Jungy 365 said:
For God's sake, why does Fox keep coming back to games? Do they all honestly think that games are the most evil things in the world that require constant vigillance? Okay, I've vented.
Seriously, someone just give Fox a rubber ball to play with.
Fox, and frankly most of the Republican party, is based entirely on fear. It's hard to make people afraid of things they know about so you have to drum on things they're ignorant of. And since the majority of their viewers are old and technophobic, video games are a VERY easy target.
The entire point of Fox is summed up as this "The world is big and scary! Because we say so. Be afraid! Be very afraid! All these new things are here to destroy everything you hold dear and rip away your money and rights! Are you scared shitless and pissed off now? Good! Worry not
true Americans. Trust everything we say without question and we'll protect you from the big scary world."
Ever seen Tangled? The girl is kept locked in her room. Her mother convinced her that if she ever ventured out into the world people would do horrible things to her. Even though she could have left at any time, she was kept captive by fear. She was completely reliant on her mother who made sure that reliance continued by keeping her afraid. This is how the Republican party operates.