Netflix Considering Wii Support

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Netflix Considering Wii Support

A consumer survey that Netflix is currently distributing strongly suggests that the online rental service is considering an on-demand video library for the Wii somewhat similar to what they're doing on the Xbox 360.

The survey, which was forwarded to Joystiq [] by a reader being surveyed by Netflix, proposes an on-demand video library for the Wii that features "over 12,000 choices." Like the Xbox 360 service, there are no mid-video ads, trailers or other nonsense, and the movies would stream instantly on your Wii via the magic of the internet.

If it were to actually happen, though, there'd be a couple catches. Obviously you'd need a regular Netflix subscription and your Wii needs to be online, but you'd also have to pay $9.99 for a "Netflix Instant Streaming Disc" which you would need to have spinning inside your Wii when you're using Netflix. That could be a bit annoying and add an obtrusive physical media element to an experience that's supposed to be like, totally, web-based, man. It also implies that, if Nintendo and Netflix are indeed in cahoots, Nintendo won't be making like Microsoft and having Netflix built straight into the Wii's firmware.

Of course, this is no kind of confirmation, but it does mean that Netflix is seriously testing the waters for a Wii service.



New member
May 17, 2008
Netflix only operates in the US. But was there any word for a European support?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
sirdanrhodes said:
European 360 support, when is that coming?
My guess would be never, the rights for the US probably lie with a single distributor but Europe has many different countries that can each be served by a different distributor so securing the rights to any movie across Europe is going to be hard.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Kwil said:
SinisterDeath said:
WTF are they going to get with the program and add PS3 support?!
When there are enough PS3's sold to make it worthwhile. Talk to Sony. Get them to lower their price.
The PS3 already has it's own video service, silly willy. Released before the whole NXE stuff, actually on the night of last years E3 conference.

At least attempt to find out more before you go off with assumptions.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Oy, brain storm here!

So if the Wii does end up getting Netflix support, does that mean that it's going to get a "New Wii Experience"?

I will be so pissed off if they end up naming it that.....


New member
Nov 6, 2006
Jumplion said:
Kwil said:
SinisterDeath said:
WTF are they going to get with the program and add PS3 support?!
When there are enough PS3's sold to make it worthwhile. Talk to Sony. Get them to lower their price.
The PS3 already has it's own video service, silly willy. Released before the whole NXE stuff, actually on the night of last years E3 conference.

At least attempt to find out more before you go off with assumptions.
I own a PS3, I know about there video service, i've USED IT.
but I also have a NETFLIX ACCOUNT.

How does it 'harm' netflix to add another 20M base of people to there netflix subscription?
Even if they get 1% of that, thats still a pretty damned modest subscription fee.

The 360 has 16M units in the US, Ps3 8M (30M/20M worlwide respectively).
I don't see how increasing there maximimum potential for sales by 8M could hurt! Even if they get 5% of 8M, with there subscription base I don't see how it would hurt at all! Not all ps3 users ARE subscribed to netflix! I know personally at least 30 people who own 360s who DID NOT have a netflix subscription, got one after it became available on the 360.

Netflix Offers Blu-ray movies on there service, they have watch now.
Its a win-win.
I'm betting microsoft has a clause 'you can not join sony' like they had in many of there other 'contracts'... (Look up the clause they had in there settlement on the rumble controllers back in the day.)


New member
Mar 10, 2008
SinisterDeath said:
I own a PS3, I know about there video service, i've USED IT.
but I also have a NETFLIX ACCOUNT.

How does it 'harm' netflix to add another 20M base of people to there netflix subscription?
Even if they get 1% of that, thats still a pretty damned modest subscription fee.

The 360 has 16M units in the US, Ps3 8M (30M/20M worlwide respectively).
I don't see how increasing there maximimum potential for sales by 8M could hurt! Even if they get 5% of 8M, with there subscription base I don't see how it would hurt at all! Not all ps3 users ARE subscribed to netflix! I know personally at least 30 people who own 360s who DID NOT have a netflix subscription, got one after it became available on the 360.

Netflix Offers Blu-ray movies on there service, they have watch now.
Its a win-win.
I'm betting microsoft has a clause 'you can not join sony' like they had in many of there other 'contracts'... (Look up the clause they had in there settlement on the rumble controllers back in the day.)
Are you trying to talk to me, or the other guy? 'Cause I never said having Netflix would "harm" them or anything. It's just a little moot since if they already have a video downloading service, why would anyone care to order up physical copies or just bother with one or the other?

Though I wouldn't be surprised if the Netflix thing on the 360 would be only on the 360 or "No sony!" stuff. Contracts 'n stuff.


New member
Nov 6, 2006
Jumplion said:
SinisterDeath said:
I own a PS3, I know about there video service, i've USED IT.
but I also have a NETFLIX ACCOUNT.

How does it 'harm' netflix to add another 20M base of people to there netflix subscription?
Even if they get 1% of that, thats still a pretty damned modest subscription fee.

The 360 has 16M units in the US, Ps3 8M (30M/20M worlwide respectively).
I don't see how increasing there maximimum potential for sales by 8M could hurt! Even if they get 5% of 8M, with there subscription base I don't see how it would hurt at all! Not all ps3 users ARE subscribed to netflix! I know personally at least 30 people who own 360s who DID NOT have a netflix subscription, got one after it became available on the 360.

Netflix Offers Blu-ray movies on there service, they have watch now.
Its a win-win.
I'm betting microsoft has a clause 'you can not join sony' like they had in many of there other 'contracts'... (Look up the clause they had in there settlement on the rumble controllers back in the day.)
Are you trying to talk to me, or the other guy? 'Cause I never said having Netflix would "harm" them or anything. It's just a little moot since if they already have a video downloading service, why would anyone care to order up physical copies or just bother with one or the other?

Though I wouldn't be surprised if the Netflix thing on the 360 would be only on the 360 or "No sony!" stuff. Contracts 'n stuff.
Doesn't 360 already have its own 'video service' outside of Netflix?

Its not a moot point at all. Its simply this.
Netflix made 'box units' so people COULD watch instant movies from home on there TV (lets face it, watching a movie on a tv is easier then in a desk chair).
The added Netflix intergration with the 'internet' and 'watch now' would allow those who only have a console to subscribe, pick movies to deliver to there home, AND to watch instantly. Its pure win for netflix to go sony/microsoft/wii, and not just microsoft/wii.
And more ps3s = they can move more blu-ray disks! ;)

The fact that netflix seems to 'ignore' sony's existance for this is making me believe that microsoft has an anti-sony policay. Aka they support sony, microsoft blocks netflix on the 360. I would not put it past them and there slimey tactics.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
SinisterDeath said:
I think you may be thinking of a different service on the 360, but I have no idea, so you're probably right.

But this is all speculation on Netflix's behalf. And it seems it would be extremely limited acording to the article;

If it were to actually happen, though, there'd be a couple catches. Obviously you'd need a regular Netflix subscription and your Wii needs to be online, but you'd also have to pay $9.99 for a "Netflix Instant Streaming Disc" which you would need to have spinning inside your Wii when you're using Netflix.
Who knows if it will happen, but whatever.


New member
Dec 11, 2007
The Shade said:
How about getting Netflix for Canada on the 360, first? Sheesh...

Also, This is a good idea, but the one problem I could forsee, is the lagginess of nintendo Wiis wireless capabilities. They are randomly choppy at best, so I couldn't consider watching a movie like that(Might just be my wireless service, i have no idea).


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Kwil said:
SinisterDeath said:
WTF are they going to get with the program and add PS3 support?!
When there are enough PS3's sold to make it worthwhile. Talk to Sony. Get them to lower their price.
It's not about units sold.

They have a partnership with blockbuster which pretty much makes them enemies of Netflix, and Sony has their own video store on PSN.