Mother 3 Fan Translation Team Offers All Assets To Nintendo

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Mother 3 Fan Translation Team Offers All Assets To Nintendo

The team is willing to edit the files to fit whatever new standards are necessary (content, formatting, memory size, etc.)

Mother 3 is the sequel to quirky JRPG Mother 2, which you may know better as EarthBound in the US. Perhaps a little bit too quirky, the third installment of the series never saw a US release. But, if Kickstarter has shown us one thing, it's that you should never underestimate the dedication of fans. The EarthBound for virtual console announcement, [] the team has offered all of its assets up to Nintendo, in the hopes that an official English version of Mother 3 can be produced.

"I realize that localizing a game this size can cost a lot, so if it'll help in even the slightest, I'll gladly offer to let Nintendo use my text translation files for any use at all, completely for free," said lead translator Clyde Mandelin. Mandelin says he is willing to do whatever it takes to see an official translation of the game. "I'll even edit the files to fit whatever new standards are necessary (content, formatting, memory size, etc.), completely for free. I'll even retranslate everything from scratch if need be."

While very unlikely that Nintendo would use a fan translation for an official version of the game, Mandelin points out that it has actually happened before. Ys: The Oath in Felghana used a fan translation as a base [] for the game's official Western release. He believes that this sort of thing will become more and more common over time, but only if the work is up to a professional standard.

Mandelin believes his work is up to that professional standard. He stresses the fact that he is not just some kid who knows Japanese and loves Mother 3, he is actually a professional translator with many years of experience. He offers up a few references to let Nintendo know that he actually knows what he is doing.

"I definitely realize this is a silly-sounding offer and all, but I figure it's better to make the offer and seem silly than possibly miss an opportunity entirely," said Mandelin, hoping that someone at Nintendo will at least consider this offer if the localization of Mother 3 ever comes up in a business meeting.

Source: Mother 3 Fan Translation Project []



New member
Jun 21, 2010
If the work is good I hope they take advantage of it! And if it's really good, hope the guy gets a job with Nintendo localizing content. As Nintendo needs to work on simultaneous launches of more of their games.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
After watching a lets play of Earthbound and mother 1 and 2 from chuggaconroy I have wanted to play these games cause they looked like fun.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Well, on the off chance Nintendo actually did a Mother 3 localization using his work, I'd probably insta-buy it, simply to support the inclusion of fan input.

Did the same thing for Xenoblade's NA release. Didn't regret it.


New member
Apr 6, 2013
DVS BSTrD said:
They can't acknowledge this, otherwise they would have to realize how petty it is for Japanese developers to withholding releases from the West. If anything, Mandelin's work is above their standards, at least where it counts.
Sadly, I have to agree. Which sucks for people who want the game in the US.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
A smart business decision that reduces costs, garners fan adoration, may lead to possible future offers to have fan translations used for free, release a highly anticipated game to a niche market through new digital download methods to cut back even further on the cost whilst simultaneously giving you an infinite number of copies without production time or shipping costs and also finally have a game that would sell Wii U's to that niche market?

Which Universe do you think you are in?!

A giant publisher/console manufacturer making a smart business decision that would basically cost them less than a 100'000 dollars to implement and in essence give them a profit if they sold over 5000 copies for 20$ a pop?!

Nigga Please!

They are most likely gonna slap a lawsuit in the guys face then take the fan translation and burn it in the Nintendo money furnaces.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
1337mokro said:
Somebody's feeling cynical today. I reckon it actually has a chance of working out. Earthbound is already coming to the Wii U virtual console, after all.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
leet_x1337 said:
1337mokro said:
Somebody's feeling cynical today. I reckon it actually has a chance of working out. Earthbound is already coming to the Wii U virtual console, after all.
Want to take a bet out on that? You seem to have faith in them :)


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Well I
1337mokro said:
leet_x1337 said:
1337mokro said:
Somebody's feeling cynical today. I reckon it actually has a chance of working out. Earthbound is already coming to the Wii U virtual console, after all.
Want to take a bet out on that? You seem to have faith in them :)
Well even though I own the SNES cartridge and roms of Earthbound I am going to buy the SHIT! out of it and if sales are high then it is logical that to save on costs they might use at least part of the Fan translated assets in a Mother 3 release. And if that sells well then BOOM, I might get my ultimate dream, that impossible dream, Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu in English.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Me and my friend have actually talked about that Nintendo should use the fan translation and get this game localized. It's doubtful that it will happen, but seriously, it would be profitable even if they paid for this to happen.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
I'm right with team Mother modding madman Mandelin.

A fan of the series myself, I would absolutely just get myself a Wii or Wii U (again) in order to be able to buy (and maybe even play) Mother 3 with English localization. Even if some bits and pieces get stripped because of legal or whatever reasons, these games are still awesome and should be played and experienced by everyone.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
They can't acknowledge this, otherwise they would have to admit how petty it is for Japanese developers to withholding releases from the West. If anything, Mandelin's work is above their standards, at least where it counts.
There is no honour in honour if you find yourself unable to admit defeat.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo scratched all they work and forbid them to release it. They haven't been particularly kind to fan projects in past.


Apr 28, 2008
I hope they do it and release it only as SNES carts to troll people.


New member
Jan 30, 2013
I doubt their lawyers would let them do it (simply because it's a legally gray area and not fully in Nintendo's favor) and I doubt the team at Nintendo would want to use it. Using someone else's work strips them of creative control which doesn't mesh with Nintendo's philosophies.

I'm sure they'd want to release it in Europe too, which would require translating it into more than English.

And I wouldn't hope to see Mother 1 and 3 release worldwide unless Earthbound is a runaway success. What was great about the Miiverse support for Earthbound is every person who posted there was a guaranteed sale, considering they already own the console and are showing extreme interest in the project. Plus, I'm pretty sure more Americans and Europeans were on the Mother 2 Miiverse than Japanese fans, heh.

Still, it's an awesome gesture from some dedicated fans.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Why not? I've read scanlations & watched fansubs that were more accurate than the official translations.


The shadow remains cast!
Apr 27, 2011
Makes perfect sense to me, and I'd love to see this as an e shop release.

Apparently whatever legal troubles kept Nintendo from releasing Earthbound is over, so why the hell not?