NCSoft Unveils Ridiculously Pretty "Aion Visions"


New member
Jun 4, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Which zone, Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord? And Horde or Alliance?

And it doesn't make as much of a difference when you're leveling, but when you go back to purposefully do all the quests for the title, it's agonizing.
On the druid (the only one I leveled a bit in the earlier zones of WotLK) I did Borean Tundra, it was a pretty interesting zone, I rather enjoyed the unique spin on the Nessingwary quests in that place, and the introduction to siege weaponry on the mammoth quest line (totally didn't even think they'd apply it to animals, however the interface was a little off putting since you had a fuel gauge and stuff like that). The Borean Tundra was definitely more suited to a druid since aquatic form was wickedly helpful for the *excessive* swimming quests (i say excessive in the sense that they normally don't have so many, I could see these being easier if you'd already leveled to 80 and could fly everywhere instead, though).

I took a look at Howling Fjord on my hunter, but again, the hunter got boring pretty quickly, so I didn't attempt the quest line (especially when the first quest I picked up was "LOL AMGAH ANOTHER PLAGUE, PICK UP BAT FECES SO WE CAN TEST IT ON SOMETHING"). I imagine if I do re-activate my account that I'll finish leveling my paladin, and that will make Howling Fjord a lot more interesting.

On the note of going back for the loremaster title, I could see that being terrible. I've leveled so many characters that I don't really have a problem with the quests becoming boring. Knowing what the most efficient way to dance through the zones so you're always doing some quest is helpful in keeping it interesting and varied although there are some quests I seldom do unless I plan my "quest route" properly (like Cortello's Riddle) which is the type of quest I'm imagining you're referring to with going back for. In which case, I fully agree. Pre-BC quests licked pit stains.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Any source on the apparent release of "The next few months"?

I can't wait for this however, I'm not rushing to endgame because there is little content for it right now. I have a few friends who hit 50 and are bored senseless, so I'm just checkin out all the classes.
I'm pretty pumped for this though, this is how I imagined the game would be like.

I'm excited for the new maps mostly, the limitations at the moment are absoloutely crippling.
Also, what are these tedious "gather" quests you speak of Funktacular?
I rarely ever get them if I bother, then again I don't quest just grind, grind, grind.

4 peices Daeva Templar?

Side Point: Sony adverts, what the hell!? ;_;
All over my screen qq.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
spuddyt said:
I wonder if one day someone will make a game with no gameplay other than just having wings and flying around for fun and sightseeing, this sort of thing makes me wonder
What about that game where your a breeze gathering flower pedals. I forgot the name but there's a review on this site.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
VEEEEEEEEEEERY PRETTY but as for the game, some of the bugs I've been hearing about seem more important than graphics.


New member
Oct 7, 2008
CloggedDonkey said:
VEEEEEEEEEEERY PRETTY but as for the game, some of the bugs I've been hearing about seem more important than graphics.
Yep, they sprinkled glitter on a lot of fluff.


None here.
Oct 11, 2009
This almost makes me want to play again, but unless they make it less a grind'a'thon after 20 i am not interested.

Obrien Xp

New member
Sep 27, 2009
Great graphics. Too bad I'm too cheap to pay a monthly fee. (Car+insurance comes first)


New member
Feb 2, 2009
spuddyt said:
I wonder if one day someone will make a game with no gameplay other than just having wings and flying around for fun and sightseeing, this sort of thing makes me wonder
Flower? []


New member
Feb 13, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
TheFacelessOne said:

Someone pick up my eyeballs please. Also my jaw. Thank you.

CantFaketheFunk said:
On the other hand, while it all looks very pretty, one wonders if it will do anything to fixing the games problems - quests that send you running all over the place, poor drop rates on "Collect 10 Whatever" quests, and an abundance of zones that don't actually allow you to fly like the game advertised.
Actually, Aion is much better on the collection quests than WoW, that's what I hated about WoW. I mean, honestly, every creature has what the hell you want, but it just doesn't drop it. Same with Aion, but I was much more fortunate. But I agree with you on the running all over the place and the lack of flying.
I dunno man. I've been playing Aion with my group, and the questing is PAINFUL a lot of the time. Maybe comparable to early WoW pre-BC, but the quality of quests in BC and WotLK blows Aion out of the water. If only because there aren't quite so many "Run here, okay, now go to the other side of Sanctum. Now go to ass-nowhere, okay, now back to Sanctum" chains.
Yes, those errand boy quests are annoying as hell. But as long as it's easy money and exp, i'm okay with that. Kind of. Yeah, they need to fix that.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Oh man, I wish they would release a trial. This game looks awesome, but I want to try it first if they want me to spend an initial $60 and then another $15 each month.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Giant creatures leaping out of the sand? It's been done before in movies quite a lot, but I've never seen it in a game before. Really is probably the cheapest way to create a beautiful scene, but it works so well.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Wow the game looks pretty awesome i would play it but am tired of playing MMORPG's