Most Preferred Champion in League of Legends


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Only role I've played so far is AD carry, started out with Ashe but now she seems really slow to me after I've played two faster carries, and if I play her again I don't do so well. Currently alternating between Miss Fortune and Caitlyn. I seem to do better as a blue AD carry, it's harder to aim abilities when playing on purple. I think its the way the HUD is laid out, or maybe I just suck. I was thinking about trying some other roles but then my hard drive crashed, I won't able to play again until I get a new computer.

EDIT: I'm on a public computer right now, that's how I'm posting here.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Support: Alistar
Mid: Ahri
Top: Jarvan or Olaf
Carry: Caitlyn
Jungle: Skarner


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Kassadin and Ezreal :)

I'm really into ADC lately, so I'll go with Ezreal as my favorite champion.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
It's a toss up for me. I'd say either Fiddlesticks (surprise party of course, for the lulz) or Poppy.

Fiddle because once I hit level 2 it's done. Spam dark wind to farm creeps and then drain any hero that comes near. Most of the time they run into the drain and attack, without realizing my health is maintaining as theirs is rapidly dropping. I had 20 - 0 Kill/death in my last round :)

Poppy because she's a beast when she gets going. Charging people down, smashing them with that hammer and then tossing up diplomatic immunity to get past pesky turrets is fun. Also, it's nice to toss DI on a fleeing champion giving me immunity to the one trying to gank me. Hilarious.

However, I'm still relatively new (been playing for two weeks) but not new to the concept (played TOB in WC3 religiously).

Anyways, LoL is hella fun


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Sunrider84 said:
Top lane is my turf, almost everyone I play is a top lane hero. Irelia is my main squeeze, but I tend to cheat on her with Fiora every now and then.

....and Darius....

I'll take your darius and raise you a Xin Zhao :D

I love fighting darius with two champions.

Xin Zhao and Rengar.

Darius used to be a (usually) hard lane for me when I played either of them. Now with the new black cleaver it's just RAWR!! i jump on your face DIE!!


New member
May 11, 2011
well Leona happens to be my main right now, usually support with her alongside vayne or ezreal.

in the jungle I used to love hecarim but I don't know if hes any good in the jungle any more, so I just play master yi and start dunking scrubs, always fun to dunk scrubs.


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Nov 16, 2009
Verzin said:
Sunrider84 said:
Top lane is my turf, almost everyone I play is a top lane hero. Irelia is my main squeeze, but I tend to cheat on her with Fiora every now and then.

....and Darius....

I'll take your darius and raise you a Xin Zhao :D

I love fighting darius with two champions.

Xin Zhao and Rengar.

Darius used to be a (usually) hard lane for me when I played either of them. Now with the new black cleaver it's just RAWR!! i jump on your face DIE!!
Well yes, because Rengar is a stupid hero and should be removed from the game. I have never seen anything so broken (on a pub level, at least, I don't pretend to be a pro player).
The new BC is pretty damn stupid too. Stack ALL the cleavers!

(I do not claim that Darius isn't OP, just for the record. I just like GO GO MAN MODE style heroes, which is why I also love Axe from DotA Allstars / DOTA 2.)

This image sums up what I feel about Riot when they post their patch notes more often than not.

I still like the damn game though. Something is wrong with me. ;_;


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Sunrider84 said:
Well yes, because Rengar is a stupid hero and should be removed from the game. I have never seen anything so broken (on a pub level, at least, I don't pretend to be a pro player).
The new BC is pretty damn stupid too. Stack ALL the cleavers!

(I do not claim that Darius isn't OP, just for the record. I just like GO GO MAN MODE style heroes, which is why I also love Axe from DotA Allstars / DOTA 2.)

I still like the damn game though. Something is wrong with me. ;_;
Rengar is absolutely broken. They're nerfing him a bit next patch, but only his heal. He shouldn't be allowed to have the burst, sustain, and free stats that he gets for free AND be manaless at the same time.

And I agree with you: darius is NOT OP. he's a great pubstomper and he excels at bullying in lane, but he can be dealt with. I enjoy playing him from time to time.

Xin Zhao (imao) is probably as broken as rengar, but at least he has to manage mana.

EDIT: for man mode heroes: (if you haven't already) try Olaf, Jayce, and Renekton. they're fantastic.(though I hate jayce with a burning passion.)

I also used to main Irelia, but then I took a break where I mained adc, and ever since then..I just can't seem to play her. it's really very sad.


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Nov 16, 2009
Verzin said:
Sunrider84 said:
Well yes, because Rengar is a stupid hero and should be removed from the game. I have never seen anything so broken (on a pub level, at least, I don't pretend to be a pro player).
The new BC is pretty damn stupid too. Stack ALL the cleavers!

(I do not claim that Darius isn't OP, just for the record. I just like GO GO MAN MODE style heroes, which is why I also love Axe from DotA Allstars / DOTA 2.)

I still like the damn game though. Something is wrong with me. ;_;
Rengar is absolutely broken. They're nerfing him a bit next patch, but only his heal. He shouldn't be allowed to have the burst, sustain, and free stats that he gets for free AND be manaless at the same time.

And I agree with you: darius is NOT OP. he's a great pubstomper and he excels at bullying in lane, but he can be dealt with. I enjoy playing him from time to time.

Xin Zhao (imao) is probably as broken as rengar, but at least he has to manage mana.

EDIT: for man mode heroes: (if you haven't already) try Olaf, Jayce, and Renekton. they're fantastic.(though I hate jayce with a burning passion.)

I also used to main Irelia, but then I took a break where I mained adc, and ever since then..I just can't seem to play her. it's really very sad.
I haven't played Olaf, and only tried Renekton once or twice. Jayce is so much fun, but yes, I hate that guy so much. So good at so many things.

I haven't played much since the patch though, haven't seen Xin in action, but I always had trouble against him. I'm fairly bad though, that might just be it.

The one I hate facing the most (together with Rengar) is Yorick. I just can't deal with him. If you get help from your jungle and you get the advantage, he doesn't have a lot to use against you, but he destroys me in lane almost every time I've played against him. If I have, for example, 20 games against him, I've maybe won my lane twice against him.
Can't complain too much, I don't play very often, so I don't really get better. It's my own fault in that way.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Eh, when I was playing:
1) Renekton (Rawr. Crocodile SMASH.)
2) Shyvana (dragoness...naturally, I like her)
3) Lulu (dirty many dirty tricks)
4) Lux (trapper-killer)
5) Shen (ninja-outta fucking nowhere)

Edit: Oh shit, I forgot one of my absolute favorites somehow: Varus
Sniping is what I do.


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Nov 16, 2009
SecretNegative said:
Sunrider84 said:
The new BC is pretty damn stupid too. Stack ALL the cleavers!
Why would anyone do that? They still don't reduce any more armor. That's like stacking IE:s.
This is why.

I realize the picture is obnoxious, but it's the best one I found to prove my point.
Not quite like stacking IE:s.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
I havnt played the game in a long time, I think Jayce was the champion to be released just before I quit but my favorite was probably Leona. Her tanky/support style really meshed well with my playstyle


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Top Lane: Singed, Vlad, Olaf
Mid: Karthus, Malazhar, Talon
ADC: Kog and Draven
Support: Taric, Rammus, Blitz
Jungle: Skarner and Shaco, but my jungle is pretty weak

SecretNegative said:
Sunrider84 said:
The new BC is pretty damn stupid too. Stack ALL the cleavers!
Why would anyone do that? They still don't reduce any more armor. That's like stacking IE:s.
It's got decent AD and health while having stacking armor pen and cool down. The stats it has are great. Also, while the passive won't take off any more armor, it builds stacks quicker with multiple BCs. It's ridiculous on pretty much every Bruiser.