Most Underrated Game of All Time?


New member
Jan 22, 2009
bushwhacker2k said:
I don't get why everyone like Psychonauts, it bored the hell out of me.

I'm not sure what the most underrated game ever is. I liked 2 xbox originals that no one has ever heard of, Enclave and Gladius, both amazing games that can't be played on the 360 because of backwards compatibility.
Gladius was great, plus came out on gamecube so i can play it on th Wii - Joygasm!!!!!


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Vlane said:
BrynThomas said:
Heas said:
Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines
Agreed, I really have to find my old copy.

Shadow of Colossus was awesome, I had a dodgy copy though that froze after the 13th (I think) colossus.

Mount and Blade is pretty awesome, most people seem to disregard it solely because of its graphics.
I have two reason for not liking Mount and Blade. The camera in third person and the movements. That's basically what held me back from buying the game for 7,50 ? (I think that was the price).

Also you should buy SotC again if you haven't already played through it.
Mount and Blade can be played in first person (I prefer that to third), yeah the movements are pretty stiff, but the simplistic physics is pretty good. Nothing like seeing a dead enemy slowly slump to the ground, fall solidly off a wall or dragged along the ground by their horse.

Buying SotC again would also mean finding my sisters ps2 and stealing it off her. It would be good if they updated it and ported it to the next gen consoles. The wide open plains were beautiful on ps2 but would look amazing on a xbox 360 or PS3.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Frank Lucas Jr. said:
Mr.Pandah said:
Inb4 Okami/Shadow of Collusus/Psychonauts.

I guess you already beat me with the Psychonauts one though. Seriously though, Search button man. I usually defend people who make repeat topics but this one is done to death >_<

Oh by the way...Bubsy gets my vote, not the abomination that is the PS1 game, but the SNES days.
agreed 100% sir pandah, might I add Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Nightmare creatures, Blackthorne, Viewtiful Joe, and Ico?
Well I said those first 3 because most people on here always claim that they are underrated. I'm going to say those other ones, minus Ico, are underrated as well. Eternal Darkness especially. That game was awesome.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
God Hand,
Bully: Scholarship Edition,
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

And whoever said that Psychonauts isn't underrated, is retarded.
When the game came out, it sold under 100,000 on the year it was released.
If that's not an incredibly small amount of units sold for a game, then I'm pickled Shit Pickle from piss-cubicle land.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
ToonLink said:
call me crazy, but i dont see anywhere in my post where i said that this was a fact...
You didn't really "say" it in the conventional sense, but saying things like "all i can do is stare at you blankly" would imply it.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Skies of arcadia-Great story, not-so-great-but-still-enjoyable-gameplay.
Val.....-You know which one i'm talkin' about.
Far cry 2-Here's something interesting. I don't think FC2 is underrated, but what i call half-underrated, Which means that most people have probably heard of it, but only half of those people either a)played it or b) liked it.

electric discordian

New member
Apr 27, 2008
Cuthulu dark corners of the earth, one of the only games that actually scared me. Okay the graphics these days are a tad outdated but the use of limb specific damage, vertigo and sanity I thought was ground breaking!


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Jade coccoon and Monster Rancher, like always.

And I also don't quite understand the unwavering dedication to Psychonauts, as previous posters have probably stated by now, it's not THAT underrated if the majority of an entire online community don't shut up about it.

Never even played it myself (NO, that is not an invite for you all to tell me to play it, i play what i want to, thanks.)


New member
Feb 5, 2009
vivaldiscool said:
metal arms, glitch in the system.

I don't know if it's most underrated. But I had never heard about it before I found it in a bargin bin, and it's awesome.
I agree, also Grim Fandango was very underrated in my opinion.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

Bad camera angles, cheesy music, awesome levels, cool story.

It did the trick


New member
Feb 4, 2009
I say Jet Set Radio Future. I bought my xbox to play it, & it's the reason I still have my xbox (slowdown on 360 emulation).

And of course Jet Set/Grind Radio on the Dreamcast, it's the main reason I still have a DC.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
Warzone 2100
It still offers a wealth of gameplay that RTS games still havent caught onto (free to download BTW).


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Team Buddies - PS1
Nobody bought this multiplayer gem on the PS1. Great fun, hilarious characters and outrageous language.

Metal Gear Solid 2 - PS2
Poor MGS2. Suffering from being the most hyped game in VG history (still to this day in my opinion) meant it recieved bad reviews from people disappointed. It was an excellent game and deserves to be treated like one.


...on another note, I'd like to acknowledge a few over-rated games.

The Halo Series
I enjoyed the original Halo. I really did. I played Halo 2 when it came out and was less than impressed. A short story mode, gameplay identical to the first and weapons that felt clunky and ineffective. Halo 3 was more of the same. The EXACT same.

Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy
How does anyone like this game? Horrible gameplay and controls, Horrible storyline, what's to like? It's the equivalent of buying a ?3 dvd from the bargain bin in a rental store and watching it, pausing every 5 minutes to mess with the remote control. Awful... awful game.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Ok, looks like we need a new word for great games that sold poorly, as underrated doesn't quite fit, and actively seems to offend some people.

How about underhyped? We've talked about how overhyped games have been in the past, Surely that's the main problem with the Katamaris, God Hand, Psychonauts, Colossus, etc.

As for the hate on God Hand, it took an old style of game, the 'Final Fight' side scrolling beat em up, and applied a shiny new update and some interesting fight styles to it, along with humour and a fun soundtrack. The reason a lot of people don't like it is that it's not pandering to the lowest common denominator by being easily winnable in a few hours, you a need a bit of skill and good reactions to beat anyone. No it's not perfect, but its a good example of how to update a classic, underused sub-genre of game.

Of course I still think SF2 Turbo is the pinnacle of one on one fighting games, to me it had the perfect level of complexity to bring strategical play into it, while still being instinctual because the moves list didn't come in a set of leatherbound volumes.