Most Preferred Champion in League of Legends

Kyr Knightbane

New member
Jan 3, 2012
Avalanche91 said:
Tryndamere. Just......Tryndamere.

I've been only playing for 2 weeks and just looking at the guy I knew I had to unlock him first after buying all the 450 IP ones. He's incredibly fun to play and incredibly hard to kill. Using his spin attack in combination with mocking shout will usually spell doom for slightly squishy champions and his self-heal and undying rage even allow him to tower dive.

Also, this week gave me the oppertunity to play Vayne. A well fed Vayne has an insane damage output and tumble allows her to give chase even if the opponent is faster.

Anyway, I am almost at 1350 IP again. Suggestions for my next unlock?
Singed. Probably the best 1350 ip i've ever spent. Build Tanky for first item (After Boots with 3 speed, Grab Frozen Heart and then Rod of Ages. Then Grab Unholy Grail, and watch as things die.)

I went 40/2/7 in a scrimmage with friends last night. Just run in, lay glue behind you, activate poison, throw champ, Ult, And stay in front using glue and toss, GG

Teemo is a good 1350 champ as well. Build Hybrid AD/AP. Get On hit effects like Lifesteal and Magic Damage. its fun having 3 DoT effects on an enemy at once, then watching them blunder into 3 mushrooms.

Kyr Knightbane

New member
Jan 3, 2012
Mondai Randy said:
Quick question, I am saving up points to get Vladimir, is he worth it?
He's fun. He's been nerfed over and over again, but for a champion thats unique and has interesting combo abilities, he's one of the best. Just be sure to stack items that give AP and Lifesteal (Hextech Gunblade on him can't be beat, its awesome) People say Rylai's Crystal Sceptre but its not my favorite. I prefer to just deal stupid damage and heal pretty much all of it. But to each their own eh?

Veigar is a decent mage in that same price slot... if i remember properly. I think i bought him for 1350...

crimson sickle2

New member
Sep 30, 2009
Karthus, he's a badass lich that can damage every enemy champ on the field and is a bundle of pure ap. Fiddle was my first champion and I still use him a bit, but Karthus has really taken over whenever I need a win.
In other news, Ahri is incredibly awesome.


New member
Apr 6, 2005
DEMACIA! In threes I primarily play AD Garen, and in fives I mainly play Graves. Critplank is fun every now and then just for laughs. I've also been trying out Vayne since she was free, but I find her squishyness disheartening after Graves and Garen. A friend I usually play with likes to play Jarvin in threes, so we have fun locking the enemy team in a box with a spinning Garen.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
my favorite changes every week, but at the moment I'm on a Jarven spree.

I'll tell you a secret: Jarven is sleeper OP.

also I've been playing eve and diana a lot. cause they're fun as hell and I love being able to walk past wards(the bane of my ganking existence.)


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Zed, I'm unbeatable with him. If I play Zed it's gg at 20 minutes.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Mondai Randy said:
Quick question, I am saving up points to get Vladimir, is he worth it?
Vladimir is as balanced now as he's ever been. not too strong, not too weak. He's a mid to late game AP carry who can DOMINATE and infinitely sustain past lvl 6-7. His teamfight is STRONG, and late game he does INSANE sustained and burst damage with his ulti and short CDs

revolver is usually core on him during laning. then deathcap. crystal scepter isn't very good on him imao: you're better off going for more damage.

hourglass+wota after deathcap.

I suggest that you play him top instead of mid. He has too many counters mid.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Kyr Knightbane said:
Mondai Randy said:
Quick question, I am saving up points to get Vladimir, is he worth it?
He's fun. He's been nerfed over and over again, but for a champion thats unique and has interesting combo abilities, he's one of the best. Just be sure to stack items that give AP and Lifesteal (Hextech Gunblade on him can't be beat, its awesome) People say Rylai's Crystal Sceptre but its not my favorite. I prefer to just deal stupid damage and heal pretty much all of it. But to each their own eh?
As a vlad player I can confirm Rylai's as his best item. He lacks CC as it is and it gives you a big boost from his passive ^^


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Sona. gotta love getting assists just by standing there and occasionally rolling face on keyboard.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Jayce. He's the first champion I played with a transformation ult, immediately fell in love with his versatility. Also, he has a huge Hammer-gun.

I also like Ahri, been playing her a lot lately and I love her burst, just have to make sure you hit those skill shots.

Spectral Dragon

New member
Jun 14, 2011
Singed is awesome to play with. Especially level one, low life, enemy towerdives... Throwing them and then they die. :D And late game he's just immortal. Run into enemy team with poison on, get CC'd for 10 seconds, run away again, ????, profit!

Other than that, I'm pretty good with Morgana and Soraka. I need to get more, but all the ones I want cost 6600 IP. Soon, Victor, soon...

Any cheap recommendations? Also, if anyone's interested, I play as Lejandor on the Eastern Europe server, and CHAAAAARGE on West.
Jun 11, 2008
Support: I haven't found a support that I really liked yet,
Jungle: Nunu/Warwick. I do have hopes for Fiddlesticks in S3.
Top: Cho Gath, Garen
Mid: Ryze and Morgana(still learning)
ADC: Tristana by far. After playing Ashe; Tristana was like easy mode.


New member
May 22, 2010
I love volibear and his northern storm skin :3.

and today decided to buy jax and hes awesome too, fed jax is just instant game over.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
I like a lot of champions but my favorite has to be Shaco. Jungleing with him right now (pre season 3 changes to it) is just a whole lot of fun. He may not be very good late game (unless fed, of course) but .. the jukes.. the jukes, man! There is nothing more fun than absolutely discombobulating one or more players of the enemy team and possibly getting kills in the progress.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
In most games, the favorite will be Darius. Not because he's all that interesting to play, but he's almost unmatched as a pubstomper. And considering that I'm sort of sick playing with/against incompetent people, it makes him sort of fun when I (90% of the time) face someone who has no idea how to deal with Mr Big Fucking Axe.
And yeah, I know he's not all that hard to deal with, but the thing is, I'm not level 30 yet. This means most junglers are too dumb to realize that a) Darius autopushes the lane with his Q and b) he doesn't have a good escape, both of which make him a very easily ganked target. This means I can just enjoy myself and bully people out of lane and snowball to the point of no return.

If I'm laning with a friend of mine who knows how to play, my favorite pick is easily Ezreal. He suits my playstyle so well, he's got a lot of utility and is a very good carry overall. Also, I got my first pentakill while playing my second Ezreal game ever, which kind of made him even more of a favorite.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Revnak said:
Udyr. Tanking or bruising, I just can't find anybody I like more. The damage on tiger is just so silly, and the stun has such great utility. I just love it.
Udyr's my favorite jungler, but I am usually mid champs.

My Morgana mid is something to be feared >:D