New Capsule Could Purify Irradiated Water


Shipwrecked, comatose, newsie
Aug 2, 2011
New Capsule Could Purify Irradiated Water

It's not called Rad-X...yet.

Dystopian visions of irradiated futures are common in gaming and just about every other creative outlet where a vague understanding of physics and a desire to fabricate fictional worlds collide. Usually, these dystopias are the expression of a legitimate fear of how we as humans would survive in a microwaved world. Does it worry you? It worries me, too. But get this! A group of forward-thinking scientists have crafted a capsule which could have the capacity to make all irradiated water sources safe for people to drink, giving us all one less thing to worry about during any prospective nuclear winters.

The scientists in question, led by Dr. Allen Apblett of Oklahoma State University, set out to solve this problem after water sources near the Fukushima Daichii nuclear reactor in Japan were contaminated by radiation leaks during the reactor's almost-meltdown. Their solution is a real-life Rad-X capsule which neatly sucks all the nasty parts out of irradiated water, juice, or milk, and in doing so makes it safe to drink. The technique will be further discussed at the American Chemical Society's Spring conference [] next month.

The capsule is an adapted version of mining technology used by engineers to coax uranium particles out of especially stubborn pieces of rock. The technique revolves around introducing metal oxide nanoparticles which bond with a variety of chemicals (including all known radioactive actinides) into the irradiated liquid inside a capsule and giving them a little time to bond with the radioactive particles. After that, just remove the newly-irradiated capsule and you're good to go. Simple.

As smart as this sounds, the capsule is still in its infancy. Questions remain over how much radiation a single capsule could remove, and how many uses you could get from one capsule. Researchers will also be investigating challenges associated with upscaling the technique to de-radiate larger water sources, such as those used for agriculture or industry.

Taken as a concept, though, the capsule looks pretty solid. Can someone get on to Bethesda about this? While scientists are all over the real-world irradiated water issue, my Wanderer's still trapped in a bathroom somewhere trying to decide whether the six extra legs the water in that toilet will give her are worth living for or not. Her Rad-X has worn off and she's been trapped there since mid-2010, wracked with indecision; a little capsule like this could be the key to her salvation.

Source: i09 []



New member
Apr 23, 2010
Hevva said:
Taken as a concept, though, the capsule looks pretty solid. Can someone get on to Bethesda about this? While scientists are all over the real-world irradiated water issue, my Wanderer's still trapped in a bathroom somewhere trying to decide whether the six extra legs the water in that toilet will give her are worth living for or not. Her Rad-X has worn off and she's been trapped there since mid-2010, wracked with indecision; a little capsule like this could be the key to her salvation.
Can I have film rights for that, it could be like 127 hours, but better.

As for the magic pill, that sounds awesome, especially if theres a way to get it to work on non watery stuff, like cows.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Now I can drink in the lakes around the Chernobyl plant, and Pripyat.

That's handy, because there's zero shops around that area for some odd reason.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Hevva said:
My Wanderer's still trapped in a bathroom somewhere trying to decide whether the six extra legs the water in that toilet will give her are worth living for or not.
The answer is yes.

The answer is always yes.


New member
Nov 9, 2007
DVS BSTrD said:
This is definitely worth keeping an Ion.
Anion is a word. Missed opportunity. Not that either has anything to do with this article anyway, unless you want to make the stretch to "ionizing radiation".


New member
Sep 18, 2008
llafnwod said:
DVS BSTrD said:
This is definitely worth keeping an Ion.
Anion is a word. Missed opportunity. Not that either has anything to do with this article anyway, unless you want to make the stretch to "ionizing radiation".
This man speaks truth.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
The next step would be making it suitable for ingestion/injection, as per the actual rad-X or, to be more precise, RadAway.


LOL, Canada!
Mar 4, 2010
Hevva said:
Taken as a concept, though, the capsule looks pretty solid. Can someone get on to Bethesda about this?
Don't. You will only draw the attention of their legal department. Bethesda probably has a patent on that shit.

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Aw, there goes my plan to become a post-apocalyptic tyrant who controls the last supply of drinkable water and by extension the people. :/

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Iron Criterion said:
Aw, there goes my plan to become a post-apocalyptic tyrant who controls the last supply of drinkable water and by extension the people. :/
Ah, don't worry about it. I'm sure paying for this water of yours would be far easier than coming by these obscure magical tablets.
Either way, isn't there already a pretty good technique for cleaning contaminated water? I thought if you isolated the radioactive particles with carbon and then use some fine mud or clay to filter it out of the water, you could pretty much clean it. In post-apocalypseville that would seem like an easier solution than locating any of these aforementioned magical pills.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Farther than stars said:
Iron Criterion said:
Aw, there goes my plan to become a post-apocalyptic tyrant who controls the last supply of drinkable water and by extension the people. :/
Ah, don't worry about it. I'm sure paying for this water of yours would be far easier than coming by these obscure magical tablets.
Either way, isn't there already a pretty good technique for cleaning contaminated water? I thought if you isolated the radioactive particles with carbon and then use some fine mud or clay to filter it out of the water, you could pretty much clean it. In post-apocalypseville that would seem like an easier solution than locating any of these aforementioned magical pills.
While effective, such a system is pretty much stationary. The pills provide a sort of mobile decontamination. Think like Iodine tablets, except for radiation. Works just as well as a multi-stage filter, but is portable and consumable.


Dec 1, 2009
Is it just me that thinks this discovery might lead to less inhibitions on nuclear warfare? Somewhere out there a guy is warming up his button pressing finger.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
One step closer to creating a world where we're ready for atomic cataclysm.

Now someone create laser and plasma weaponry, the Gauss Rifle, discover aliens, create fast-acting stimpaks, V.A.T.S., Liberty Prime, and most importantly, reintroduce 40's and 50's music.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
I'm definitely looking forward to more things like this. It's these inventions that make me want to become a mad scientist (for good!) so I can run into the streets screaming, "SCIENCE!"


New member
Mar 9, 2010
praetor_alpha said:
Hevva said:
Taken as a concept, though, the capsule looks pretty solid. Can someone get on to Bethesda about this?
Don't. You will only draw the attention of their legal department. Bethesda probably has a patent on that shit.
Surprised that it took that long for that to (rightly) be brought up. But I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened. Lawyers have a unique talent for showing us new and creative ways in which humans can be absolute scumbags.