Morrowind Character Ideas


New member
Oct 6, 2009
So, I'm about to play Morrowind for the first time thanks to Morroblivion. If you have both Morrowind and Oblivion on PC, check it out.

Anyway, I am looking for some fun character concepts that might be fun to play in Morrowind. Keep in mind that I have not played Morrrowind and though much of the game has been spoiled for me, not all of it has so spare me any spoilers in your ideas.

You can write a small blurb or a long explanation. Either way, suggest some fun ideas: Good, evil or otherwise.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
When I last played it was the first time in around a year or so, and even longer since I had finished the main quest. (Only did it once on the Xbox)

Made a dunmer street urchin who is plucked out of his ordinary life of pinching septims and dodging the guards for a scarp to eat into the stream of fate.

Not terribly original, but I've found that doesn't matter as much when its' your character.
Besides, it's all in the details.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I made an Imperial gladiator, who came on the ship because of a particularly vicious bar fight involving a death noble at the end in Imperial city.
He fought unarmored in combination with heavy armor on his head, shoulders and shins, with sword and shield. That imperial roman aesthetic was great for that.

Other than that I played a Warhammer styled Priest of Sigmar. That was fun too.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Well, one of my first character builds was an Orc warrior specializing in combat skills like Heavy Armor, Axe and Armorer. This was basically an "easy mode" build, particularly once I got my hands on a Daedric battleaxe and a matching set of Daedric armor. Damned if I didn't feel like a badass, though.

Then I got stuck in the world geometry and my save files got corrupted. Turned me off from playing Morrowind for a while.

Once I went with an Argonian that used Spear, Athletics and Unarmored, because I wanted to explore the bodies of water in and around Vvardenfell. It went well at first until I realized that, in vanilla Morrowind at least, the water doesn't contain much except for tons of Slaughterfish and the occasional Dreugh. Things quickly got boring after that.

I tried a female Bosmer hunter build once. Outfitted her with Marksman, Light Armor, Short Blade, Armorer and Alchemy for her primary skills. Rather than tackle the main quest (because I have never actually completed the main quest in any of my literally dozens of playthroughs), I simply lived off the land, harvesting plants and hunting animals for potion ingredients and selling hides and random loot to fund my adventures. This playstyle brought a rewarding feeling of self-sufficiency.

The last few times I've toyed around with a monk-style build, with a Breton specializing in Blunt Weapon (so he can use staffs), Unarmored, Restoration, Alteration and Alchemy. It's actually pretty fun weaving in and out smacking enemies upside the head with your staff, knowing that you can levitate away and heal if things start to get hairy.

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
My current character is a female Dunmer, named Falkir, who was part of a village militia in her native Morrowind. Unfortunately she had an encounter with a Imperial noble who wouldn't take no for an answer and ended up gutting him. The would-be rapist survived, and due to his influence in the capital, she was carted off to the Imperial prisons before being pardoned and sent to Vvardenfell. She is proficient in spears and medium armor, specifically the bonemold of her her homeland, though she does have moderate skill with a long blade and shield, though she prefers spears unless she has to wade into a cave and has to free a hand to use a torch. She is also used to maintaining her own equipment, and thus has moderate skill with smithing. Despite her poor beginnings, she has an affinity for exquisite clothing and makes a point of donning her best outfit when not on the job.

I also found myself taking off armor in order so that I don't pull things over other peices, then don a exquisite robe as a surcoat. ALso I take my helmet off in towns to speak with people and carry it around. All this stuff kinda happened because of the verisimilitude that is present in this game.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Thee chart half-way down on this page worries me

I won't say it will ruin the game, but I think it will ruin the game.


New member
Jun 27, 2012
i would suggest a Dunmer conjurer since magic was pretty big in morrowing and if i remember correct most of it made it in morroblivion,including some of the fancy summons of morrowind

Sidenote: The version i played had only the barebone sound and was too silent so i would suggest the extra sound mods found on the site


New member
May 30, 2012
I'd say Argonian hunter/freedom fighter. You hunt in the swamp that reminds you of your lost homeland, with missile weapons and spear, and also launch a campaign of vengeance against the slavers who captured your lusty Argonian betrothed.