless Karazhan also gives out some "summon a random M,B,D" cards or ones that count simultaneously as all of them. Maybe some kind of Zerus-like shenanigans

Kibeth41 said:
Medivh may be stronger than you think. It's often the case that a lot of legendaries end up so. Just look at Dr Boom. Even most pro players initially called Dr Boom shitty, but he ended up being an auto include in every deck.
On the other hand, Nat Pagle, Hunter's "Legendaries", Anomolous, Voljasz, Gallywix, Cho'Gall, Millhouse,Hemet, Illidan, Majordomo, Deathwing, etc.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
Redryhno said:
It's fucking broken is what it is. If it was any other class, it'd be ok, but instead warrior just got a better version of another class's cards again...Or it might not be played at all since warrior also has the best board control spells in the game right now and that one just takes up space a ghoul or brawl would do better with.
If your talking about hound I think that card is better because you can get rid of minions and combo it for burst.

And then Excavated Evil is forced to be played and you lose it. Maybe token druid might take it for a setup to Violet Teacher since it can be played slightly earlier, but I'm not seeing it being taken regularly yet. Maybe some version of Aggro Pally.
I still think it can be good with the right deck and someone burning a Excavated Evil on turn five to get rid of one card could be a good trade.
It's a Webspinner, it'll be played in constructed Tempo decks and possibly Freezers, card's gonna be fine honestly. I mean hell, Spellslinger is still played regularly afterall.

Not to mention that combo you just brought up is 4 mana, takes two turns to get it up and running and most classes have some way of dealing with a mana wyrm before it gets out of control, BB is just one and is just a body on the board that already played out the most useful thing about it.
First of All I meant mirror image. I'm an idiot.

second Spellslinger still a good body even without the spells but I can see your point.

If nothing else, it'll make Swamp Ooze a card that isn't just a good early drop. Personally think it'll be fine. Because about the time you get to drop him, you'll be able to cast your big cost spells and the game will have started getting into the interesting bits. Also I love Summoning Stone, so I could be biased.
I can see this card turning Harrison Jones and ooze into the next big game hunter


New member
Jul 25, 2011
tf2godz said:
If your talking about hound I think that card is better because you can get rid of minions and combo it for burst.
Maybe, but you were talking about in the context of aggro decks. And Warrior already has a shitload of combos for burst. Cancer Worgen is proof of that.

I still think it can be good with the right deck and someone burning a Excavated Evil on turn five to get rid of one card could be a good trade.
Again, you were sorta talking about using it in a Priest deck, which most decks are going ot have to burn around that time because Priest is just filled with reactive cards and only has a handful of proactive.

First of All I meant mirror image. I'm an idiot.

second Spellslinger still a good body even without the spells but I can see your point.
Ok, that makes alot more sense, but it's still relying on having those two cards by turn two for when they have the most time to be useful and have resources used on them as opposed to just having a 1 mana drop you can play at any point in time and get something out of it.

And in my experience on the receiving end of Spellslinger, getting a spell for basically nothing seems to give me a winning card more often than not.

I can see this card turning Harrison Jones and ooze into the next big game hunter
Yeah, maybe. Hard to say at this point without seeing all the cards. We've only seen like a quarter of them so far. Personally I just like ooze in most decks simply because it trades well even without the battlecry. But the ten seconds of no movement against a Doomhammer shaman is just worth it every time.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Prince Malchezaar, because who doesn't like having Legendary RNG shenanigans?


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
Redryhno said:
tf2godz said:
Protect the king: I think this card is a lot better than people think especially against agrro decks.
It's fucking broken is what it is. If it was any other class, it'd be ok, but instead warrior just got a better version of another class's cards again...Or it might not be played at all since warrior also has the best board control spells in the game right now and that one just takes up space a ghoul or brawl would do better with.
Actually, it's not broken. It's designed to counter Midrange Shaman and Zoolock, which're two of the strongest deck types currently in the game. And even then, it requires Bolster to be impactful. Also keep in mind that Warriors have no area removal that doesn't also affect their own minions. So it's not as if they can Protect the King, Bolster and Lightning Storm.

And it's DEFINITELY not a stronger version of Unleash the Hounds. Are you kidding? Charge is overpowered. Especially for an aggro orientated class like Hunter. Unleash the Hounds has gone through so many balance iterations to get to where it is now. Even then, charge with beast synergy is still arguably stronger than taunt with bolster synergy.

Kibeth41 said:
Medivh may be stronger than you think. It's often the case that a lot of legendaries end up so. Just look at Dr Boom. Even most pro players initially called Dr Boom shitty, but he ended up being an auto include in every deck.
On the other hand, Nat Pagle, Hunter's "Legendaries", Anomolous, Voljasz, Gallywix, Cho'Gall, Millhouse,Hemet, Illidan, Majordomo, Deathwing, etc.
Nat Pagle was actually an auto include in every deck back in beta. Until he was eventually nerfed.

I could go into the validation of all of the other cards, but I'd be writing walls of text.

Simply put, most of them have either always been of definitive trash tier quality, or they have usages which are simply too niche to ever be "auto include" in 'most decks'. E.g. Volazj, Huhuran, Illidan, Deathwing.

Gallywix was a special case. He was a really strong card, but introduced in the patch that invented mech decks, who primarily used minions, and not spells. Not to mention that Rogues were one of the weakest classes unless they used Miracle at that stage. It was only when TGT and LOE came around that they got more options. But that was a short period, since WotoG brought Standard.

Cho'gall is only usable with Siphon Soul. And most Warlocks play Zoolock ever since the Molten Giant nerf. So that'll explain his absence.
Broken by itself, no, but when you pile on everything else that Warrior has at the moment in terms of board control, it is edging out a bit. I failed to make that thought clear, my fault there.

Pagle was an include because he was card draw at a point where draw was the lowest it's been coupled with there being so few Legendaries at the time that were worth anything. His nerfing was a 1 hp chop and a reordering of when his effect worked because at the time they decided they wanted to keep card draw effects as either battlecry's or at the same time as the normal draws. Then manatide came out and they said fuck it.

And yeah, but the thing is that Gallywix is a control card in a deck and archetype that is just now starting to get control cards two years after he was released. And yeah, Standard happened.

And Cho'Gall is just a bad card in general. His stats are average and his effect uses a resource Warlock's already had at least eight dedicated in an average game to their hero power, and another fifteen to standard attacks. Jarraxus can at least be used as a psuedo-heal.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Kibeth41 said:
I'm not saying it's a weak card. It's an extremely strong counter to zoo decks. But I don't think it pairs well with much Warrior removal. Chances are, you don't have enough single target removal to use in 5-7 mana to clear an opponent's board.

I still think Pagle would remain to be used if he remained unnerfed. It used to be that he'd probably draw at least 1 card, probably more before he died. Nowadays? It's unlikely he'll draw a single one. The difference between pre nerf pagle and post nerf pagle is astronomical.
I don't think Pagle would still be in there honestly, he's a card that takes up slots for guaranteed effects in pretty much every deck but heavy gimmicks. Card draw is easier to get with Mr.Masochist and Azure Drake, while also providing threats on the board. Plus they're cheaper in dust. And every class has some kind of specialized card shuffle mechanic at the very worst now. Pagle just isn't worth it for the majority of players when compared to even Sylvanus when she was considered overpriced.