Most Frightening Game You've Seen?


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Metro 2033. Considering it's the only real horror type game I've played, I don't think I want to play any more. I'm paranoid at everything, and now I'm scared to wander around my house at night.

I'm so glad I didn't spoil it for myself like I usually do with games.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
DeManix said:
What game have you found the most frightening?

For me, Resistance: FOM. I never played it, but I have watched my brother play a few levels. The concept of aliens invading Earth is frightening, if cliched, concept, but most of these stories have a cetain charm to them, but in FOM, it's just downright scary. And the enemies are the most frightening I've ever seen, especially once you've seen one's face fill up the entire screen because you're idiot brother crouched down right in front of one of them. Once again, the enemies had no charm, they were just scary.
Wait till you play Gears.

I played AVP2. I played as a Predator and those screams...

Monolith, I salute you


New member
Jan 23, 2010
in resistance 2, the original chimera swarms and the alligater things scared the crap out of me


New member
Jun 15, 2010
hands down... Penumbra... I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, I managed to play it for 25 minutes before I was too frightened to continue. And most of that time I sat in a corner... begging.. for someone to bring me out of that hell.

Looking forward to the follow-up, dark descent x)

Lucifer dern

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Jack_Uzi said:
It must be vampire the masquerade bloodlines. In general it wasn't really a scary game, but some moment like the haunted mention (got the mission and thought: yay! cliche!.. but I was SO wrong) and the part of the snuff movies really gave me goosebumps.
Most scary parts in a game I've ever encountered.
you agree thats one game that NEEDS a remake?
i rember once i was playing through that mission
i turnt the power on turned the corner and this thing was glowing
i went towards it it popped at me
i jumped back the elvated doors closed and it started plumetting.
best moment ive had in gaming ever!


New member
Jun 15, 2010
hazabaza1 said:
Metro 2033. Considering it's the only real horror type game I've played, I don't think I want to play any more. I'm paranoid at everything, and now I'm scared to wander around my house at night.

I'm so glad I didn't spoil it for myself like I usually do with games.
I don't find Metro 2033 scary at all really, it's too good to be scary :)

Sorry for double post, try Penumbra if you want a SCARY game, jesus christ that game is self-tormenting.


New member
May 23, 2009
The fucking hand on the fucking sunken ship in fucking Okami for the fucking Wii. Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUUCK!

Actually, I didn't use any profanity in the actual situation. I just squealed, making noises like what one would expect from a genetically-engineered abomination against nature which is half-tortured puppy, and half-<url=>Tardy the Turtle.

And Colossus #7 was pretty scary, too. In case you haven't heard, the bird is the word sea monsters scare me. And Colossus #5, where you have to swim over that misty lake and the eerie music is playing...that gave me shivers.


New member
May 4, 2009
I once saw this game that was like russian roulette but with a hammer and you had to smack your junk with it.

Wait, you mean video game? Oh.

That's... that's another story. Video games don't really scare me.

But Mass Effect freaked me out at one point. My teammates were dead, my gun had overheated, I was on very low health and there were 2 Thorian Creepers coming at me and I ran backwards into a corner.
Why was that freaky?
Because it was the 9th time I was attempting that mission and I was inches away from the checkpoint. If you've played Mass Effect, you know how hard it is to come across a check point.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
For me.... the first couple minutes of Bioshock. I did not want to leave that bathysphere....


New member
Jun 23, 2010
DrEmo said:
I once saw this game that was like russian roulette but with a hammer and you had to smack your junk with it.

Wait, you mean video game? Oh.

That's... that's another story. Video games don't really scare me.

But Mass Effect freaked me out at one point. My teammates were dead, my gun had overheated, I was on very low health and there were 2 Thorian Creepers coming at me and I ran backwards into a corner.
Why was that freaky?
Because it was the 9th time I was attempting that mission and I was inches away from the checkpoint. If you've played Mass Effect, you know how hard it is to come across a check point.
I'm guessing on the 360, cause on the PC you can quick save anywhere.... unless you're in combat

Shifty Tortoise

New member
Sep 10, 2008
Condemned 1, Silent Hill 2 and Dead Space, in that order. Definitely not condemned 2 though, it's not even good, let alone scary. Yeah Dead Space isn't really terrifying, but i like the jumpyness ^^

Honourable mentions:

Fatal Frame... Um... 2 I think =/

Eternal Darkness, just for the sheer fucking weirdness

Doom 3 was scary when I first played it, but looking back it's not that bad :p


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I agree with Tattaglia's post, the bear chasing part scared the hell out of me when I first played Condemned 2, heck the part still freaks me out.