Most Frightening Game You've Seen?


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Mar 15, 2010
AgentNein said:
While I believe Silent Hill 2 is the best SH game, Silent Hill 3 was the scarier game. Silent Hill 1 also trumps it, purely for the skinless knived babies in the gradeschool alone.
2nd this. SH1 is much darker and the ambiguity from its lower-grade graphics and not-quite visible strewn up corpses in the shadows. Played the first few hours with my girlfriend once...much better than a scary movie.


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Oct 28, 2009
Jack_Uzi said:
It must be vampire the masquerade bloodlines. In general it wasn't really a scary game, but some moment like the haunted mention (got the mission and thought: yay! cliche!.. but I was SO wrong) and the part of the snuff movies really gave me goosebumps.
Most scary parts in a game I've ever encountered.
Ya the Mansion was pretty scary. The zombie part was creepy and some other crazy stuff goes on in that game. I never play scary games because I am a huge wimp.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
The scariest game concept it Barbie Horse Riding Adventures. It creeps me out that somene actually came up with the idea and that it actually got made. Except for that there are lots of games more scary.

Resident Evil 4 is a bit scary when you hear the chainsaw for the first time or meet your first regenerator, but otherwise it's just sheer fun. Resident Evil 2 for the PS1 is very scary however.
Trilby's Notes scared me pretty much too.
I'm going to play Eternal Darkness when I get time, and I want to test of Fatal Frame.

Kritical Mass said:
The Chzo Mythos series, especially Trilby's Notes
Agreed, but 6 Days was the least scary. Trilby's was definitely The scariest one, and I think 5 Days is second.


New member
May 12, 2010
Persona 4. For the sheer number of things that you CANNOT UNSEE after you're done playing it.

The boss fights make for wonderful inside jokes however.

Snarky Username

Elite Member
Apr 4, 2010
JackRyan64 said:
Penumbra Overture. Anyone who's played that game knows what I'm talking about.
It was scary for the first half hour, then I decided to just screw around and throw rocks at the zombie-dog and I couldn't take it seriously after that...

OT: I'm going with the first three Silent Hill games (haven't seen the fourth)

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
I looked up scary games and stuff because of this and apparently there is a game called Miss world '96 where you uncover spaces to reveal an attractive model and if you mess up the picture changes into monsters from horror movies and monsters from Japanese Folk legend and myths.

Damn... I don't want to play that.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
EARTHBOUND. Sweet mother of whatever faiths' diety I should worship! Half the game sinks you into this quirky, funny little world where everything is semi-sentient (scary enough prospect, but negligable in the grand scheme). But GIGAS. Played that game when it first came out, back when I was a wee-young'un, and I still can't comprehend Gigas's attacks. He is all evil encarnate, without control or mind. His form of 'combat' is to drag you within his being, if you can call it that, and create your own personal hell. And the creepy music and Dialoge doesn't help things at all.
It is due to the sheer horror of this game's finale that I am numb to all other forms of horror. FATAL FRAME IS NOTHING TO ME! In conclusion, I talk too much.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
playing Bioshock (Bioshock 1 that is.) for the first time past 2 in the morning. I guess "scary" isn't the right term. More like "fear of the insanity corrupting your soul".

And for some reason the little sisters freaked me out the most. Not their big daddies or whatever, the little sisters themselves. I don't know, little girls trying to kill you and drink your blood freaks me out a little. Or a lot. I didn't get any sleep that night...

yeah... But damn that was a good game.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008

For serious: The only really "scary games" I've played are FEAR and FEAR 2, and those weren't all that frightening.

General Ken8

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May 18, 2009
Tattaglia said:
Resistance: Fall of Man wasn't terribly scary for me, but goddamn did those facehugger-esque creatures swarming over a building in Manchester freak me out.

Anyway, Condemned 2: Bloodshot. The bear. While I played the start of the level, my friend (who had already played the game) could not stop giggling as I neared the bear chase. When it commenced, well... let's just say screaming was involved. And maniacal laughter.
Yeah, Condemned 2 freaked me out also. I was expecting the bear, but the hotel level was hands-down my scariest gaming moment. I actually got scared so badly, pain shot through my limbs when one of the meth addicts popped out with a 2x4 when I looked in one of the room mirrors.

Even better though, once when one of my friends played the first level, he said a German Shepard leaped on him, and he screamed and accidentally kicked his Xbox power button, turning it off :D


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Snarky Username said:
JackRyan64 said:
Penumbra Overture. Anyone who's played that game knows what I'm talking about.
It was scary for the first half hour, then I decided to just screw around and throw rocks at the zombie-dog and I couldn't take it seriously after that...

OT: I'm going with the first three Silent Hill games (haven't seen the fourth)
I'm guessing you didn't play Penumbra Black Plague? When I finished overture I was pretty confident about taking on Black Plague. Not more then 30 minutes of playing it I had to take a break. The game is so damn unnerving it is physically stressful.

Outside of penumbra, most games I've played try to hard too make me jump with creepy monsters or boogie man-esque tactics, only AvP (rebellions first) got it right, but that was due to the sheer randomness in alien spawns. That crap doesn't work when you forget to pace your game to unsettle the player. Far too many amateurish attempts at horror in games lately.

I never played silent hill so I missed out on something there. But I've pretty much played all the well know, and some not so well known, horror titles in the past 13 to 14 years. I will definitely admit that the early games were scarier probably because I was so young, which may have also ruined my experience of later games. Just over exposed to it I guess.

dathwampeer said:
does anyone remember a game called obscure?

It was about a group of teenagers who ended up in school after houres. The head teacher had been doing experiments on kids with some.... intersting results. I remember that you chose your team of either 2 or 3 people to controll and the rest would wait in designated safe area's. But when 1 of the characters died, that was it they were dead. Like heavy rain sort of.

But not only would monsters kill you you could also die from screwing things up. Like I remember this part with a lift. and you had to use a character to counterbalance something. I turned a wrong valve and the lift plumited and killed the character I put in it. I think I must have been about 11-12 when me and my mates picked it up. Spent about 3 days solid playing it, all huddled round the tv at like 3 in the morning shitting bricks because it terrefied us. I'd say easily its the only game thats ever got to me properly.
That sounds pretty good. I remember seeing the box in a store, but never considered getting it. Reviews are pretty mixed though, might grab it in a budget bin or something.


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Jun 3, 2009
Dark Corners of the Earth.

New England accent+Fishman+two barrels of deliverance style fun crashing through your hotel room door on the SECOND FUCKING LEVEL is pretty fucking terrifying.

It gets kinda spoiled by the glitches in the game. Bethesda- go fucking figure (I love Bethesda, but like I said, they don't tighten the bolts that much)


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Lucifer dern said:
Jack_Uzi said:
It must be vampire the masquerade bloodlines. In general it wasn't really a scary game, but some moment like the haunted mention (got the mission and thought: yay! cliche!.. but I was SO wrong) and the part of the snuff movies really gave me goosebumps.
Most scary parts in a game I've ever encountered.
you agree thats one game that NEEDS a remake?
i rember once i was playing through that mission
i turnt the power on turned the corner and this thing was glowing
i went towards it it popped at me
i jumped back the elvated doors closed and it started plumetting.
best moment ive had in gaming ever!
Nah, not a remake. Maybe a sequel? Rather have them put their time in that if it wasn't that Troika is gone. Wouldn't play a remake at all. Either I like or dislike a game, spiffy graphics are just the decoration on my dish.


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Aug 9, 2009
bak00777 said:
Woodsey said:
Bioshock was terrifying for the first 5 minutes.

After that I just got annoyed, which negated any scary-ness.
I thought the medical wing was frighting, i actually gave the game back to my friend(whom i borrowed it from) for a while because of that...then i guess i grew a pair and got over it lol
There was one point in the medical wing where I was supposed to walk down a very dark corridor filled with water, and just round the corner at the end I could see a splicer's shadow being lit up every time a light buzzed on. I turned around and found another way.

Still, that's only 5 minutes at the start and 30 seconds a tad later on.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Siren: Blood Curse. It's the only scary game I know. There are games that may startle you, like Dead Space, but only siren makes you fear...


New member
Jun 27, 2010
For me, Alone in the Dark 1

I remember not having the soundcard set watching in terror as the first monster slowly scrambles to burst into the window. I physically couldn't move when I first saw it's shadow.

Also, Nightmare Ned (don't ask)


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Shockolate said:
Doom 3. When I first played it (age 11) I quit before finishing the first level. (Xbox)

When I came back to play it again, (age 14) I still had to stop every 15 mins or so because my heart was racing.

Even now (age 17) with the PC version (Which is A LOT better) the game still finds ways to surprise me, despite the fact that's I've played through it a half dozen times.

Only game that's legitimately scare me.
Doom 3 was not scary for me. I picked up my shotgun and chainsaw, screamed "I'm Doomguy! You're all FUCKED!" and murderised everything in sight.

if anything was scared, it was the demons.

Shalebridge cradle, on the other hand...