New Code of Conduct


Eternally Lurking
Feb 28, 2014
As everyone will have noticed, the new Code of Conduct [] has been rolled out today. (Random day too, right?)

This thread is meant to be a centralized location for all questions and comments you may have for the new document.

So.. ask away!

EDIT: It goes without saying that in discussing specifics and context for the Code of Conduct, this thread is going to have posts in with examples of potentially offensive material, clarifications on rules, and a bit of discussion about whether or not a rule is effective. Given that, parts of this thread will ironically be in breach of the Code of Conduct, and for the purposes of those discussions, it's okay.

That said, willfully abusing this good will, attempting to use this mild amnesty to pick consequenceless fights, or use this as grounds to blatantly violate rules will have the typical infractions applied.


Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Could you post a change list? I don't want to be a rules lawyer but it would be helpful too know what changed


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Sexist, Racist, or Perverted Remarks
As it pertains to the comfort and safety of other posters, please keep sexist, racist, or grossly perverted remarks out of your posts.
Can we get clarification on this bit? Are we talking about 'here's my fetish' perverted, or 'show me your Insert Body Part?'

For that matter, what's the minimum on the sexist/racist bits as well? Are we talking about people who have 'unfortunate' beliefs, or just throwing around slurs?


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Albino Boo said:
Could you post a change list? I don't want to be a rules lawyer but it would be helpful to know what changed
I'm not going provide a bulletpoint-by-bulletpoint breakdown, but if it interests anyone I can provide this:

The old version is available here:
And the new version is (of course) here:

So yeah, just compare them with each other if you so desire.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Looks pretty good from a quick scan over, I like how it's nicely laid out rather than a wall of text like the last CoC. I'm curious about one thing though, I can't see low content posts mentioned anywhere on the new CoC. Has the rule against them been scrapped?


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Albino Boo said:
Could you post a change list? I don't want to be a rules lawyer but it would be helpful too know what changed
A quick check, for you and anyone else who wants one.

1. 'Rule Zero' has been more clearly spelled out in the new CoC. It ultimately gives Moderators the ability to do anything, giving them wide discretion in how they deal with the forums, even concerning things that don't violate the letter of the law. You can, however, still contest their decisions.

2. Forum offences have been divided more clearly into several categories, each level of which has a different penalty.

3. Better defined 'Illegal Behavior.'

4. Necroing removed from the listed 'crimes'

5. Excessive profanity is now grounds for a warning.

6. Backseat moderating (Attempting to 'punish' people for violating the rules') is now an offense.


7. ...

IceForce said:
One more thing that's been removed; that whole bit about content creators and how they're allowed to "say, do, and provoke" whatever they like in their content because "they are entertainers", but "forum members do NOT have the ability to act in the same way."
8. Low Content Posting is no longer an offensive, as long as what you've posted contributes to the thread. Word count no longer relevant.

n0e said:
So long as your post contributes in some positive way to the discussion, it's fine and there's no minimum level of text required. Just try not to make a habit of it. We want to see discussions, not just acknowledgements.
Besides that, the changes seem to largely be in presentation.

Questions for n0e

Was the exclusion of thread necromancy intentional, or a goof?


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
Sexist, Racist, or Perverted Remarks
As it pertains to the comfort and safety of other posters, please keep sexist, racist, or grossly perverted remarks out of your posts.
Can we get clarification on this bit? Are we talking about 'here's my fetish' perverted, or 'show me your Insert Body Part?'

For that matter, what's the minimum on the sexist/racist bits as well? Are we talking about people who have 'unfortunate' beliefs, or just throwing around slurs?
Also, does this mean no more dick jokes? Because I love me some good dick jokes...

OT: What the fuck exactly constitutes "Excessive Profanity"? That area seems a little fucking vague...


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
AccursedTheory said:
A quick check, for you and anyone else who wants one.

-points snipped-
One more thing that's been removed; that whole bit about content creators and how they're allowed to "say, do, and provoke" whatever they like in their content because "they are entertainers", but "forum members do NOT have the ability to act in the same way."

That clause never sat right with me. I'm glad to see it gone.

(Although, all the Adblock stuff is still in there, which is a bit silly in this day and age, imo.)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Sexist, Racist, or Perverted Remarks
As it pertains to the comfort and safety of other posters, please keep sexist, racist, or grossly perverted remarks out of your posts.
What about other minority groups? This site has had a pretty active LGBT population for years, and it's rather disheartening to see this not mentioned, as it can pertain both to comfort AND safety of a significant number of users here.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
Albino Boo said:
Could you post a change list? I don't want to be a rules lawyer but it would be helpful too know what changed
A quick check, for you and anyone else who wants one.

1. 'Rule Zero' has been more clearly spelled out in the new CoC. It ultimately gives Moderators the ability to do anything, giving them wide discretion in how they deal with the forums, even concerning things that don't violate the letter of the law. You can, however, still contest their decisions.

2. Forum offences have been divided more clearly into several categories, each level of which has a different penalty.

3. Better defined 'Illegal Behavior.'

4. Necroing removed from the listed 'crimes'

5. Excessive profanity is now grounds for a warning.

6. Backseat moderating (Attempting to 'punish' people for violating the rules') is now an offense.

Besides that, the changes seem to largely be in presentation.

Questions for n0e

Was the exclusion of thread necromancy intentional, or a goof?
Thanks for that. I think the necro rule was deliberate, I know Kross has been against it. In the tradition of the escapist blame Kross.


Eternally Lurking
Feb 28, 2014
AccursedTheory said:
Questions for n0e

Was the exclusion of thread necromancy intentional, or a goof?
It was intentional, as with the lack of "low content" posts being something to be concerned with. Necroing posts isn't something I feel is worth worrying about and the old "low content" rule was a bit harsh for my taste.

So long as your post contributes in some positive way to the discussion, it's fine and there's no minimum level of text required. Just try not to make a habit of it. We want to see discussions, not just acknowledgements.


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
AccursedTheory said:
Sexist, Racist, or Perverted Remarks
As it pertains to the comfort and safety of other posters, please keep sexist, racist, or grossly perverted remarks out of your posts.
Can we get clarification on this bit? Are we talking about 'here's my fetish' perverted, or 'show me your Insert Body Part?'

For that matter, what's the minimum on the sexist/racist bits as well? Are we talking about people who have 'unfortunate' beliefs, or just throwing around slurs?
On perversions: Detail is key. The more accurately or intimately you detail a going-on, the more it'll skirt foul of the Code of Conduct. PG-13 isn't a bad guide to think of. Implied fetishistic discussion or "I really enjoy the look of ." is pretty okay. "My favorite thing about rope bondage is the specific interplay between and gravity, and how it of <intimate discussion of arousal reaction, and further detailing of the desired response to sexual activity>." would be over the line. Same for imagery. Posting a nude figure drawing work in an art thread is cool, posting detailed, erotic, sexual art in a thread about "What do you like about the furry community?" would be over the line.

On sexism, racism, and beliefs: Beliefs are anyone's to have, behavior is limited by the Code of Conduct. Saying things like "I'm uncomfortable in black neighborhoods" isn't, by itself, offensive. Saying "Black neighborhoods should be outlawed" can be, depending on how it's framed. "People should be allowed to chase s out of their towns if that's what they want" cannot be read any other way than offensively, and is obviously against the Code of Conduct. In the former, having that belief is fine as long as it's relevant and shared in an alright way. The second belief will be subject to Rule Zero on a case-by-case basis. The third is against the Code of Conduct, and will be infracted. Hopefully that's clear enough?

JoJo said:
I can't see low content posts mentioned anywhere on the new CoC. Has the rule against them been scrapped?
It's addressed in among the Minor Issue Offenses, specifically in the "Pictures, Images, and Videos" subhead. "Purposeful use of jokes, images, or videos are allowed if it serves to enhance the thread, whereas posting random meme images unrelated to the topic does not."

AccursedTheory said:
Was the exclusion of thread necromancy intentional, or a goof?
Unattended threads are now locked automatically after a period of days. (Either 60 or 90, don't remember which.) So thread necromancy is no longer possible, and is subsequently no longer needed.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
n0e said:
It was intentional, as with the lack of "low content" posts being something we worry about. Necroing posts isn't something I feel is worth worrying about and the old "low content" rule was a bit harsh for my taste.

So long as your post contributes in some positive way to the discussion, it's fine and there's no minimum level of text required. Just try not to make a habit of it. We want to see discussions, not just acknowledgements.
One of the things the low-content rule guarded against was people quoting someone and just putting "This" under the quote with nothing else added. That sort of posting behavior can often be seen on other internet forums which have no low-content rule.

Are "This" -style posts still being moderated?


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
NewClassic said:
AccursedTheory said:
Was the exclusion of thread necromancy intentional, or a goof?
Unattended threads are now locked automatically after a period of days. (Either 60 or 90, don't remember which.) So thread necromancy is no longer possible, and is subsequently no longer needed.
I was wondering why half my bookmarks suddenly got locked. Thanks.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Backseat Moderating

Please allow our moderators to do their jobs. If you encounter someone breaking the rules, please click on the flag in the top right corner of their post for our team to review. It's not up to you to enforce the rules, only to obey them.
Thank the gods for this. Seriously, this has been the source of so many problems these past few years. If this rule is consistently enforced it'll cut down on a lot of unnecessary drama around here.


Eternally Lurking
Feb 28, 2014
BreakfastMan said:
AccursedTheory said:
Sexist, Racist, or Perverted Remarks
As it pertains to the comfort and safety of other posters, please keep sexist, racist, or grossly perverted remarks out of your posts.

Can we get clarification on this bit? Are we talking about 'here's my fetish' perverted, or 'show me your Insert Body Part?' Translation: Keep your mind out of the gutter is what it means

For that matter, what's the minimum on the sexist/racist bits as well? Are we talking about people who have 'unfortunate' beliefs, or just throwing around slurs?
I think Nuke did a good job answering this question.

OT: What the fuck exactly constitutes "Excessive Profanity"? That area seems a little fucking vague...

Topic: FUCK fuck Fuckity Fuck Fuck

Content: I fucking hate this fucking thing. So fucking annoying. FUCK!

^^ Would be considered excessive use. When profanity takes the focus from the rest of the topic, it's excessive.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
On the subject of profanity, I just noticed this:
Excessive Profanity said:
Swearing is permitted on the forums, but only in moderation within posts, and never within titles of topics.
That last bit, that's new. Was that added because thread titles appear on the site's front page? (And you don't want swear words appearing on the front page?)


Eternally Lurking
Feb 28, 2014
Something Amyss said:
Sexist, Racist, or Perverted Remarks
As it pertains to the comfort and safety of other posters, please keep sexist, racist, or grossly perverted remarks out of your posts.
What about other minority groups? This site has had a pretty active LGBT population for years, and it's rather disheartening to see this not mentioned, as it can pertain both to comfort AND safety of a significant number of users here.
It would fall under sexist comments if a comment attacks a sexual nature and racist if it attacks the LGBT community itself. Race is rather loosely defined this day and age

Example; Jews, when it comes to debates and discussions are considered a race of people when, in fact, it's a religious preference.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
RiseOfTheWhiteWolf said:
When you get down to it forum guidelines and rules are irrelevant anyway. It all comes down to how good the moderators are. Outside of some questionable warnings (for others, not myself) they seem fine to me but I don't know what the track record is since this forum has been going for a long long time.
We have now some of the best moderators the site's had, at least since I've been here. We used to have some truly atrocious people running the show here, particularly before the warning bar was implemented.